after a month

after a month

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

I really love raid this is the best part of game imho, i like the fractal backpack collection is a nice idea, gliding is so fun
Thanks for this stuff
What i dont like is:
gw2 turned in a platform game, i never loved jp and all new zone is a big jp, but this is not a problem, im not the only gw2 player on earth someone love it and like ti grind stuff.
But there is a thing who hurt me alot, for doing legendary armor you have to play in this area, so farm mastery etc etc
I m not a farming lover but i prefear farm token like dungeons, and imho the legendary armor should be earned with special tokens, timegated per week so ppl dosent farm it, where you have to activate inside a raid a challenge mode, like fractals if u complete it u gain this special token

after a month

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kuritsutian.2987


For me big part of the fractals are a big jP

Suddenly in the Forums Everyone is now a Game designer!

after a month

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094


I really love raid this is the best part of game imho, i like the fractal backpack collection is a nice idea, gliding is so fun
Thanks for this stuff
What i dont like is:
gw2 turned in a platform game, i never loved jp and all new zone is a big jp, but this is not a problem, im not the only gw2 player on earth someone love it and like ti grind stuff.
But there is a thing who hurt me alot, for doing legendary armor you have to play in this area, so farm mastery etc etc
I m not a farming lover but i prefear farm token like dungeons, and imho the legendary armor should be earned with special tokens, timegated per week so ppl dosent farm it, where you have to activate inside a raid a challenge mode, like fractals if u complete it u gain this special token

So you want a token system for the raid, so people can just farm up the first boss?
I’m not sure what you are getting at? personally I don’t care what they do with raids, I have no interest in them at all. I can’t even bring my self to look for a group to even try it.maybe once people start clearing it with ease, and there are good walk throughs online, I’ll look into it.

i5 4690K @ 3.5Mhz|8GB HyperX Savage 1600mHz|MSI H81M-E34|MSI GTX 960 Gaming 2GB|
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|

after a month

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: PaxTheGreatOne.9472


After a month….

I’m gone, Bye Bye.

No gold =>

  1. no travel,
  2. no food,
  3. no gear,
  4. no mats,
  5. no crafting,
  6. no fun
  7. no reason to play,
  8. no progression,
  9. no reward,
  10. no player(s),
  11. no purchases,
  12. no revenue,
  13. no game,
  14. no A-net,
  15. no jobs,
  16. no travel
  17. no food
23 lvl 80’s, 9 times map, 4ele, 4ncr, 3war, 3grd, 3rgr, 2thf, 2msm, 1eng, 1 rev.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.

(edited by PaxTheGreatOne.9472)

after a month

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kuritsutian.2987


…after 2 years of gameplay I only got 15 gold …. (yes, not a dungeon/fractal frequent) … then discovered Halloween’s lab … and got 100 g …. …then crafting 67 g -_- … where am I supposed to get gold? should I become a farmer?

Suddenly in the Forums Everyone is now a Game designer!

after a month

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


…after 2 years of gameplay I only got 15 gold …. (yes, not a dungeon/fractal frequent) … then discovered Halloween’s lab … and got 100 g …. …then crafting 67 g -_- … where am I supposed to get gold? should I become a farmer?

15G isn’t alot of money, you must not play alot, or do you spend it all constantly meaning you don’t have more than 15G at the same time? Either way, if you have HoT and you play in those zones you can get alot of rare weapons. If you open chests in the new zones you can also find Black Diamonds which sell for 4-5g a piece and aren’t that rare. I must’ve found over 10 so far. Because mystic forging precursors was super cheap and still is quite cheap compared to previously mithril ore has risen in value. At the same time logs have risen in value because they are needed for alot of new collections and raids → ascended gear. There is a ton of money to be made, from just playing around I’ve earned 250G since hot launched. I’ll admit I did have some alts doing a daily flax harvest for a while which might account for about 50G of that but still, it’s not as hard as you think to find money.

after a month

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kuritsutian.2987


hmm, maybe I should start selling the random mats I have hoarded without needing them atm … T_T

Suddenly in the Forums Everyone is now a Game designer!

after a month

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

I really love raid this is the best part of game imho, i like the fractal backpack collection is a nice idea, gliding is so fun
Thanks for this stuff
What i dont like is:
gw2 turned in a platform game, i never loved jp and all new zone is a big jp, but this is not a problem, im not the only gw2 player on earth someone love it and like ti grind stuff.
But there is a thing who hurt me alot, for doing legendary armor you have to play in this area, so farm mastery etc etc
I m not a farming lover but i prefear farm token like dungeons, and imho the legendary armor should be earned with special tokens, timegated per week so ppl dosent farm it, where you have to activate inside a raid a challenge mode, like fractals if u complete it u gain this special token

So you want a token system for the raid, so people can just farm up the first boss?
I’m not sure what you are getting at? personally I don’t care what they do with raids, I have no interest in them at all. I can’t even bring my self to look for a group to even try it.maybe once people start clearing it with ease, and there are good walk throughs online, I’ll look into it.

no, because imho if u kill the first boss u take the token once per week, if u try to kill him again in the same week, u should take nothing

i dont really understanding what anet wanna do with this game, its pretty obvious their goal has changed since release, it was a “no farming game” and i join it because i hate to be forced to play something more and more if i dont wanna do it, now its time for mastery farm, collections for everything, so u have a “todo list” i like the fractal backpack collection, because is something made for fractal inside fractal, but what is the purpose for the other things? what i like in other games when u play the hardest content like raids, you will take the more rewarding token/armor in the game, in gw2 you will complete the raid, spending hundred hours trying and golds with buffs, for be able to buy some ascended chest?! wth is faster and cheaper play dungeons, wvw and forget about ascended, but if u play the game with this way, you will play the “older gw2” everything new will be discarded.

I think anet trying to keep alive this game, giving to player thigs to do, like every mmo company does, but this way is really worst (imho ofc) than grinding armor and that’s why:

general life in others mmo

1) lvl up
2)start doing istanced tier1 pve, when u reached your almost full t1 set, u can enjoy t2 istance
3) play t2 istance, A COMPLETLY NEW ISTANCE, not the recycled istance
4) same as before with higher tier
at the end you will play different istance for become more powerfull, but if u like to play with other players raid and dungeon isnt not too bad, you will always feel to be motivated to play game for reaching higher tier, is not awesome but it work
5)raids, better gold/armor rewarding than normal dungeons, but harder

life in gw2
1)lvl up, better here than other game, we have to declare it, open world and lvl system is awesome here
2)reaching reaching lvl 80 u can stard doing dungeon for fun and token (if u do it before u will be kicked because of lvl)
3)u have your full exotic and u can do almost everything in game and this is freaking good, thanks for this anet!!
4)if u wanna do fractals u should start to make ascended set, and this is good too imho

now there is all the problems

5) after a while u play fractal and u rise up from lvl u see nothing will change basically, mystlock is a nice idea, but u have ever the same istance, u should enjoy for a while but not for playing too much

6)if u wanna keep progress you have to lvl up your masteries so click on your character panel and look what do u need for take the points, so you will start to farm stuff maybe u dont wanna do it, like jp, expensive collections etc etc if u are a “dungeon/raids lover” this things is start to hurts, like collections does

so there is no much points to play fractals, raids or other stuff, because isnt rewarding, and is not about gold, but about strenght of set, or skins, because you just need to farm collections/events or screw up inside raid making wipe your party for turn on a torch (this is one of the stuff you have to do for legendary armor collection)

and all this collection/mastery farming for what?

i dont wanna push gw2 in an older farming tier gear, but if i was the anet ceo my directive should be something like that for pve

A) Istanced content

if you like or not a path, a purpose is important for us, so:
_no modify on older dungeon, should be just an introduction, onestly i like the gold nerf, they should be good for learn how does istanced content work on the game, and reward the players with the current token system granting them the acces to full exotic set, after you have it you can start to do fractals

100 lvl is good, but every 20 lvl they should be differnet istance, not the same but harder
with fractals you should be able to make/buy a full ascended armor (and something like a full challenge path for the ascended back)

its fine for me spend golds for the ascended weapon, and is nice to have trinkets/amulets/rings from guild commendation, laurel and karma

legendary set:
armor back and weapon should be avalaible from raid token only w/o the farming option where u will kill the first boss over and over, just token and rng token box as bonus loot from bosses
trinkets/amulets/rings should be avalaible from a vendor ONLY when u have a full ascended sets, buying with alot of karma and laurels, so u can play WHAT U WANT and earn this stuff

balancing gold/karma is the key for avoid farming events/stuff

hoping to be clear, and sorry for my bad english

after a month

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Monk Tank.5897

Monk Tank.5897

I bet there is someone inside Anet that wants this game to fail. It sure feels like it.