beta times for EU is big joke

beta times for EU is big joke

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pecar.1236


really anet? really???? 50 hours of farming for portal and then all i got is 2 hour for beta??? 20:30-22:30 00:30-02:30, 04:30-6:30 joke times for me but its normal for EU we dont need any improve to server connect no improve lagging then we dont need normal times for beta testing.

beta times for EU is big joke

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jim.4638


The fact that I have no problem with those times just adds to your point, I’m on a nocturnal sleep cycle at the moment. The majority of Humans are not Nocturnal.

You would have thought having the different major time zones in region appropriate time-slots would be possible, but apparently not.

beta times for EU is big joke

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ginja.2970


04:40-6:30 seems a bit unreasonable for people that need to work in the morning, but maybe they chose this time gaps to allow more people to join. Imagine if they did only one big beta event from 18:00-24:00, people working on the nightshift wouldnt be able to join. This way, theres a little bit for everyone, but its just a bit ^^

Yea 50 hours of farming for 2/4/6 hours of beta (hopefully you can participate in the 3 events) seems kinda exagerated, but hey its a exclusive chance to participate and get a taste of this new expansion so hurray for that.

As for me, i didn’t get invited for beta, so yea i would happily trade 50 hours for a chance to play HoT, even for 2 hours!


EDIT: i think the idea of doing this schedules was not to allow everyone to play the 3 events, but to rather allow every single player invited, the chance to play at least one. for example, people that work the regular time, can play 20:30-22:30. People that play at night go for the 00:30-02:30 or 04:30-6:30. Maybe the time gaps could have been picked more appropriatly, but thats another story.

(edited by Ginja.2970)

beta times for EU is big joke

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

You do realize this is for ANet’s benefit, not yours, and they are going to set the times for when they are working. They aren’t going to be coming into the office in the middle of the night for this you know. As it is, it’s going to be a long day for them, over 12 hours, from 9am to 9:30pm at the most minimal.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)

beta times for EU is big joke

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MiniEquine.6014


really anet? really???? 50 hours of farming for portal and then all i got is 2 hour for beta??? 20:30-22:30 00:30-02:30, 04:30-6:30 joke times for me but its normal for EU we dont need any improve to server connect no improve lagging then we dont need normal times for beta testing.

It’s not like you’re getting the game early. Your job as a volunteer beta tester is to hunt for bugs; not to play the game. It was your choice to spend 50 hours farming for the portal and you got it. Now, you have another choice: either stay up for the first 2-hour window or go to bed early and get up for the third 2-hour window. Either way, there’s probably not enough content to even fit the entire 2-hour window as it is, so you’re complaining about not being able to realistically play all 6 hours and all I can ask is, “so?”.

beta times for EU is big joke

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094


You wanted to be a tester, you have to test when they want you to. I use to be a map tester for a Gaming company 11 years ago, they where based in America, New York if I remember right. Yeah having to get up in the early hours to test maps and bug fixes sucked, but it was great fun.

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beta times for EU is big joke

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Crystallize.8603


So you farmed for an item to get into a Beta and didn’t consider that you might not be able to attend?
One would assume since Anet intentionally didn’t release any timeframe for the beta that they wanted as many people as possibly farming for one.
Maybe to test the live maps for future events etc, maybe just to screw with the playerbase or perhaps they hadn’t planned exactly when the Beta was going to be.

The point really is that it’s a beta. You farmed to have a chance of entering it to help test the game. Help find bugs and ultimately stress test it

The majority of people here complaining just wanted a preview of the game and that’s not it is even remotely about.
Anet need to monitor what’s going on so it has to be during office hours (asking staff to stay out of hours isn’t exactly feasible) hence why it’s on a weekday. That honestly was always going to happen.

One of the reasons I wasn’t worried about farming one myself was due to the fact we had no info on the beta at all – #noregrets

Can mods please stop locking threads that are constructive.
Just delete posts that are derailments.

beta times for EU is big joke

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MiniEquine.6014


So you farmed for an item to get into a Beta and didn’t consider that you might not be able to attend?
One would assume since Anet intentionally didn’t release any timeframe for the beta that they wanted as many people as possibly farming for one.
Maybe to test the live maps for future events etc, maybe just to screw with the playerbase or perhaps they hadn’t planned exactly when the Beta was going to be.

The point really is that it’s a beta. You farmed to have a chance of entering it to help test the game. Help find bugs and ultimately stress test it

The majority of people here complaining just wanted a preview of the game and that’s not it is even remotely about.
Anet need to monitor what’s going on so it has to be during office hours (asking staff to stay out of hours isn’t exactly feasible) hence why it’s on a weekday. That honestly was always going to happen.

One of the reasons I wasn’t worried about farming one myself was due to the fact we had no info on the beta at all – #noregrets

Yeah, this exactly. My wife and I were farming heavily in the beginning, but after realizing that we would most likely either be at work or busy with other things during the betas we sort of just stopped. We both realized we wouldn’t be ideal people for testing the game if we couldn’t even play during the times. Turns out there is a slot that we could have done (we’re in EST), but I digress. I didn’t mind the 150G I made by farming SW that whole time though, and anybody that farmed more than me probably has at least similar numbers to that too (no spectacular loot, but one or two exotics worth ~10G plus everything else).

beta times for EU is big joke

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MattyP.6954


I’m so sorry that ArenaNet didn’t plan their product testing around your schedule. In fact, I can’t hear myself think over all of this sad violin music.

Seriously, this is not a product preview. It’s a beta test. They need to have people play so they can monitor the servers and resolve those bugs during the convenient beta breaks (what, you thought that they just wanted to give you a bathroom break?). With all due respect, I’d rather them structure the beta tests around their schedule, not yours.

Server — Fort Aspenwood
Mains — Mathias of the Wood [Ranger]; Collaborator Bluatt [Engineer]
Alts — Necromancer, Warrior, Elementalist