(edited by Mik.3401)
Will current precursors get cheaper on TP?
Will current precursors get cheaper on TP?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Nephziel.6053
Its hard to say. We know we will get certain way to obtain precursors.
We do not know how hard will it be or if the 1st generation precursors will be account-bound on acquire trough this method.
Its up to you.
No-one knows how the expansion will affect the curent trading.
Since the demand will drop and the offer will stay or increase it is likely that precursors will get cheaper
The expensive ones, most likely.
The medium to cheap one, maybe not.
It might be expensive (and/or) time consuming to do the precursor hunt. No one really knows.
The most logical guess is that the precursors will get cheaper… but the overall journey from nothing to finished legendary will cost pretty much the same. Or maybe a bit more as there will be a ton more people competing for those necessary non-precursor elements.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Most likely get cheaper. Supply will increase with people making them for money and demand will decrease with people making them for themselves. This is purely speculayion on my part though
I think some of the precursor market also have to do with people gambling in mystic forge.
You have to wait to see how the tier5 market changes. And how the new precusor and mystic foge factor in the formula.
People who are farming precursor for money most likely will target all the expensive ones first, so those will be the prime target first.
There will also be achievement hunter who probably try to get every precursor.
If things get cheaper it’ll also mean people stop gambling in mystic forge.
Will current precursors get cheaper on TP?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: TheNecrosanct.4028
Most likely get cheaper. Supply will increase with people making them for money and demand will decrease with people making them for themselves. This is purely speculayion on my part though
Crafting precursors with the new collection system is only possible once for each weapon. Consecutive precursors need to be obtained the old-fashioned way, through RNG drops/Mystic Forge. Maybe some people who already have said precursor will make one to sell it, and that may affect the precursor prices on the TP for a while, but as time passes this effect will fade, since it’s not repeatable. Also, the new legendaries and their precursors won’t be tradeable, so everyone has to get those for themselves.
What the price will come down to is the difficulty of getting them through alternative means vs desire for the item.
Going through some legendary crazy 50 step process for a Torch precursor or dropping 100g on the AH it’s easy to see that the 100g is preferable.
However some 50 step process to pick up a more desireable Legendary like Greatsword, Staff, etc you can easily see a scenario where people would rather do the 50 step process instead of paying the current 900+g or so for those items.
So the price on the less desirable Legendaries might come up a bit because the alternative way to get them is more painful than the gold (but not so much because they still aren’t as desireable) meanwhile the price of the more desirable precursors will drop a bit because the alternative method of acquiring them won’t take as long as grinding the gold would but still be worth a bit due to demand.
need to see if the new precursor can be forged and if it is tradable.
If the new precursor is forgeable but non tradable. That means the old precursor will only have 50% chance of dropping.
Will current precursors get cheaper on TP?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Zero Day.2594
Also just speculating…
They will either remain roughly the same or will drop in price. Can’t see a reason for them to rise in price.
I’m pretty sure the article said that journey-acquired precursors and the legendaries you make with them will be account bound. That means they won’t enter the market.
I don’t think it’s clear whether tradeable precursors will change in price. BUT there are other items on top of the precursor (tier 6 mats, for instance) that are used in crafting.
The overall cost of an account-bound legendary will be lower since you won’t have to buy the precursor, but this lowered cost will increase the amount of people who feel they can afford a legendary. That will be more demand for the same supply of the non-precursor ingredients, so the prices of those items may very well go up unless ANet provides an increased supply of these items. Such as rewards via the journey quest reward track.
I’m pretty sure the article said that journey-acquired precursors and the legendaries you make with them will be account bound. That means they won’t enter the market.
I don’t think it’s clear whether tradeable precursors will change in price. BUT there are other items on top of the precursor (tier 6 mats, for instance) that are used in crafting.
The overall cost of an account-bound legendary will be lower since you won’t have to buy the precursor, but this lowered cost will increase the amount of people who feel they can afford a legendary. That will be more demand for the same supply of the non-precursor ingredients, so the prices of those items may very well go up unless ANet provides an increased supply of these items. Such as rewards via the journey quest reward track.
Actually anet is giving that, in the form of map bonuses, as stated in the precursors’ blog post, giving a clear way to obtain those mats without relying only on gold/laurels/clovers craft
Wat r u, casul?
Will current precursors get cheaper on TP?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: MiniEquine.6014
need to see if the new precursor can be forged and if it is tradable.
If the new precursor is forgeable but non tradable. That means the old precursor will only have 50% chance of dropping.
New precursors can only be crafted by a very, very long process.
Old precursors can either be crafted by the same process, or they can be found/obtained through RNG, or they can be bought.
All new precursors and old precursors that are crafted will become account bound. All old precursors that are found/obtained will remain tradable.
Woodenpotatoes did a video on this, with video of the precursor crafting achievement page: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhIXYGQR-fQ
Will current precursors get cheaper on TP?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Iason Evan.3806
Players will generally always go for easiest and quickest methods of acquisition. If the new system is easier then precursor prices will drop due to demand going down. If it’s easier to farm gold and get your precursor that way, then prices will stay high due to high demand. It actually has the chance to be a fairly balanced method and I am sure that prices will stabilize around an amount that keeps buying or the new mastery method around the same amount of time vs. money.
P.S. This should have been implemented ages ago.
Will current precursors get cheaper on TP?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: MiniEquine.6014
Players will generally always go for easiest and quickest methods of acquisition. If the new system is easier then precursor prices will drop due to demand going down. If it’s easier to farm gold and get your precursor that way, then prices will stay high due to high demand. It actually has the chance to be a fairly balanced method and I am sure that prices will stabilize around an amount that keeps buying or the new mastery method around the same amount of time vs. money.
P.S. This should have been implemented ages ago.
It’s not necessarily always ease that determines this. I tend to find that people are more willing to choose the more stable, reliable method for obtaining what they want instead of just hoping for unreasonable odds. It’s like planning for retirement by investing in lottery tickets (RNG loot drop/Mystic Forge) or working a steady job for 50 years (upcoming Precursor crafting) or working a volatile job in the stock market (farming gold/playing the trading post). Some people try a combination of all of them, but the only way you’ll be guaranteed the end goal is hard work either way.
need to see if the new precursor can be forged and if it is tradable.
If the new precursor is forgeable but non tradable. That means the old precursor will only have 50% chance of dropping.
New precursors can only be crafted by a very, very long process.
Old precursors can either be crafted by the same process, or they can be found/obtained through RNG, or they can be bought.
All new precursors and old precursors that are crafted will become account bound. All old precursors that are found/obtained will remain tradable.
Woodenpotatoes did a video on this, with video of the precursor crafting achievement page: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhIXYGQR-fQ
There are no official info, or any interview which say it right? So everyone just interpret it in their own way base on the blog anet posted.
And my interpretation is there are no official word that the new precursor can’t drop from mystic forge/open world. Only ting they say is it will be account bound.
And you also notice Anet stress that people can get more than one of the same precursor for the old ones. If people want more of the same new legendary how will people be able to get it?
So my interpretation is I don’t know, and I doubt any one knows until Anet release more info.
(edited by laokoko.7403)
Will current precursors get cheaper on TP?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: MiniEquine.6014
There are no official info, or any interview which say it right? So everyone just interpret it in their own way base on the blog anet posted.
And my interpretation is there are no official word that the new precursor can’t drop from mystic forge/open world. Only ting they say is it will be account bound.
Yeah, in rereading I’ll grant you that. We might be able to find new precursors as drops, which would make sense. An excerpt from the article:
This crafting system is an account-based activity, which means you’ll only be able to craft each precursor this way once. However, all of the currently existing precursor acquisition methods will remain intact in addition to this new acquisition method. That means that if you want a particular precursor more than once, you’ll have to fall back to the original methods of acquisition.
And you also notice Anet stress that people can get more than one of the same precursor for the old ones. If people want more of the same new legendary how will people be able to get it?
So my interpretation is I don’t know, and I doubt any one knows until Anet release more info.
This is why I’m going to change my personal assumption that they will also be obtainable through drops/Mystic Forge. You can always re-skin your weapons if you want the look, but it would seem sort of odd if you could only ever get one of the items, especially since the old legendaries could exist multiple times in your inventory.
Regardless of the trade-ability of the new precursors, there will be an alternative method to acquiring precursors that will be considerably cheaper for everybody who has been accruing the necessary materials. Thus, demand for the old precursors will drop, and the prices must drop to match.
All of the first Precursors will become cheaper definetely, the question is only by how much, because once Anet introduced the new system, people would be dumb to buy any longer legendaries from TP for like 500-1000+ gold, if you could just work on your precursors via the new method and save all of that gold for other things in this game this way with the new method most likely make over that journey also gold instead, while beign faster with it, than to farm for the gold to buy the precursor from TP.
If this would be the case, that you could get your pres faster with the new method, than to grind gold for the TP buy, changing the system in itself would make no sense and nothign would change at all, if buying from Tp would stay the cheapest and fastest method to get that way your precursor.
Due to making Precursors becoming easier and more constantly, the stock in the TP will naturally increase constantly over time, while the demand most likely will stay nearly the same, thus prices in the TP will automaticalyl fall down, when the stock rises, but the demand stays nearly unchanged, because more selling competitors in an auction automatically will mean, that prices will fall quicker to guarantee, that people that have demand buy from YOU and not from somebody else.
I personally think that those items of the highest demand will fall in price the most significantly, because peopel will try out to make as much profit from those skins as possible, as long the prices are still high enough, before the pric will crash due to too many competitors which will try the same, until somewhen a point is reached, where prices will normalize themself and get stabilized again, hwat is the moment, when the stock and the demand meet again the point, where both sides are basically equal.
With precursors becoming cheaper, full legendaries naturally will become with that cheaper too in a kind if 1:1 way I guess proportionally.
I don’t nknow why peiople speculate here over things, which are already more than clear enough from the blogpost.
All Precursors, regardless if old or new can be created via the new method only ONCE.
While old Legendaries will still be sellable (bad decision imo), all new legendaries will be accountbound and won’t be sellable, thus being truly legendary – no credit card/gold buyer heroes – thank you ANet for listening.
Precursors made via the new method will be sellable, but just only when reached its final form. This will help increasing very quickly the stock of precursors in the TP, thus the prices will fall naturally, because making thenm will be far easier, than hoping for your RNGeesus lucky day to ever happen.
If you want to get more precursors of the same type of something, that you have already crafted, for more than 1 precursor you have to rely yourself on the old methods
- buy one from TP
- have luck with loot
- have more luck with Mystic Toilet
thats the only way for how you will be able to get for example a second precursor to make a second incinerator for exampel to work on that achievement for making 2x the same legendary and its title for that..
So just makign the craftiogn precursor for your first legendary allone won’t be enough to get that. The second has to be achieved the old way..
Some people should read more, then there is also no need to interpreate things into something, when the facts stand clearly in the text.
here, for those that are unable to read properly:
This crafting system is an account-based activity, which means you’ll only be able to craft each precursor this way once. However, all of the currently existing precursor acquisition methods will remain intact in addition to this new acquisition method. That means that if you want a particular precursor more than once, you’ll have to fall back to the original methods of acquisition.
Right under the picture of the Sylvari holding one of the Precursor-“Prototypes” as what I’d like to call them.
Will current precursors get cheaper on TP?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Bloodyhell.8760
It’s really an interesting scenario.
What we can assume is that people who already have some of the first set of legendaries will try to get some of the second new set.=> Demand decrease
For surely more people will come back to play. => Demand increase
People who haven’t legendary will probably however choose second set because …kitten , it’s new and will do it also until the price on trading post/time cost of the journey has a gap in favor of the second. The important aspect here is how difficult and log will be the journey. However the gap will surely became closer as time goes by. I think prices will decrease cause I haven’t seen any hard hunt till now in the entire game
Finally, the most important effect on the market is..: FEAR!
I think a lot of people is waiting to see how things evolve before try to sell his dropped or toiletted precursor. The first impact on trading post will probably be a mash down. So sellers will try to gain immediately what they can. this actually for casual sellers, that has dropped a precursor and don’t want to do its leggendary.
Professional sellers is a big “?”
All considered (my personal point of view) I aspect to see a decrease of 20-30% on lowest seller price at TP
I would assume they would drop in price. I Have never been lucky enough to get a Pre as a drop nor had the gold to buy one, as someone who does not own a Leg Weapon I will be doing the Crafting my own , and yes it will take time, but hey what else is their to do in this game really? Im looking forward to crafting them all and finally I can say loud and proud ’ I have a Legendary Weapon ’ Thank you Arena Net
Will current precursors get cheaper on TP?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Windsagio.1340
Anet was very clear that the finished state of the old precursers will be nonbound like normal. Only the lesser states will be account bound.
“For all of our existing precursors, this is a tradable exotic weapon, but they will all be updated to use new skins that look much like the legendary weapons they’ll one day become. "
I’d say by 200-300 not so much since the new legendaries and craft only it wont affect the economy but you need to look at the other side of table which is supply and demand
Will current precursors get cheaper on TP?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Psientist.6437
OP, if you are willing to wait, I think it would be a waste to spend 1000g on Dusk. Imo, the only way the highest priced precursor 1.0’s will go up in price is if the recipe for Legendary 2.0’s require Legendary 1.0’s.
I think the most important influence on the future aggregate price of Precursor 1.0’s will be the recipe unlocked by the new achievements. I expect the price of Precursor 1.0’s to settle at the cost of the required materials or just below due to them still dropping in the open world. There may also be a small premium charged for completing the achievements but I think it will be minimal.
They’re special! They got aspirations.”
Finn the human
Will current precursors get cheaper on TP?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: CureForLiving.5360
Supply and demand. The supply won’t be affected given that precursors produced trough the mastery aren’t tradeable. However the demand side might decrease leading to people having to lower prices.
Will current precursors get cheaper on TP?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Windsagio.1340
Supply and demand. The supply won’t be affected given that precursors produced trough the mastery aren’t tradeable. However the demand side might decrease leading to people having to lower prices.
(bold mine)
People keep saying this, but Anet apparently disagrees, and in absolutely clear terms;
“For all of our existing precursors, this is a tradable exotic weapon, but they will all be updated to use new skins that look much like the legendary weapons they’ll one day become. "
supply will go up
Will current precursors get cheaper on TP?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: CureForLiving.5360
Supply and demand. The supply won’t be affected given that precursors produced trough the mastery aren’t tradeable. However the demand side might decrease leading to people having to lower prices.
(bold mine)
People keep saying this, but Anet apparently disagrees, and in absolutely clear terms;“For all of our existing precursors, this is a tradable exotic weapon, but they will all be updated to use new skins that look much like the legendary weapons they’ll one day become. "
supply will go up
Rechecked the article… and you seem to be correct.
Will current precursors get cheaper on TP?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: nekretaal.6485
They are already down since December.
People are saving their gifts of exploration for the new Legendaries, which cuts the demand for old Legendaries way down
In addition the old precursors will still be draft able in the mystic forge, but the new precursors wouldn’t be. In essence you will have the same supply and much less demand. Power/income creep could continue with rare weapons dropping at a higher rate, further devaluing precursors.
Plus, the hunts for old precursors are tied to achievement points, which means that players who don’t want the precursor or even have it unlocked already will do the collection anyways, adding additional supply.
Unless anet introduces something new to reduce supply (like an alternate MF sink for rare weapons) or increase demand (like a collection with a big shiny reward for having all the precursors), prices for or precursors could dramatically fall.
I surely don’t talk for everyone, but I just want to throw this question into the rows:
Don’t want somehow all, that the prices of precursors fall significantly?
I see no reason, other then from the view of the rich players, which just want to get selfishly far more richer, than they already are, why not anybody wouldn’t want to see those items significantly fall in their prices to a more humanous and normal level
I mean, naturally, on first sight it would mean, people can make lesser profits with them, but in the end will profit just everyone from it, if the prices of precursors, and automatically with them of legendaries would sink more.
Gold Selling will become much much lesser interesting/profitable, if these items lose more value. When the old pres and legendaries would lose drasticalyl in their value, people would automatically find always something new/different to use to make quick big profits with, like the various Skins of weapons, like Ectos, like materials for ascended stuff, like T6 materials and so on…
people would start to actually go much broader onto the items of GW2 to make more of them more valuable, so that there would become a much broader market for valuable items to buy and sell, than to go for only a small hand full of items for that you have oftenly to wait for a long time, until you can sell them, just to make somewhen perhaps a huge profit of directly multiple hundreds to thousands of gold from 1 sale of an item.
I think it would be far more healthy for the whole game economy, if those pres and legendaries would lose on value, so that other items could get more value.
But for other items to gain also more in value, Anet would also have to improve alot of items, so that they would become alot more desirable and useful for the player, so that there actually increases the demand for those other items to try to make profit with them, other than going only for the ultra rare items for the huge profits with 1 sale-method
Or do I see that completely wrong maybe???
Could you imagine, how the game economy of GW2 could look like, if most of all of the current Pres would cost instead of like 600-1000 Gold just between only say 100-300 Gold max and ANet significantly reducing the required amounts of T6 materials for the required gifts from 250ea to say maximum 50ea, so that this huge gold grab of grind behind making a legendary would also significantly decrease in value making those items alot lesser valuable because of them becoming easier to make and lesser of a material/gold grind???
If somethign like that would happen, I imagine, that alot of people would instantly start searching for more other items with that they can make profits, so that alot of stuff, thats currently worthless like a few coppers to silvers would become more worthful.
What do you think, woudl that be a realistical consequence, or would that happen not at all???
Most likely get cheaper. Supply will increase with people making them for money and demand will decrease with people making them for themselves. This is purely speculayion on my part though
Also, the new legendaries and their precursors won’t be tradeable, so everyone has to get those for themselves.
Which this should have been the case with the current legendaries. I have no idea why anet thought it is a good idea to make them tradable. I guess they needed the money to fund the game.
Will current precursors get cheaper on TP?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Celtic Lady.3729
With people being able to craft precursors, I think it’s inevitable this will mean more people getting them and therefore selling them, so more in the market means the price will likely drop.
Will current precursors get cheaper on TP?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: hazenvirus.8154
With precursors becoming cheaper, full legendaries naturally will become with that cheaper too in a kind if 1:1 way I guess proportionally.
If precursors become cheaper due to the scavenger hunt system, I suspect you will see more demand for the other materials. Depending on how well the other materials handle the increased supply I think we will just see the high precursor cost move into other materials, like T6 mats.
I would guess legendary weapons will simply remain about the same cost or increase.
This also depends on how well new content supplies mats, like T6.
Will current precursors get cheaper on TP?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Latinkuro.9615
Trough introduction of this ‘legendary journey’ tasks etc. ? I can almost afford Dusk right now, but I’m not sure if it will be a waste to spend 1000G at this moment.
Why would you want to create a 1st gen “legendary” when they are not truly legendary in any meaning or translation of the word ?!
From the moment precursor crafting was announced, I stopped trying for the 1st gens, instead I’m hoarding all materials, doing world completion (again) and making as much gold as I possibly can while HoT is in development.
The new gen legendaries will be truly legendary (at least I hope so) < if this is true, 1st gen precursors will plummet, cause you know supply and demand baby, if no one wants them the price drops that is inevitable.
off course if the new gens look like crap, well the price of 1st gen precursors will soar like never before (I hope this doesn’t happen)
I hate almost everything about the current gen legendaries, specially how tied they are to the freaking RNG ! that cheapens them so much, many players have been playing for years now, without ever seeing a precursor. meanwhile some newb for lack of a better word buys the game today and RNG-sus gives him a precursor tomorrow.
That right there is just WRONG on so many levels.
That and the fact you can just CC your way to a 1st gen legendary is what makes them not legendary at all in my book.
Legendaries should be about a legendary journey with an epic story, not about who can farm the longest or who can amass the most gold or who is blessed by a [censored] system like RNG.
Will current precursors get cheaper on TP?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: hazenvirus.8154
Trough introduction of this ‘legendary journey’ tasks etc. ? I can almost afford Dusk right now, but I’m not sure if it will be a waste to spend 1000G at this moment.
Why would you want to create a 1st gen “legendary” when they are not truly legendary in any meaning or translation of the word ?!
From the moment precursor crafting was announced, I stopped trying for the 1st gens, instead I’m hoarding all materials, doing world completion (again) and making as much gold as I possibly can while HoT is in development.
The new gen legendaries will be truly legendary (at least I hope so) < if this is true, 1st gen precursors will plummet, cause you know supply and demand baby, if no one wants them the price drops that is inevitable.
off course if the new gens look like crap, well the price of 1st gen precursors will soar like never before (I hope this doesn’t happen)
I hate almost everything about the current gen legendaries, specially how tied they are to the freaking RNG ! that cheapens them so much, many players have been playing for years now, without ever seeing a precursor. meanwhile some newb for lack of a better word buys the game today and RNG-sus gives him a precursor tomorrow.
That right there is just WRONG on so many levels.
That and the fact you can just CC your way to a 1st gen legendary is what makes them not legendary at all in my book.Legendaries should be about a legendary journey with an epic story, not about who can farm the longest or who can amass the most gold or who is blessed by a [censored] system like RNG.
If they are anything like Mawdrey or Lumi skins then it won’t be as epic as you think and it will be all about grinding and waiting for time gates. And in that case whoever can farm the longest will still win because the rest of the mats will be available on the TP. If you take all the parts of current legendary weapons and tack on Mawdrey as the precursor then the non TP mats are probably the easiest part. In the end it will be just like 1st gen and everyone will have them. If you don’t enjoy the legendary for itself then you will always be disappointed in this game because the design is for them to be obtainable by anyone.
Will current precursors get cheaper on TP?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Killface.1896
They will be around mats price when we can craft them,I would think they will get lot lower but then again mats can be hard to farm so maybe price will stay the same.
Will current precursors get cheaper on TP?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086
Most likely get cheaper. Supply will increase with people making them for money and demand will decrease with people making them for themselves. This is purely speculayion on my part though
Crafting precursors with the new collection system is only possible once for each weapon. Consecutive precursors need to be obtained the old-fashioned way, through RNG drops/Mystic Forge. Maybe some people who already have said precursor will make one to sell it, and that may affect the precursor prices on the TP for a while, but as time passes this effect will fade, since it’s not repeatable. Also, the new legendaries and their precursors won’t be tradeable, so everyone has to get those for themselves.
There’s also those who have no interest in the legendaries but will craft the precursor either for something to do or to sell the precursor if possible. I know I’ll be doing the latter in regards to Dreamer/Moot/Minstrel and others if they can be sold.
If they can be sold, then it might go back up after a while but it won’t be as much as before and it’ll be a long while, I’d imagine, until it does as the only point in buying a precursor would be to save the trouble of doing the achievement, or for the Two-Fold Legend achievement (or if you just want three legendaries of the same weapon).
I’m pretty sure the article said that journey-acquired precursors and the legendaries you make with them will be account bound. That means they won’t enter the market.
For the new precursors and legendaries. It isn’t clear about the old precursors, afaik.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Will current precursors get cheaper on TP?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Windsagio.1340
I’m pretty sure the article said that journey-acquired precursors and the legendaries you make with them will be account bound. That means they won’t enter the market.
For the new precursors and legendaries. It isn’t clear about the old precursors, afaik.[/quote]
The final stage precursers for the old legendaries are explictly tradable, they made a point of mentioinng it in the article.
The middle steps are not tradable, and the new ones are also not tradable.
Will current precursors get cheaper on TP?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Latinkuro.9615
NO !
Even 1st gen precursors acquired through the mastery system will not be tradable LOL !
need a source ? go watch or read some interviews, I don’t have the time to backtrack and look for it for you.
NO !
Even 1st gen precursors acquired through the mastery system will not be tradable LOL !
need a source ? go watch or read some interviews, I don’t have the time to backtrack and look for it for you.
Source it is…
- “This final collection unlocks the recipe to craft the polished final iteration of the precursor. For all of our existing precursors, this is a tradable exotic weapon,”
The previous 2 paragraphs before that quoted section mention about the first iterations of the crafted precursor -the preprecursor- and they are not tradable. However the final product, the real precursor, is 100% able to be traded.
The more you know…
Will current precursors get cheaper on TP?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Latinkuro.9615
a.net really must be stupid to do pre crafting and make the same kitten mistake all over again ! man im disappointed !!!
Will current precursors get cheaper on TP?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Thanathos.2063
a.net really must be stupid to do pre crafting and make the same kitten mistake all over again ! man im disappointed !!!
What exactly is this mistake? Is it wrong to give AP hunters something to do with their collection precursors?
I would say they will go down in price, but make sure you have the other mats ready. Even if the expensive pre’s drop 100g or more you will probably end up spending more overall when it comes to t6 mats. My prediction anyway.
Most people are missing another big issue, the style and look of them. There can be new and all but I can imagine if there aren’t as pretty or silly looking like dreamer for example, the demand of the old version will rise or vice versa .
Will current precursors get cheaper on TP?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Windsagio.1340
a.net really must be stupid to do pre crafting and make the same kitten mistake all over again ! man im disappointed !!!
Someone beat me to the link ><
The new ones can’t be traded, so the ‘mistake’ isn’t made with those.