Will there be HoT World Completion Rewards?
The completionist in me hopes so. The completionist in me also hates the fact that there is no map completion for South Sun, Dry Top and the Silverwastes.
Will there be HoT World Completion Rewards?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Nephziel.6053
How would people without expansion do it?
Doubt it.
How would people without expansion do it?
Doubt it.
Well.. If world completion was different for those with HoT than for those without HoT then that wouldn’t be a problem.
Will there be HoT World Completion Rewards?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Starfleck.8392
Basically there would be a different completion reward, and it makes a lot of sense, with the new legendaries about to go in. HoT completion would be for new legendary weapons’ gifts, and the old legendaries would use the old gift of exploration. I hope so.
Will there be HoT World Completion Rewards?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Orpheal.8263
The completionist in me hopes so. The completionist in me also hates the fact that there is no map completion for South Sun, Dry Top and the Silverwastes.
I share to 100& the same opinion.
Anet should now, that they remove WvW from World Completin (4 Maps) use as a compensation for that Southsun, Dry Top and Silverwastes to incorporate these 3 Maps also into 100% Map Exploration and give those Maps also for exploring them to 100% a Map Reward to give people more incentives to explore these maps also for 100%.
Basically everything ANet has to do only is to copy the % coverage of the 3 Borderland maps for example over to Dry Top, Silver Wastes and Southsun Cove in a 1:1 way and if needed add to the 3 maps some new POIS, vistas or Skill Point Challenges if needed, so that they have an equal amount of points to explored for the % coverage of a alpine BL Map, cause DT, SW and SS being smaler than a BL Map.
Every new explorable Map should also always be included into 100% Map Exploration with a 100% explored Map reward.
Thats imo they way how ANet should have handled it from begin on.
People without the expnasion would stay then on the old style 100% exploration.
For them would nothing change.
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
The completionist in me hopes so. The completionist in me also hates the fact that there is no map completion for South Sun, Dry Top and the Silverwastes.
That always bugged me out. It’s not like it’s complicated to integrate these maps in the world completion.
Will there be HoT World Completion Rewards?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: PorceleinEve.2973
They will most likely make it so you get mastery points of that. It’s the logical thing. And in that way it only is relevant and affects folks with the expansion…
Will there be HoT World Completion Rewards?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: FrizzFreston.5290
Guys. There is a difference between map completion and world completion.
Im not sure new maps need to be added to WORLD completion. But I also think there should be rewards for MAP completion. Right now I feel its pretty nice to geta reward for fully exploring a map. It is a shame they never bothered withfull exploration of a map anymore. Itdoes feel kind of lazy if you ask me.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
Will there be HoT World Completion Rewards?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ProtoGunner.4953
WoW has a completion title for every additional expansion map. So it is separated in different titles, but you can still get the whole completion with an achievement. Similar in GW1 you could complete each continent separately with an additional title for completion of every continent.
‘would of been’ —> wrong
Will there be HoT World Completion Rewards?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Electro.4173
They almost certainly won’t add HoT to overall world completion, especially not with the recent announcement of removing WvW from completion requirements. Seems they want world completion to be completely open for everyone, which is fine.
I would hope for individual map completion rewards for each HoT map (even if its just the standard “random exotics / materials / black lion stuff” reward that current maps get) as well as an overall expansion completion reward for completing all maps in the expansion, which would hopefully be something a little more interesting than random stuff. A title and a unique skin of some sort perhaps. Or maybe the HoT specific legendaries will require expansion map completion for a component the same way the old legends require world completion.
I’m not overly optimistic about it happening, though. None of the new maps they’ve added since launch have even gotten map completion rewards. It almost seems like they’ve abandoned the idea of map completion rewards. Maybe the expansion will be different since all the areas will be finished when they get added, instead of stuff like Dry Top and Silverwastes which get added partially done and then expanded later.
How would people without expansion do it?
Doubt it.
1. The expansion is about the people who buy it. Not the people who don’t. You don’t make a film wondering how people who aren’t going to watch it will know the story.
2. They could separate it from regular map completion. 100% completion of the old world and 100% completion of Maguuma.