Worth of expansion while guildless?
4 maps, each map has 3 layers, so you are looking at potentially 12. And plus 4 new wvw maps. That’s 16. And 1 new PvP. New legendary, new professions etc.
I couldn’t access any guild stuff in beta because it was all disabled and I had a ton of fun just in the little slivers of map I could reach. You’ll also have masteries you can work on without a guild and some of those will be useful in Pact Tyria. And the story will continue in the jungle areas; they’ve improved the LS from LS1 to LS2 and likely will give us even more fun encounters (this time replayable with different choices and with more things to see as masteries progress).
But if you’re not psyched to get it now, less than 6 hours from launch, you may as well wait until you see the forums exploding with amazement at stuff. Perhaps see videos, read some spoilers, observe others around you enjoying their elite specs, armors, minis, etc.