Xmas Wish List! :)
Ohhh yeha!!! Account Bound BAGS!!!!! for god sake…
Super Adventure Box.
Don’t know about Xmas but here’s my Wintersday list:
- New or updated mini-games. Last Wintersday was already a repeat of the year before.
- Glider based mini-games!
Dear Santa please give me back Eir Stegalkin.
(edited by Zabiyaka.2567)
This is impossible to not read.. thank you very much for ruining that for me… and everyone who comes to read this thread. You should really delete your post or at least adjust it..
You know there’s an appropriate way to mention a spoiler right??
Like this
Edit: (spoiler) put spoiler here(/spoiler) replace ( with [
[EU] Piken Square
Representing: ‘The Only One’ [One]
(edited by shaquinna.2869)
Sport Sunglases, please.
Discount on permanent sickle and axe because during the anniversary sale only the mining pick was discounted. WTF? -_- I’m still waiting for the rest…
(edited by Mea.5491)
I’d actually just like to get some weird in-game toy, kinda like the birthday blaster. =)
This is impossible to not read.. thank you very much for ruining that for me… and everyone who comes to read this thread. You should really delete your post or at least adjust it..
You know there’s an appropriate way to mention a spoiler right??
Like this
(spoiler) put spoiler here(/spoiler) replace ( with [
That’s the second one for me, had another part spoiled as the title didn’t have any indicator that story was going to be in the post.
Dear santa, I have only one wish, Ranger. It’s getting rusty, can you fix that for me^^?
Account wide share system (idk what to call it) Basically where any char on my account can access account bound items (armors, weapons, tools, tonics,etc), if ascended gear is account bound why do i need to keep going to bank on one char dropping the gear off, then going to bank on second to pick it up and then remember to return it? So ie my mesmer and ele can both be equipped with the same armor without having to go to bank.
A system where boosters, tp express, and other type items are stored. With Hot I finally started using some of them, but now they end up lost on one of my chars, for me to never find again. If you want us to buy more of these they need to be in a system where any char can just open hero panel and use them.
Key ring, anyone with Hot will know what I mean.
Farming node for home instances but for guild halls.
A tonic panel similar to mini pets, i would use my tonics more but they clog my inv so they get left in bank never to be used again.
One more, please do away with junk items, there is no point to them so please just get rid of them. They don’t bring any meaningful income and the just waste time and space.
(edited by MasterMc.7543)
I want Trahearne back! If I can’t have Trahearne I want a Mini-Trahearne, and Trahearnes face to be available in character creation. :C And I’d give the world for the real Caladbolg GS skin!
Acount Bound Gathering Tools!
I want Trahearne back! If I can’t have Trahearne I want a Mini-Trahearne, and Trahearnes face to be available in character creation. :C And I’d give the world for the real Caladbolg GS skin!
Most people actually have wanted to kill Trahearne for a long time. But I do agree, I’d want a good Caladbolg GS skin.
Acount Bound Gathering Tools!
Those already exist.
I want Trahearne back! If I can’t have Trahearne I want a Mini-Trahearne, and Trahearnes face to be available in character creation. :C And I’d give the world for the real Caladbolg GS skin!
Most people actually have wanted to kill Trahearne for a long time. But I do agree, I’d want a good Caladbolg GS skin.
Acount Bound Gathering Tools!
Those already exist.
Not relly, u have to change them from characthers through bank what im wishing for is that no char have to change
PvP build in Guildhalls Arena now u have to change build and armor to fit youre style in pvp, should be pvp build from the mist… not cool
Instance ALL guildmissions
1.World Series like tournament (best 4 out of 7) with the traditional 5v5 setup where the winning team each decides on a weapon or armor of their individual choosing (not a consensus but they all choose their own individual prizes as long as it’s a weapon, armor, or skins so they can pick a legendary alongside an armor skin like Nightfury, or pick an armor piece alongside a weapon skin, or a weapon and armor, or weapon skin + armor skin) even legendaries and skins. Not that I think I’d win but the chance would be awesome and encourage more people to PvP.
2. School uniform outfits.
3. A Christmas analog to Nightfury…maybe being surrounded by tiny flying reindeer instead of bats?
4.Quaggans playing a major role in LS 3 (I’ve read truckloads of complaints about HoT but one very big one is missing: no quaggans!)
5.Quaggan outfits
6.Cat ears.
7.Bunny ears.
8.Taimi gets promoted to leader of Destiny’s Edge 2.0 (NOT Braham!) and plays a pivotal role in LS 3, even becoming the new Trahearne as far as importance goes ^_^
(edited by Agemnon.4608)
The mega servers for HoT to be fixed.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
On my christmas list would be the ability to do the Daily Activities with Guildies Alone.
Imagine 10 guildies doing Crab Toss, Sanctum Sprint, Southsun Survival, Keg Brawl together whilst being on TeamSpeak?
Wouldn’t even care if rewards were given out to the winning players or not, would just be an awesome mini-game to have fun with (And hear the losers suffer
Guild Website: http://www.wtnf.net
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb07P-bW94jE3-mKHGToyOg
Super Adventure Box.
Yes pls.
New horns for charr!! Horns that u can also choose color on.
For xmas 1000 gem is enought for me (shy)
Some special event where you must use your mistery skills to get some special xmas stuff what you can farm and sell for a lot :P (but not impossible)
Dear Santa,
I don’t want any items to myself, but this is my wish list:
I wish…
1) …that ArenaNet all employees could have peaceful and merry Christmas. That they can be with their loved ones and enjoy this celebration of light with all their families. I hope you, Dearest Santa, will be generous to them.
2) … that all the players all over the world could have peaceful and merry Christmas. That they can enjoy this little moment without any sorrow, anger, stress and most of all without fear for global war or other risk.
3) … that all nations finally could live in peace with each other’s.
This list, Dear Santa, may be too hard to implement for you, but you don’t get anything if you don’t ask, isn’t that right Santa?
Just having the October content fixed would be a good start.
My Xmas/Wintersday wishlist:
- Super Adventure Box
- Sport Sunglasses
- Arctic Explorer outfit
- Give us some lore for elite specs
- Buff to ele scepter
- Buff to rev Jalis stance
- Awesome LS3
- More faces/hairstyles
Bring back Eir. Pls.
A deposit for endless tonics
Super Adventure Box
1.A character being left-handed not in an act of betrayal or other evil. Seriously, in a game where nearly everyone is right handed (massively over-represented anyway, and at 90% of the population approximately in real life says a lot) the one character who happens to do something left-handed in a negative way really sticks out. If you’re going to make nearly everyone right handed you may as well go all the way to avoid the unfortunate implications of the token lefty being a betrayer or inherently bad.
2.A quaggan (preferably left-handed since there’s no good guy lefty representation) joining Destiny’s Edge 2.0
3.While playable quaggans would be asking too much a major hub quaggan city in LS 3 that we successfully defend. Quaggans join the pact.
My Wishlist for the Game in General:
- Add finally Jeweler and Chef 500!! Its about time, how many years do we still have to wait intil you make finally all crafting disciplines equal???
- Add finally Polymok and the other Minigames, that were announced to exist from Release Date on, like Bar Brawls and make it finally again possible to play all the Minigames whenever you want without this idiotic totally pointless daily rotation
- Return of Super Adventure Box and its Hardmode and continuing it finally with World 3 and 4
- Complete Class Balance that brings all the powercreep E- Specs back down to earth, that takes into consideration finally to address the outdated Base Health Values from 2012 to rebalance them, that takes into consideration that Condition Duration is now an official Attribute, so that all Condition Durations of all Skills get accordingly nerfed down, so that people need to use actually this new attribute to get super long lasting conditions, so that Condition Builds also finally need to put points into more than 1 attribute to optimize their DPS, including the two new Attributes in a 1:1 manner also into Celestial Gear, rebalancing all Underwater Skills finally for once after 3 years!!! and giving the underwater Gameplay their complete own Underwater Traitlines.
A Balance Patch, that significantly rebalances all Sigils and Runes and makes alot more of them useful/competitive by merging also alot of them together and buffing Gemstones significantly up to become finally a good alternative over Runes over the passive effects fron Rune Sets. Gemstones should finally provide significantly more Stat Points than Rune Sets, because as long they won’t do, they will always stay in this game worthless garbage, that no one will ever use, because the Runeset Effects are simply always so much better, than just the few lame stat points you get from gemstones, that partwise Rune Sets give you also!!!
Gemstones currently have only tiers to “Rare” Quality
There needs to be implemented finally Exotic gemstones, with that you can craft ascended gemstone upgrades that provide over all tiers significantly more Stats.
Lets look for example at Rubies:
(add a new term for tier 4 and put up all other tiers by +1, so that Orbs become Exotic Tier)
Tier 4 = Ruby Ore= Fine
Tier 5 = Ruby Shard = Masterwork
Tier 6 = Ruby Crystal = Rare
TIER 7 = Ruby Orb = Exotic
Currently a Tier 4 Ruby Upgrades just gives you a laughable +11 Power, +8 ferocity and +8 Precision at Level 50. At Level 39 already you can use 4 Major Runes to get a Rune Set with 4 Effects alreay, what is alot more effective, than these few lousy Stat Points.
How broken and incompletely thought out the whole system is do you realize, when you complete a full Exotic Rune Set with a Set of Gemstones
Example Superior Rune of the Pack gives you:
+ 125 Precision
+ 175 Power
+ 30% Swiftness Duration
+ 25% Chance to get Might, Fury and Swiftness every 20s your nearby allies
4 Effects from which 2 are Stat Points, while Gemstones provide just only 3 Stats and no passive side effects. 6 Exotic Ruby Jewels provide together
+150 Power
+ 90 Ferocity
+ 90 Precision
So in comparison, that Rune provides more effects for just slightly lesser Attribute points, that make up for absulutely no big difference (300vs330)
The difference here on Exotic Level should be more like 300vs450 and on ascended Level like 300vs500 to be of a much more significant difference, because the passive side effects are alot more useful in overall than just Attribute Points are.
If these things could get finally addressed over the next months more, then I’d be alot more happy, especialyl the Balancing of the Game is currently an absolute must.
The game is already sicne June 23 totally out of control and mostly what the Elite Specs did so far is putting only more oil into the fire, than to work as balancing method to bring the condition crap back under control.
A proper spec mechanic for Scrapper, that changes the way we play, is aesthetically noticeable, is relevant in PvE, and got used twice a minute, not once every two hours.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”