I came here with legitimate concerns and desires, but I know how these forums work. Before anyone flames me for being “too casual,” let me tell you that I’ve been playing since the game launched. I’ve done the dungeons, I’ve run the bosses, I’ve gone through fractals. Why then don’t I have millions of achievement points? Because I don’t like grind. I do things a few times, and maybe a few times more if I really enjoy it. I made an exception when I decided I wanted ascended armor. After I finally got it, I felt really burnt out and didn’t want to play anymore. I came back a while later and decided I wanted Twilight. After I got that, I felt burnt out and I didn’t want to play anymore. Now HoT is out, and it’s as grindy and repetetive as ever. That, and it’s not a lot of content for the price, and it’s all just too difficult for the average player.
I didn’t get super duper hyped about HoT when it was announced. I purposefully avoided most of the news and hype surrounding it, in order to avoid the ultimate disappointment I would feel when the expansion failed to meet my hyped up expectations. I did the same thing for Halo 5, and I’m doing the same thing for Fallout 4, and I do the same thing for most games I love to play. My disappointments are not a result of raised expectations.
When HoT released, I bought it and played it day one. I was eager to get into the new maps, I had some fun exploring with the waves of people flooding Verdant Brink. It’s a little over a week after that now, and I’m starting to have doubts and worries.
One issue I have at the moment is the apparent need to create a meta-event for every single new map. While it is good that something is always happening, it’s also very annoying to me. There are constantly mordrem attacking this place or that place, and constantly a lack of large groups of people trying to do them, so they never get done. This is my personal experience, anyway. I have personally tried to do it, but failed because I was literally the only person trying. If you have different experiences, then I envy you and you should count yourself lucky that you somehow always end up in a populated and organized map. While it’s like this, it is impossible to explore areas with mordrem everywhere. I like to explore, and I don’t mind fighting things, but when exploration is met with constant battling the exploration loses its fun. Any fans of Final Fantasy might know the frustration of wanting to take two steps without having to fight something. I feel this a lot in the new maps.
Another issue I have is the ramped up difficulty of everything in the expansion, even outside raids. They promised difficult content, being raids. Apparently what actually happened is that they made all the new content extremely difficult, and from what I expect raids are to be nearly impossible unless your live revolves around this game and it’s all you know. This is a problem for what I believe to be the majority of players. I’ve repeatedly seen complains in HoT map chat, in my guild chat, and even in core Tyria area map chats that the new places are brutally difficult. The difficulty of the new mobs coupled with the constant meta-events are turning people off of exploring the new areas.
Lastly, despite the size of the maps, I have a problem with the lack of new areas to explore. I don’t find much appeal in having super vertical maps. It makes them more confusing to traverse for new players, ultimately turning them off. It makes things just more tedious when you do know where you’re going. It all has the same theme and looks pretty much the same everywhere. It just doesn’t feel like a lot to me. For kitten expansion I really don’t feel like that’s worth it. You could argue that there are also masteries and elite specializations. I would argue that most players have a favorite class and will ultimately stick to that one. Masteries are really just an artificial way of extending the life of HoT by requiring you to grind the meta events in the maps to level them up and unlock them.
I love Guild Wars, and I want to see it succeed. I want to find myself still playing in another 3 years time. I don’t think that will be the case if future content will be repeats of Heart of Thorns.
In summary (and TL;DR) I would argue that not everything needs to be meta, and not everything needs to be difficult to an elite level. I hope that in future patches and expansions they will releas content for the average player. Of course, there should be challenging and rewarding content as well. I feel that the challenging content should not be ALL of the content, and it shouldn’t all be super meta.