beautiful animations
Umm, have you looked at charr reaper animations? The greatsword auto-attack in particular looks really choppy and awkward. Totally the opposite of what I thought it would look like.
There are some nice animations, to be sure, but I was actually going to make a thread asking if they plan on smoothing out some of the animations, especially the reaper greatsword auto-attack.
Umm, have you looked at charr reaper animations? The greatsword auto-attack in particular looks really choppy and awkward. Totally the opposite of what I thought it would look like.
There are some nice animations, to be sure, but I was actually going to make a thread asking if they plan on smoothing out some of the animations, especially the reaper greatsword auto-attack.
on charr all animations look awkward except the awkward animations like the ones from engineer….thats simply a charr thing