Wrong Day in: HoT Closed Beta Stress Test?
Wrong Day in: HoT Closed Beta Stress Test?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: GscGunner.2419
I just got the invite aswell, VERY confusing text and full with errors (as far as i understand english)?
Could somebody explain me the times and days for Dutch? i cant figure it out myself.
Tuesday, March 24 from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Pacific and 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Pacific.
Are you sure you’ve gotten an official mail?
According to this post, it clearly says Tuesday:
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Wrong Day in: HoT Closed Beta Stress Test?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: GscGunner.2419
Thank you for your response Gaile! How can I check if this E-mail is real?
Look at the properties and tell me the sender. NOT the “from” line, but the actual sender.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Wrong Day in: HoT Closed Beta Stress Test?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: GscGunner.2419
The email is not asking passwords or linking to any website but the official gw2 forum itself. Email is guildwars2@ncsoft.com.
The text in the email is exactyle the same as shared on the thread you linked, all except for the time and day.
Yeah, I can confirm that the real invitation definitely uses Tuesday.
Edit: The date and time uses pacific in my invitation, the GMT version could have some errors in it.
(edited by Lazaar.9123)
Mine also says Thursday, 24 March
The stress test is scheduled for Thursday, 24 March from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. GMT (12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Pacific) and 25 March from 12:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. GMT (24 March from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Pacific).
Wrong Day in: HoT Closed Beta Stress Test?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Kaiden Valor.7163
Are you sure you’ve gotten an official mail?
According to this post, it clearly says Tuesday:
Buster’s email shows GMT times but the linked one is pacific time, could be the Europe email has the wrong text?
Strange. Mine seems to have the correct date (assuming the correct date is indeed Tuesday).
Gaile, could you tell us if you are still sending invitations or all are already sent? Because I didn’t get one and I’m impatient
Wrong Day in: HoT Closed Beta Stress Test?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: GscGunner.2419
I just checked the emailsource and it said “Reply-To: guildwars2@ncsoft.com”? ive got a lot of text here in front of me and im not sure which part is usefull and maybe which part is personal info i shouldnt share?
Are you sure you’ve gotten an official mail?
According to this post, it clearly says Tuesday:
Gaile, I received 2 emails, one saying Thursday and the second saying Tuesday. Looks like someone made a mistake the first time round and corrected it with a second email. (edit: the header of the second email also includes “(Correction)” at the end.)
(edited by psizone.8437)
I just got the invite aswell, VERY confusing text and full with errors (as far as i understand english)?
Could somebody explain me the times and days for Dutch? i cant figure it out myself.
The wording in the email was fine, it’s just that they said “Thursday” instead of “Tuesday”.
I used google translate to try Dutch so take this with a pinch of salt.
Beta is on the 24th of March at 7pm until 9pm gmt and again at midnight until 2am GMT.
You log into your normal account for this and there will be an open “beta” character slot so you can make a character specifically for the beta and logging into that will take you to the closed beta area.
Beta is op 24 maart om 07:00 tot 21:00 GMT en weer om middernacht tot 02:00 GMT.
U logt in op uw normale rekening voor deze en er zal een open “beta” karakter slot zodat je een personage specifiek kan maken voor de beta en het inloggen dat brengt u naar de gesloten beta gebied.
Wrong Day in: HoT Closed Beta Stress Test?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: GscGunner.2419
I just got the invite aswell, VERY confusing text and full with errors (as far as i understand english)?
Could somebody explain me the times and days for Dutch? i cant figure it out myself.
The wording in the email was fine, it’s just that they said “Thursday” instead of “Tuesday”.
I used google translate to try Dutch so take this with a pinch of salt.
Beta is on the 24th of March at 7pm until 9pm gmt and again at midnight until 2am GMT.
You log into your normal account for this and there will be an open “beta” character slot so you can make a character specifically for the beta and logging into that will take you to the closed beta area.
Beta is op 24 maart om 07:00 tot 21:00 GMT en weer om middernacht tot 02:00 GMT.
U logt in op uw normale rekening voor deze en er zal een open “beta” karakter slot zodat je een personage specifiek kan maken voor de beta en het inloggen dat brengt u naar de gesloten beta gebied.
Just needed to know the times since it was very unclear in the email, but thank you very much
Yay, first text bug^^
I also got both mails with Thursday and Tuesday/Wednesday
Until that, I’ll play GW2.
Wrong Day in: HoT Closed Beta Stress Test?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: TheRandomGuy.7246
Just got a “Welcome to the Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns Closed Beta Stress Test (Correction)”.
This bug is fixed i guess
Hey guys,
I just learned that some people got an invitation with the wrong day of the week. The date is accurate, but it says “Thursday” instead of “Tuesday.”
The stress test is scheduled for Tuesday, March 24 from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Pacific and 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Pacific.
European testers, you can do the conversion, with Pacific time being -7 to UTC. (But come to think of it, 5:00 p.m. Pacific puts it into Wednesday in Europe, doesn’t it?)
We apologize for any confusion!
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Wrong Day in: HoT Closed Beta Stress Test?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: GscGunner.2419
No problems ofcourse
This wont damage our happiness!
Just got a “Welcome to the Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns Closed Beta Stress Test (Correction)”.
This bug is fixed i guess
Exxxxxcellent. Thanks for letting us know the correction went through properly. Are the times and dates clear now?
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Wrong Day in: HoT Closed Beta Stress Test?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: GscGunner.2419
Just got a “Welcome to the Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns Closed Beta Stress Test (Correction)”.
This bug is fixed i guessExxxxxcellent. Thanks for letting us know the correction went through properly. Are the times and dates clear now?
AM and PM are for me always a bit confusing as I am not native English speaker. A 24h time table wouldnt hurt for future emails
Wrong Day in: HoT Closed Beta Stress Test?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Louveepine.7630
So for me as French, it will be when? @ _ @ <unclear>
So for me as French, it will be when? @ _ @ <unclear>
1900 til 2100 GMT on Tuesday 24th of March, then 0000 til 0200 GMT on Wednesday 25th of March. (France is currently GMT+1 so it’ll be 2000 til 2200 and 0100 til 0300 respectively)
AM and PM are for me always a bit confusing as I am not native English speaker. A 24h time table wouldnt hurt for future emails
The lack of AM and PM distinction in other countries has never crossed my mind! I added a 24h time as a reply to someone elses post (probably just above this) if you still need it.
Wrong Day in: HoT Closed Beta Stress Test?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: GscGunner.2419
AM and PM are for me always a bit confusing as I am not native English speaker. A 24h time table wouldnt hurt for future emails
The lack of AM and PM distinction in other countries has never crossed my mind! I added a 24h time as a reply to someone elses post (probably just above this) if you still need it.
Yes it is very very usefull for me so much confusion, too much hype! (its clear now, thanks
Wrong Day in: HoT Closed Beta Stress Test?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Louveepine.7630
Thank you! I always have a little trouble with time zones =)
The mail is a little bit confusing. It says that we must create a new human character for the stress test (I guess we can’t use our normal characters for it) and I assume it’s gonna be with our usual accounts.
- Will it be an issue if we don’t have a character slot?
- Should we get a new empty character slot in order to create the new one for the stress test?
Edit: By the way, 1am-3am in Europe for the second stress test… Might be a little bit too late for some of us
Another Question:
- Since timezones are a mess, for some clarification, the 2 different tests will be run only with a stop of 3 hours between them?
Aens / Ellantriel / Nao To Mori / Saelyth. Commander
Guias de Raids en español / Spanish raiding guides
(edited by Elrey.5472)
Wrong Day in: HoT Closed Beta Stress Test?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Darksteel.8412
Sorry same question all over, but what would the Dutch/German times be?
Thanks in advance.
Sorry same question all over, but what would the Dutch/German times be?
Thanks in advance.
for you <3
(I hope i didn’t messed it up. Does that website convert my time to your time? I saw one like that months ago but no idea if was this very website)
Aens / Ellantriel / Nao To Mori / Saelyth. Commander
Guias de Raids en español / Spanish raiding guides
(edited by Elrey.5472)
Wrong Day in: HoT Closed Beta Stress Test?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Astralporing.1957
- Since timezones are a mess, for some clarification, the 2 different tests will be run only with a stop of 3 hours between them?
timetable given suggests it is so. For most of Europe (GMT+1) it will be 20-22 on 24th and 01-03 on 25th.
Edit: By the way, 1am-3am in Europe for the second stress test… Might be a little bit too late for some of us
Yep, the second test is quite problematic for any european that actually works. On the other hand, i guess it is better for Americans. Hard to make a test time that would be perfect for everyone, unfortunately.
Now, the question is, will these be considered separate tests (so, character reset in between) or one test with a break in the middle (so, progress from first 2-hour test carries to the second one).
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Wrong Day in: HoT Closed Beta Stress Test?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: purecontact.1680
Like Louveepine, I used to have trouble with “a.m” and “p.m” and when I learned what it stands for, I never had to ask again :
A.M stands for Ante Meridiem
Ante in latin means anterior (before)
Meridiem in latin means midday
P.M stands for Post Meridiem
A.M : Before Midday
Between midnight and midday, morning.
P.M : After Midday
Between midday and midnight, afternoon and evening.
Hope you’ll remind it.
What I would like to know about the whole beta thing ..
Are only those people that have registrated themself in that “Newsletter” stuff Gailed talked about invitations for the beta test.
Or do receive also other people Beta Keys.
How exactly will the give out of the beta invitations work for the closed beta.
Will it be like “All out at Once”, or more like a key giveout in multiple “Waves”, so that people, which might not have received so far a beta invitation, may have just to wait to get somewhen later maybe another chance when a next way of keys gets sent out ???
Just curious, I was so far never part of any Beta in Games, about which I cared about, but with GW2, I really would like to be part of that beta, especially also to ensure, so that someone who speaks also German is in there, so that our community also gets enough input of new infos, screens ect.
Don’t know, if Anet sents out invitations just by total random, or of for example all invitations so far went only perhaps to US players only or so.
I know, these kind of betas can be sometimes also very regionally held, due to Developers wanting to ensure, that they get as much as useful feedback as possible from players, that are active, when they are active and Anet sits in the USA….
Wasn’t able to find yet any info about how exactly the beta will be held here.
Can someone or Gaile at best clear me up ? ^^
Wrong Day in: HoT Closed Beta Stress Test?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561
And to this day i dindt received confimation email < i have signed up back in january and the olny mail i ever got was about pax 2 weeks ago. I dont understand why thats happening tbh. Have tried everything to try fix that but nope well whatever as i aint gonna bother with that xd. Gl to “beta” testers and i hope you guys provide us some vids (also i hope to see all the datamined stuff about revenant)
And to this day i dindt received confimation email < i have signed up back in january and the olny mail i ever got was about pax 2 weeks ago. I dont understand why thats happening tbh. Have tried everything to try fix that but nope well whatever as i aint gonna bother with that xd. Gl to “beta” testers and i hope you guys provide us some vids (also i hope to see all the datamined stuff about revenant)
Same problem here, never got a kitten confirmation mail, and i was trying so many times xD
- I wish i had an invite… I have my last exam of this semester on wednesday, and hopping on the beta after that would have been so soothing… oh well. I’m looking forward to all the streams and videos! (Not that i expect too much new stuff to be in the thing….)
Thanks for solving this while I was sleeping!
Wrong Day in: HoT Closed Beta Stress Test?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: FrizzFreston.5290
What I would like to know about the whole beta thing ..
Are only those people that have registrated themself in that “Newsletter” stuff Gailed talked about invitations for the beta test.
Or do receive also other people Beta Keys.
How exactly will the give out of the beta invitations work for the closed beta.Will it be like “All out at Once”, or more like a key giveout in multiple “Waves”, so that people, which might not have received so far a beta invitation, may have just to wait to get somewhen later maybe another chance when a next way of keys gets sent out ???
Just curious, I was so far never part of any Beta in Games, about which I cared about, but with GW2, I really would like to be part of that beta, especially also to ensure, so that someone who speaks also German is in there, so that our community also gets enough input of new infos, screens ect.
Don’t know, if Anet sents out invitations just by total random, or of for example all invitations so far went only perhaps to US players only or so.
I know, these kind of betas can be sometimes also very regionally held, due to Developers wanting to ensure, that they get as much as useful feedback as possible from players, that are active, when they are active and Anet sits in the USA….Wasn’t able to find yet any info about how exactly the beta will be held here.
Can someone or Gaile at best clear me up ? ^^
I’m not sure if they send them in waves but they do send invites to both eu and us.
Im pretty sure some German players have been invited.
Wouldn’t be surprised if some press from every country have been invited, but can’t say that for sure.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
Wrong Day in: HoT Closed Beta Stress Test?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: TheRandomGuy.7246
And to this day i dindt received confimation email < i have signed up back in january and the olny mail i ever got was about pax 2 weeks ago. I dont understand why thats happening tbh. Have tried everything to try fix that but nope well whatever as i aint gonna bother with that xd. Gl to “beta” testers and i hope you guys provide us some vids (also i hope to see all the datamined stuff about revenant)
Same problem here, never got a kitten confirmation mail, and i was trying so many times xD
I never got a confirmation email too. Still got beta invite
For a second I thought I was goin to miss out because of work. But 5 – 7pm PST in EST would be 8 – 10pm for me. At least I’ll be able to try it out after a long day ^ ^.
Wrong Day in: HoT Closed Beta Stress Test?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Mortifer.2946
Anet? Where is my beta invitation? I thought you already know that my birthday is on the 24th.
For those asking about a confirmation e-mail in relation to a newsletter subscription, I want to mention that I asked our newsletter person about this, and he said that the note indicating that a confirmation mail would be sent was in error. If you signed up for the newsletter, you’re subscribed. If you were previously receiving our GW2 newsletters, you’re subscribed. No confirmation will be sent in relation to an existing or new newsletter subscription.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Wrong Day in: HoT Closed Beta Stress Test?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Lothloria.5436
Sorry same question all over, but what would the Dutch/German times be?
Thanks in advance.
for you <3
(I hope i didn’t messed it up. Does that website convert my time to your time? I saw one like that months ago but no idea if was this very website)
Thank you so much for this link! I am hailing from Perth in Western Australia and was struggling to figure out the correct time!
Also wanted to thank Anet for giving me this opportunity! I have been with Guild Wars since the early days of GW 1 and never had an opportunity like this to contribute to the development of my favourite game! This is a first for me I am super excited!
Wrong Day in: HoT Closed Beta Stress Test?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: boomersooner.4612
I got invited has well
I didn’t get an invite.. Come on.. I’m very active in game, on everyday and on the forums a mega ton making tones of posts.
Wrong Day in: HoT Closed Beta Stress Test?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Kruhljak.2705
Well, I got a surprise beta invite so it’s obvious ANet has no clue what they’re doing.
See ya in the jungle….
EDIT: Oh, one question if anyone knows the answer: Will we be able to rep our chosen guild in these betas?
(edited by Kruhljak.2705)
If it helps, I got an invite today to the stress test beta, with what appears to be the correct day, date and times. Tuesday, March 24th at 12 PM PDT until 2 PM PDT, then again at 5 PM PDT going to 7 PM PDT.
Unfortunately, the countdown link a few posts above, for my location, would have me coming in 8 hours LATE, according to the e-mail (The countdown timer goes to zero 8 hours AFTER the first round of stress testing begins and 1 hour after the second round ends).
I’m gonna go with what was in the e-mail.
Given that it says all characters and progress MAY be deleted before HOT goes live, I’ll proceed without worrying about saving them. That may give me a better opportunity to try out different things in the (currently short) time we have for this round.
I assume there will be more rounds of testing and the beta as time goes on, an e-mail explaining how to log into the beta (Assuming it isn’t directly account linked) and information about how to deliver feedback to the appropriate folks before the 24th.
In any event, I’m jazzed and looking forward to it. Thanks muchly for the invite and I’ll try to provide valuable info as to how it goes.
Wrong Day in: HoT Closed Beta Stress Test?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234
Yes, the link provided above counts down to 1 hour after the second part of the Stress Test ends. I hope no one uses it to know when to log in.
Wrong Day in: HoT Closed Beta Stress Test?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DarkWasp.7291
For those asking about a confirmation e-mail in relation to a newsletter subscription, I want to mention that I asked our newsletter person about this, and he said that the note indicating that a confirmation mail would be sent was in error. If you signed up for the newsletter, you’re subscribed. If you were previously receiving our GW2 newsletters, you’re subscribed. No confirmation will be sent in relation to an existing or new newsletter subscription.
I’d like to add: For anyone who did NOT receive an invite, the last mail you should have received from GW2 was titled:
See Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns at PAX East, Rezzed, and on Twitch this week!
And was sent out March 5th.
Search your email for that if you signed up before then.
Wrong Day in: HoT Closed Beta Stress Test?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Darksteel.8412
thanks for clarification of the timezones etc, just one more question…any forum/page for posts on feedback and first impressions on the game? also HoT is lvl 80 only right? will the chars we make during beta be lvl 80 instantly…should I use tomes for lvling up….confused here cause before it goes live all progress may be deleted?? how does this work?
(edited by Darksteel.8412)