Will HoT Be released incomplete?

Will HoT Be released incomplete?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MauricioCezar.2673


Well, by “Complete”, i mean all the named expansion related content:

  • HoT Legendarys : < They are a set of new legendary weapons tied within the expansion. (“Maguuma jungle precursor mastery”)
  • HoT StoryLine : “We’re taking the fight to mordremoth!” – I ain’t assuming as a fact that we will not have the fight against mordy, but with the way things are going.. I am becoming afraid of..
  • HoT Reward Tracks : The HoT Champions for stronghold.
  • HoT New WxW Map Style : I mean, we have a full alpine set for core game, would be reasonable to have a full desert set for HoT (Borderlands+EBG+JumpingPuzzle combat area)

Those are the “Incomplete” stuff I am aware of, that I feel like are all part of same package named as Heart of thorns, and so should come complete at release.

Will HoT Be released incomplete?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

They previously announced that only a certain number of Legendaries would be available at release, so….

I think EBG stays the same; it looks the same in the Dev Menu vids.

Will HoT Be released incomplete?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Test.8734


An MMO, or expansion for that matter, being “complete” means that there is nothing left to add, nothing left to improve, nothing left to change and adapt.

Not really.

We have a very clear example here: ArenaNet said they would release new Legendaries with the expansion. Later they mentioned that no, they won’t be able to add a full set of legendaries, but they will add a few at release and more “later”.

Will they? New legendaries is something they have been claiming they will add “later” to the game for quite some time now. In 2013, they said they would add (in 2013, too) a new kind of legendary gear, even. We got kitten.

So when ArenaNet releases a truncated set of legendaries, admiting they would have liked to release a full set (but didn’t really do so due to expediency), and with a vague promise that they will release the rest of the set “later” (while failing to fulfill many similar promises before)… It’s hard not to feel like HoT is going to be released in an incomplete state.

There are many other similar examples – things about which ArenaNet has said “we were going to add more of those, but not really, so we will add more at a random moment after release”. Mist Warriors, Guild Halls, even more specializations… All those remind me about the promise for periodical releases of new skills and traits (which we got once and never again).

Will HoT Be released incomplete?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


An MMO, or expansion for that matter, being “complete” means that there is nothing left to add, nothing left to improve, nothing left to change and adapt.

Not really.

We have a very clear example here: ArenaNet said they would release new Legendaries with the expansion. Later they mentioned that no, they won’t be able to add a full set of legendaries, but they will add a few at release and more “later”.

Will they? New legendaries is something they have been claiming they will add “later” to the game for quite some time now. In 2013, they said they would add (in 2013, too) a new kind of legendary gear, even. We got kitten.

So when ArenaNet releases a truncated set of legendaries, admiting they would have liked to release a full set (but didn’t really do so due to expediency), and with a vague promise that they will release the rest of the set “later” (while failing to fulfill many similar promises before)… It’s hard not to feel like HoT is going to be released in an incomplete state.

There are many other similar examples – things about which ArenaNet has said “we were going to add more of those, but not really, so we will add more at a random moment after release”. Mist Warriors, Guild Halls, even more specializations… All those remind me about the promise for periodical releases of new skills and traits (which we got once and never again).

I would go as far as to say it is unlikely we will see ANY new legendary weapons.

Last we heard they were “excited to show them to us” in a blog post that was coming “soon”… That was what, 3 months ago?

I don’t think they’ve actually made any at all yet, and they will probably get “pushed back” due to “time constraints”.

i.e. we will never see them.

It’s sad that people still fall for this. They’ve done the same thing 3 times now, yet everyone still seems to believe them…. Fool me once… Fool me 3 times?

Will HoT Be released incomplete?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590


It’s a fair question. Given that Sims 4 did release a very unfinished product and then promised to “finish” the software with patches over the following months . . . well. Let’s just say the community voiced their displeasure with their wallets and reviews.

But, to be fair, I doubt ANet will entertain such a notion given the recent pre-order fiasco.

Time will tell.

Gone to Reddit.