WvW experience so far, as well as old issues.

WvW experience so far, as well as old issues.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chemical Rush.2569

Chemical Rush.2569

Several consistent issues for WvW is that it has never been as rewarding to contribute to WvW as it has been to PvE. There were multiple patches and multiple seasons in the GW2 before the expansion, and nothing equal stood out for WvW.

The gold for WvW is worse.

The weapons/armor for WvW are worse (no legendary just for WvW; much harder to grind out ascended).

The skins for WvW are worse.

The triggered events for WvW are worse (to my knowledge, there used to be only Siegerazer, and not all that great now either in the XPac)

Design has gotten better, but still needs work. It definitely needed better testing. The WvW maps are way too big now, aside from Eternal.

Other stuff: Hero points. I didn’t even get half way through my elite spec after clearing 3 maps worth of hero points today. I figured 135 (before grinding the 3 maps today) would get most of what I wanted before the expansion because I didn’t read about it. Nope. But I also only do WvW. If I had been doing PvE, I would have had the hero points I needed. A ton of PvEers had the points they needed for their main character. But even the ones who had enough points on their main character didn’t have enough for their secondary characters, and none wanted to farm them.

Please just give the necessary hero points with character leveling. There is no need to keep pretending people (in any way, shape or form) enjoy partial map completion.

I would like to point out:

Before the current trait system was put in place, what was wrong with the old one?

Everyone complained because they did not want to repeatedly do map completion on new characters.

People don’t like any form of map completion; it is terrible content and should not be forced on (currently) paying customers

They also did not want to pay a ton of gold if they did not want to do map completion. It would have cost people a ton of time or gold to get traits. They did not want it.

Also, there were more needless traits. There are still a few, but not bad.

So having fixed that problem…what the heck? Who gave the OK to give everyone the exact same problem again? How they could not realize it is the same problem is beyond me. It is like those politicians who keep trying to sneak in bills to force censorship on the internet. People said no already; it is like, “Please stop repeating the exact same problem. Please. It hurts to explain it again. This problem was already solved; it took months the first time.”

Don’t let it take months again, please.

The trait system isn’t much different at all. It just gave more points to use in a narrower field. The graphic for the traits looks prettier, but essentially, we have the exact same trait system. We have major and minor traits. We just got a few more points, and can only put it into three specialties. It also got rid of some awful traits and replaced some with better traits. Not all of the traits are good still, but that’s another issue. Aside from cleaning it up and making it look pretty, it’s the same system with a few bells and whistles added.

So we have essentially the same trait system. We had a problem with the old trait system: forcing people to do horrible, boring content no one wants to do (and that takes a long time to complete), and forcing them to do it on multiple characters.

And now, today, after the fix of the old problem and the release of the expansion everyone was super excited about…..we also have a problem: forcing people to do horrible, boring content no one wants to do (and that takes a long time to complete), and forcing them to do it on multiple characters.

So can’t we just agree that, whatever the thought behind the idea was, it was not good. That can be seen by how everyone is reacting. And it is the exact same mistake, using an almost-identical trait system. Can we please just fix it and not wait? The problem isn’t going to get better. I hate coming on the message boards to talk about problems. But this is game breaking for me; I bought a fancy collector’s edition because I thought I would be happy and have new traits to play with and fun would be added. It’s not fun, at all. I am not happy, at all. I would have been having fun still if the expansion I paid for and the traits I paid for were mine, but I paid and they are not mine. I am quite disappointed, and honestly a bit mad because this exact same problem was already fixed.

Please fix the hero point issue ASAP. That is the most pressing issue. I can’t enjoy the only content I paid for; new traits. I don’t care about the PvE.

And sometime down the road, please look into this issue:

People who run in circles all day, wasting their precious lives by right clicking a monster once and maybe using one ability and not having to do anything else, are rewarded more, for easier content, than people are who have fun with more challenging content.

I am talking about the huge gap because WvW gold income and PvE gold income. Any day of the week, at almost any hour of the day, people are running around in literal, nor figurative, circles. They right click a monster once, use an ability or two, and then teleport and run onto the next monster. They repeat this exact same thing, on the exact same monsters, hundreds of times a day. They are doing nothing at all to contribute to the fun of the game. They are partaking in something so awful I don’t even care to look at it. I know first hand that some people have hundreds (some probably thousands) of hours doing this, To the same few monsters. Over and over. Day after day. I think of those people looking back on their life in 5 years, trying to think what they accomplished. And it wasn’t having fun; it was earning gold in a video game, for items that give relatively little payoff for what they sacrifice for them. Thousands of hours of no fun, for what usually amounts to a skin or minor convenience.

It is more than business; I believe every designer at the company has a moral imperative to look at how people are rewarded for “playing” (not “working”) the game. Because right now people are rewarded the most for running around in circles, wasting hundreds and thousands of hours of their lives, not having fun. All because they want some item that they won’t be able to get playing a fun part of the game. How “fun” and “game” have been so out of sync in GW2 for so long is…well, there’s just something wrong with it.

All I ask is that everyone remember they are designing a game for human beings, and that these human beings will be on the game regardless of whether they are having fun, or wasting their life running in circles.

Thanks for your consideration.

WvW experience so far, as well as old issues.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: gazelle.6407


Well said Chemical Rush! I agree with everything you said. The first shocker for me was thinking 170 Hero points would do it, imagine my shock when I saw 440….on each of my toons. Long story short, I just deleted my toons. If I wanted “grind” I would go back to wow.
Bye bye GW2

Donna (wvw support ele)

WvW experience so far, as well as old issues.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: pfanne.9783


Well said Chemical Rush! I agree with everything you said. The first shocker for me was thinking 170 Hero points would do it, imagine my shock when I saw 440….on each of my toons. Long story short, I just deleted my toons. If I wanted “grind” I would go back to wow.
Bye bye GW2

Donna (wvw support ele)

how did you come up with 440?

WvW experience so far, as well as old issues.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lorus.4218


90% of the time I spent in GW2 has been in WvW, and this expansion just puts the final nail into the WvW coffin. The new maps are clunky, don’t add anything original, and are designed around the Tier 1 meta. There are reasons why that meta only works in T1, and this new map will make things even more unbalanced and tedious for the majority of WvW players. Besides that the WvW players got practically no content, since you have to grind through many hours of PvE just to be able to play one of the new specializations. WvW has already been dying for a while, at least in North America, and with this expansion I see no improvement whatsoever.

As a side note there is also this thing called GvG. For a long time the GvG community has been begging devs for a place of their own, and what did they get? The guild halls, which require thousands of gold to be able to actually get the arena. Considering that GvG guilds average 60-80 people and the guild hall system is tiered for 400+ guilds with their crazy prices we might as well put WvW and GvG into the same coffin.

WvW experience so far, as well as old issues.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: gazelle.6407


Pfanne, I can’t check now as I no longer have my toons but I could have sworn it said 440 (I only had 170). I checked online and found it’s 400, still daunting across all my toons.