Why so many bugs in Mordremoth fight?
I know what you mean….
Least you didnt get the “cant finish him” bug
Bugs I’ve encountered:
Boss has later stage skill after Reset
Rift open in mid-air
The fly phase isn’t correct sometimes
Probably just really low priority.
Aside from plot importance, it’s really just a tiny bit of instanced single player content, that isn’t a prequisite for follow-up content.
(edited by Ticky.5831)
Also why does it require the group leader to stay alive otherwise you fail?
I hear ya man, stuck on this boss fight for 3 hours of trying due to bugs. I can get up to the second air phase and then the rift platform disappears, wouldn’t care if the fight didn’t take so long to get up to that point… but its extremely irritating.
I even took him down but because the leader is dead, we can’t EVEN RESET?
Seriously who designed this encounter? It’s the worst end boss design I’ve EVER SEEN.
Seriously, I paid 49$ partly to enjoy the story, not to being tortured by so many bugs. I’ve never seen such stupid design that would stop you from completing the story if you kill the boss(after leader died).
Bugs I’ve encountered:
Boss has later stage skill after Reset
Rift open in mid-air
The fly phase isn’t correct sometimes
when restarting the fight
wait 5 seconds so the platforms lift up again before start!
26x lvl 80 Characters
Most fabulous Character: http://i.imgur.com/5JtcBI1.jpg?1
3 things I found
1. Can’t glide properly ..cause of death //Manage to get how it’s function though
2.Floor doesn’t reset properly when you die and enter back too fast
3. Epic music doesn’t play when you die. I have to die again so it’s can come back :<
Seriously, I paid 49$ partly to enjoy the story, not to being tortured by so many bugs. I’ve never seen such stupid design that would stop you from completing the story if you kill the boss(after leader died).
If it’s unintentional it’s not design.
Seriously, I paid 49$ partly to enjoy the story, not to being tortured by so many bugs. I’ve never seen such stupid design that would stop you from completing the story if you kill the boss(after leader died).
If it’s unintentional it’s not design.
Unintentional? Have they ever tried this in a group?
Seriously, I paid 49$ partly to enjoy the story, not to being tortured by so many bugs. I’ve never seen such stupid design that would stop you from completing the story if you kill the boss(after leader died).
If it’s unintentional it’s not design.
Unintentional? Have they ever tried this in a group?
Probably not. It’s solo content.
Seriously, I paid 49$ partly to enjoy the story, not to being tortured by so many bugs. I’ve never seen such stupid design that would stop you from completing the story if you kill the boss(after leader died).
If it’s unintentional it’s not design.
Unintentional? Have they ever tried this in a group?
Probably not. It’s solo content.
But it’s groupable, shouldn’t they try it at least?
Also if you leave the “Heart of Thorns area, how do you get back?”
Ideally, sure, they should have tested it with a group.
Practically though, they probably made the right choice not to. They only have so much manpower, and as a whole, the expansion launch was practically unprecedented as far as technical quality for an MMO is concerned.
Again I shall repost it because good golly no one tested this.
I just had the MOST BUGGY run of this thing I’ve EVER seen of ANY MMO.
Like NO ONE freaking tested this.So we got to the final boss of it, in my group of 4 without a hitch.
2 people died around 50% and it was just me (chronomancer) and a dragonhunter (I think that’s what he was)
We’re at the last “TAKE TO THE SKIES” attack and of course the dragon hunter died because he didn’t get lifted in the air to glide.
I made it, thankfully, and got him down to the defend, interrupt, and burn phase.
I managed to defend Canach enough to open the rift, and I tried my kitten edest to break the break bar.
Let me tell you, after 3 tries, it took me 3 clone spawn + continuum split + 3 more clones + diversion + tides of time + 3 more clones + another diversion + illusionary wave + ANOTHER tides of time to manage to break him, and after that I couldn’t do even a percent of damage in the window he was “vulnerable” And my npc companions didn’t do jack kitten to help either :TSo I had to suicide and retry.
And this is where kitten gets fun.MORDY IS STILL IN HIS BREAK PHASE.
He spawns Rytlock as soon as he’s stunned (which is like 3 seconds after we spawned back in, because kitten him throw the cc) and we open the portal to him while Mordy is still figuring out wtf he’s supposed to do.
Then the horde of trash shows up to assault Canach, and Mordy goes from 100% hp to his final phase hp %.
As that happens, Mordy spawns Jory and we let her hang out for a bit, because Canach has opened the rift, and we thusly pop it.
Keep in mind, this is like 45 seconds into the second try.
As we approach Mordy to stun him forreal this time my sylvari character is acting like Canach broke her out of the Mordy Mind Control™ while Canach is being all buddy buddy about it. (Thank god I didn’t actually go into that mind-controlled mode that time)
We stun him for good this time, and absolutely melt his remaining hp and I hit the final spike.
Hooray we did it and then we get to put Trahearn out of our misery as planned.And I tell you what, I’ve never seen game content to go from “frustratingly buggy” to “hilariously glitched” as fast as that. I was so ready to trudge through that whole long-kitten fight and unblight all those npcs all over again. But then we stunned him from 100% to 10% and I still can’t stop laughing.
kittening hell.
Also, in the run I posted about above this post, yeah, when I died because I didn’t get shot in the air, I tried to retry the fight, but unfortunately the platforms to the sides didn’t regenerate and Braham was left groping at the portal in mid air. No I couldn’t walk on an invisible collider, I tried.
Seriously, I’m not attempting this encounter until they fix it. With the gliding issue and the boss breaking and the rifts floating in mid-air, this is not doable and more than just a little frustrating.
So, I’m fighting the Twig. Die. Get stuck up a treetop. Oh the irony.
I only read what is there in the runes. I only tell the truth.”
Same problems here;
1. Floating/open-and-functional-after-use rifts
2. Unable to spread my wings
3. Can’t take cover in Braham’s bubble
Also, why is it so unclear on where you can fly and where you can not?
And why do the boss have sooo much health?!
i did it a hour ago
not a single bug for me. lol
-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2
Yeah man. This fight is so buggy. It just doesnt work for me
The only thing I had issues with were the wings failing to open during the gliding phase which effectively made me die too many times. The wings simply fail to open even if trying to deploy them directly over the updraft and while running from that elevated plateau on one side of the arena. Some players however do manage to open them, others do not. The interesting part is I managed to open the wings three times in a row today by doing the exact same thing I did last night. Don’t know if a patch fixed the issue or what.
i did it a hour ago
not a single bug for me. lol
same here – probably thats because we went solo and was capable of finishing it without dying while solo
well guys I’ve finished this fight with no issue as a druid with mispaired gear because I had no time for regear since I got my druid on my main ranger.
actually the only thing that in popular opinion would be “good” in this build was amount of stuff to break breakbars (2 glyphs, entangle as elite skill axe#3 axe #4 and ofc CAF have some CC) it had decent amoutns of condition with very small condition damage from gear and no condition duration where half of conditions used does not care about damage and just goes with duration
fight took approximately up to 30 minutes.
and the only bug I’ve noticed was that in last phase if I haven’t killed off all shadowy stuff before activating rift [happened once] rift remained there apparently still usable (but replaced with next one)
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles
Seriously, I paid 49$ partly to enjoy the story, not to being tortured by so many bugs. I’ve never seen such stupid design that would stop you from completing the story if you kill the boss(after leader died).
So many bugs? This is really only the first one I’ve found going through the whole thing.
I mean this is the epic end and why can’t ANET do it right? The reset bug was terrible and there were a dozen more.
Because it was untested?
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
oh wow, there is suppoced to be an updraft in there?
And Braham has a shield i should in theory be able to get to cover in?
No wonder i never got passed his first fly/take cover stage. Those things simply never showed up for me.
And I kept thinking i needed leyline gliding to get up.
After trying to solo it for a few days and the updrafts not working or the rift spawning in mid air outside the arena, went in with a party of 5 and all was well until we had him down to about10% at which point Caithe stopped moving and the rift wouldn’t work so stunning him to do damage was impossible.
Those in the arena wiped for a retry so when we got back in (as expected) the boss was at full HP but the end wave of adds were still spawning. Caithe still refused to move until Ritlock spawned again – After hitting Rirtlock a few times the boss’s HP magically dropped down to 10% and we found ourselves in the final phase again.
The whole instance is a buggy mess.
Why so many bugs in Mordremoth fight?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: AtomsOrSystems.9420
So, this boss fight is basically not completable for me. I’ve come to that conclusion.
I fight most of the way through, and I can’t manage to avoid the massive AoE. I assume I just missed the updrafts, fine. Restart.
Rift spawns in midair. That’s an obvious bug. Intentionally kill myself, report, restart.
Rift spawns in midair again. Kill myself, restart.
I get to the second massive AoE, can’t stay in the air. Beginning to think there’s something wrong with the updrafts. Restart.
Rift spawns in midair. I give up for the night.
Next day: Can’t stay in the air. Restart. Rift spawns in midair. Restart. Rift spawns in midair. Give up.
I mean, it’s a very well-designed fight. But these bugs, as they are now, makes it undoable and unpleasant. And I’m saying that after a good 5 or 6 hours of trying.
They should rename this expansion to Heart of the bugs.
I’ve never seen so many bugs in one expansion, ever.
Jesus Christ.
This is utterly absurd. Just ridiculous. This isn’t some out-of-the-way interaction between a random event and that item you bought off a vendor in Kessex Hills… this is the FINAL EPIC FIGHT IN THE EXPANSION STORY.
Did they even test this pile? This utterly disheartening mess of mistakes that they’re laughably calling code — was it even tried, before it was shipped to we, the unsuspecting public? Did they ONCE, in their attempt to milk this cash cow dry, stop to think that people actually have to PLAY THE GAME?
These are not little bugs. These are not hard to find. The fact that the game released with this utter catastrophe of a “fight” is just about unforgivable. The dramatic loss of quality control we’ve seen from ArenaNet the past two years is just disgusting. Their profit-chasing has taken over every other consideration — playability be kitten ed.
And will they fix it? Not any time soon. Why would they, when it’s not making them money? We suckers already bought the expansion, trusted them to deliver on their promises, and since we’ve already paid there’s no reason for them to bother even pretending anymore to deliver. The bugs, the mistakes, the failed deliveries and broken game systems… ArenaNet is broke, guys, and this is just the most blatant, painfully obvious symptom. This was supposed to be the epic conclusion to an enjoyable story. Instead it’s a laughably tragic demonstration of the utter apathy they have for us players.
They’re not getting another cent from me until this story is fixed and they apologize for this mess they delivered, wrapped up as a “finished” product. I know I mean very little to them as a company, but it’s the only power I have as a customer. That, and telling everyone who will listen to STAY AWAY from this game.
Seriously, I paid 49$ partly to enjoy the story, not to being tortured by so many bugs. I’ve never seen such stupid design that would stop you from completing the story if you kill the boss(after leader died).
So many bugs? This is really only the first one I’ve found going through the whole thing.
i found many bugs as i remembered, when i talked to the dying norn who died near the group of chaks, i can’t talk to braham.
and then when i asked to collect 6 chak enzyme, i can’t interact with the frog’s bag, when i re log, the bag disappeared. wth
and the scene chasing faolain, when i jumped to reach her, i got stuck at faolain’s platform 3 times in a row.
and now the boss fight?
Miraculously I’d managed it after only 10ish restarts on my first playthrough (3-4h), but now on my second character it seems impossible. Been trying alone, with parties, but there’s always going to be that one bug or getting unlucky during the flight phase forcing you to restart. Third evening I’ve spend 4 hours to try to finish it only to end up going frustrated to bed. Anyways, sorry for the saltiness, using this to ventilate.
(Still think they should add checkpoints after each phase, like with every other boss.)
I have never been so frustrated with a boss fight in my life. The amount of bugs that continue in this fight make it unplayable. I have spent at least 4 hours trying and like others find it impossible to get through without a bug ruining my chances.
1. The rift opens up in mid air making it impossible to get to.
2. Can’t get into the air during the air phase.
3. Get into the air during that phase, but the glider won’t deploy.
4. Caithe becomes invulnerable when its time to open the rift and continuously chases me around so I can’t open it.
5. Open the rift, but it doesn’t work.
6. Get randomly teleported off the edge.
I have found it is impossible to get through a run without one of these things happening. All I want to do is finish this thing so I can move on to something else. The fact that HOT has been out for nearly a month now and this still hasn’t been fixed is unacceptable.
I guess the only option I have now since ANET seems to have no interest in fixing this is to try and get a full party and hope that someone makes it through without the bugs getting to them. I would easily be able to solo if not for the bugs.
Nice spoilers in the title, btw.
Anyway : Did this fight on 7 different characters, managed to do it without encoutering any bugs but the floating rift (which happens when you reset too fast). Did it more than 7 times too, because I’ve done all of the story Achievements about two weeks ago. I even helped some random people do it.
This fight was not tested during Beta, and if y’all coded in your life, you’d know that some bugs are quite unexpected. Maybe you’re encoutering a bug, because you had Achievement “X,Y and Z” done, or because you had done Achievement “C”, but not achievement “A”. Or whatever, really.
Give ‘em a break, LOTS of people managed to do the fight without encoutering anything. Calm yo’ kittens, ask for help, take a break or whatever. Send a bug report. But saying this is the most buggiest thing that you encoutered in your life? You might’ve not done much gaming in your lifetime.
3 hours wasted with this fight… I encounter so many game breaking bugs and I give up now. Rifts spawing on unreachable spots. Not getting in the air. It sucks.
I can say I just got into this fight and I can also confirm all these bugs. I’ve wasted time/items trying to do this fight. I was not aware till now there were bugs or that this thread existed. I’ve sent a report and screen shot, but like always there will not be a response to this. I truly feel like this was a bad idea giving them a second chance.
It’s called rushing to make a deadline.
I’ll just post the bugs I’ve encountered here, on the off chance that a dev reads it.
1. Rifts opening mid air
2. Rifts opening outside of combat zone
3. Being tossed away, instead of up in the air
5. Forgal not being CC’d while trying to open a rift
6. Mordemoth throwing two rocks in rapid succession, after connecting with 1 rock (instant mid-air death).
Planning on upgrading to a GTX980ti by late 2016
Why so many bugs in Mordremoth fight?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: sylviaoflight.6231
I can’t finish this last fight with Mordremoth from “Hearts and Minds”
Game bugged at the last fight after killing mass of minions and openening a rift to make Mordemorth vulnerable. The rift disappeared and the dragon was immune all the time.
I’ve restarted the fight by killing my character but the same happened .
When I tried to do this twice with other player it was bugged in the same place again.
When we start over after update it went well but my game crashed, so I didn’t get reward. After it I tried again and it was bugged in the same place… again.
I already made this fight about 5 times and the same bug all over again drives me mad.
Can someone help me? I just want to finish the story and get reward.
HEY! I dont know about the other bugs, But I DO KNOW how to overcome the last bug (the bug that actualy keeps you from finishing the boss, you know, the one where mordremoth and everyone else just stands after the final rift with caithe)
Alright, so your gonna need at least 3-4 people in your group. Its best if you have all 5 and for the love of god, try to stay alive until the end….once you do all the stuff your supposed to, like kick phantom Rylocks and Marjorys butt, and do all the flying around stuff…You will eventualy get to the final part which is the part that makes EVERYONE mad….Normaly, you would fend off the enemies while caithe creates a rift to knock down Mordremoths STUN guage, allowing you attack him….well, thats the bug…even after she does that, his guage never goes down so your stuck there, standing around with everyone else BUT I FOUND A SOLUTION!!! If you have 3-4 guys with you, go up to mordremoth and have everyone use stun/knockback/knockdown or something like that all at the same time…if you guys do you moves are Relatively the same time, you will overcome his STUN guage and the game will resume….but you NEED 3-4 people to do it and they NEED to use their stun/knockdown/knockback moves. or something just as equally strong in DPS. ANYWAY, i hope this helps. it helped me!
HEY! I dont know about the other bugs, But I DO KNOW how to overcome the last bug (the bug that actualy keeps you from finishing the boss, you know, the one where mordremoth and everyone else just stands after the final rift with caithe)
Alright, so your gonna need at least 3-4 people in your group. Its best if you have all 5 and for the love of god, try to stay alive until the end….once you do all the stuff your supposed to, like kick phantom Rylocks and Marjorys butt, and do all the flying around stuff…You will eventualy get to the final part which is the part that makes EVERYONE mad….Normaly, you would fend off the enemies while caithe creates a rift to knock down Mordremoths STUN guage, allowing you attack him….well, thats the bug…even after she does that, his guage never goes down so your stuck there, standing around with everyone else BUT I FOUND A SOLUTION!!! If you have 3-4 guys with you, go up to mordremoth and have everyone use stun/knockback/knockdown or something like that all at the same time…if you guys do you moves are Relatively the same time, you will overcome his STUN guage and the game will resume….but you NEED 3-4 people to do it and they NEED to use their stun/knockdown/knockback moves. or something just as equally strong in DPS. ANYWAY, i hope this helps. it helped me!
If we are talking about the normal mode, Revenant Staff 5 will drain Mordremoth’s entire bar whenever it’s up. It’s soloable.
| Far Shiverpeaks |
| Murderous Tendencies [PvP] |
HEY! I dont know about the other bugs, But I DO KNOW how to overcome the last bug (the bug that actualy keeps you from finishing the boss, you know, the one where mordremoth and everyone else just stands after the final rift with caithe)
Alright, so your gonna need at least 3-4 people in your group. Its best if you have all 5 and for the love of god, try to stay alive until the end….once you do all the stuff your supposed to, like kick phantom Rylocks and Marjorys butt, and do all the flying around stuff…You will eventualy get to the final part which is the part that makes EVERYONE mad….Normaly, you would fend off the enemies while caithe creates a rift to knock down Mordremoths STUN guage, allowing you attack him….well, thats the bug…even after she does that, his guage never goes down so your stuck there, standing around with everyone else BUT I FOUND A SOLUTION!!! If you have 3-4 guys with you, go up to mordremoth and have everyone use stun/knockback/knockdown or something like that all at the same time…if you guys do you moves are Relatively the same time, you will overcome his STUN guage and the game will resume….but you NEED 3-4 people to do it and they NEED to use their stun/knockdown/knockback moves. or something just as equally strong in DPS. ANYWAY, i hope this helps. it helped me!
If we are talking about the normal mode, Revenant Staff 5 will drain Mordremoth’s entire bar whenever it’s up. It’s soloable.
Haven’t had luck with the team or the Revenant, guess neither does enough burst cc or whatever?
but the core problem stays and is still present,
if you don ‘t do the rift perfectly, that is without any more mobs on the map, without pausing or lagging during it, you are not able to get Mordremoth’s break bar down and then you are stuck and need to restart the fight
I can’t imagine how this is wanted?
Shouldn’t it just reset automatically
if break bar full + rift gone => new mobs wave + new rift
something like that, does not seem hard
If someone from Anet could address all of these issues and maybe respond to a few of us in a post, that would be nice. I have tried this story mission 26 times to no avail. Bugs, glitches, losing connection to the server in ONLY this instance… I can be in the middle of all 3 server zergs in WvW, spam in pvp, and full map instances; and I never lose connection. But, I try this end mission, and I’m plagued with all of the above issues every, single, time. I’m done until it gets fixed. Every other dungeon is fine, every other aspect is fine, and I run with a wired 120mb connection. I don’t lag on ultra and high settings, except when in that story mission. Please, please, please, Anet team..fix this mission!
Wait… since I haven’t done this ordeal in a year and you want to tell me that they haven’t fixed any of those bugs? Are you kidding me?
‘would of been’ —> wrong
Jungle dragon.. jungle is full bugs..
Seriously who designed this encounter? It’s the worst end boss design I’ve EVER SEEN.
Looks like you already forgot the Zhaitan “battle”.
Why so many bugs in Mordremoth fight?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: vesica tempestas.1563
he has probably forgotten about this post as well i expect :P
“Trying to please everyone would not only be challenging
but would also result in a product that might not satisfy anyone”- Roman Pichler, Strategize
Seriously who designed this encounter? It’s the worst end boss design I’ve EVER SEEN.
Looks like you already forgot the Zhaitan “battle”.
At least when you press 1 to kill Zhaitan it happens as expected – no bugs – and he dies like the disappointment he is.
I got it on the first try, with Caith and Canach.
Wait… since I haven’t done this ordeal in a year and you want to tell me that they haven’t fixed any of those bugs? Are you kidding me?
It was much buggier at launch. I know the bugs with the platforms that spawned in air at least was fixed and a couple of others as well. There’s a chance also some of these bugs are newer bugs.
The fact is, for each person complaining about a bugged instance, there are people running this over and over who don’t have these problems.
I’ve probably done that instance 20 times. I can’t remember the last time I experienced a bug in it.