(edited by winterlove.6834)
cant find story green star
That sounds like a bug.
I had a similar problem on a different story step, when I first completed the preceding step the star was then, then I logged out and when I came back it was gone. Luckily I remembered roughly where it was and was able to go there and trigger the dialogue even without the star.
What I’d suggest is:
1) Submit a bug report. This won’t help you right now, but it will alert Anet to the problem so they can get it fixed.
2) Go to Youtube and search for Predator’s Path Walkthrough (there are a few to choose from). Watch the video until they get to the point you’re at now, then watch where the next star is and go there. The story should update once you get to the right location, even without the marker.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
I hope it’s not this simple, but finding the holotapes gives you a green circle to look in, doesn’kitten If the star is gone, maybe the circle is still there?
I might be thinking of the part where you track Rox all over the map, though.
try zoning back into VB, and then returning to AB- that fixed the issue when I had it
doing the find holotapes has me running around but the story star disappeared wondering how to find it. I know for certain it should be somewhere in the HoT content but cant seem to find it anywhere. I know where it was but its gone bout to try a repair don’t kinpow how else to get it to appear. ok repair done nothing. I can see the stars in most lands leading me to auric basin but when I get there no star
the predators path
Ah, you must be looking for the last one.
There’s a nearly naked norn that will talk to you the first time you get close to him. He’ll tell you that he saw one of the creatures carry the disk away and up into a tree. You have to head for a nearby enemy camp (looks like they killed the original camp owners), and get up into a large hollow tree that’s part of the overhead of the camp. Jump off the very end of the inside, and catch an updraft to the upper outside of the fallen tree. There’s your disk.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
When I did it on another toon it bugged and I had to go back to the previous chapter in my story journal then restart the chapter again. Also had to zone out of that map I think before restarting the chapter.
doing the find holotapes has me running around but the story star disappeared wondering how to find it. I know for certain it should be somewhere in the HoT content but cant seem to find it anywhere. I know where it was but its gone bout to try a repair don’t kinpow how else to get it to appear. ok repair done nothing. I can see the stars in most lands leading me to auric basin but when I get there no star
the predators path
Same issue as others. If this is a bug it has been on every avie I have done it on (3). I never see the next location as a green circle or star. Wiki says you have to have the updraft mastery but I have all the gliding mastery maxed… I found the locations checking videos.
Here is a fairly good video showing the locations:
I had the same problem, after a month of just ignoring the story, it finally reappeared and I could progress. But now I’m uninterested in the story and no longer in the mood to continue.
My advice, ignore the story and it’ll eventually fix itself.