choosing a profession is effecting me in RL

choosing a profession is effecting me in RL

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Azure.8670


I cant sleep!

Before the last to BETAs I was sure that Berserker was my choice for being a hero of the land, but after playing it and throwing up I decided its not for me.

With that said, I thoroughly enjoy Herald Reaper and Chrono (dont we all?) and just cant choose one. Obv over time ill play them all… but to choose which to play first is like… its a big moment guys. big. moment.


choosing a profession is effecting me in RL

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Rauderi.8706


Thematically, as one who precedes greatness, start with Herald.

Then, Chrono. You can always pretend he came before or after, later.

Finally, Reaper. Again, thematic reasons.

Many alts; handle it!
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632

choosing a profession is effecting me in RL

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Azure.8670


Thematically, as one who precedes greatness, start with Herald.

Then, Chrono. You can always pretend he came before or after, later.

Finally, Reaper. Again, thematic reasons.

I.. for some reason understand this

choosing a profession is effecting me in RL

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: IchbinVol.5407


I kinda chuckled at the notion of you actually throwing up, while playing the Berserker. That elite spec is just so mundane.

choosing a profession is effecting me in RL

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Blaeys.3102


Go with your heart on Friday when you wake up.

If you feel protective, go with Herald.

Reckless, go with the Berserker.

A little evil, go with Reaper.

If you feel like you need more time to make the decision, go with the Chronomancer.

Problem solved .

(not really, but figured I would try)

choosing a profession is effecting me in RL

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Myrden.2456


Not to rain on a parade, but you will need 400 Hero Points to fully unlock any elite specialization. 60 Hero points just makes it available to you and does not give you any traits or skills. So, in order to run around as a Chronomancer (for example), you’ll need 60 Hero Points and lose an entire fully-stocked trait line in your build.

Just be prepared.

choosing a profession is effecting me in RL

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sizer.3987


Easy. Start as chrono. Get as many illusions up as you can, and pop continuum split (ideally with enough up to give you a few days worth of time). Then in the duration of that, switch to herald/reaper/ect., and play that. Then hit f5 to go back in time a few days and do it again with another class, and so on and so forth, until you get bored, and then finally play chrono itself for a while. Until you get bored of that, at which point id suggest casting time warp on the devs so they get the next expansion out faster.

That is that what the OP meant by effecting me in RL, right?

80 Mesmer – Yaks Bend

choosing a profession is effecting me in RL

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Snow.2048


Easy. Start as chrono. Get as many illusions up as you can, and pop continuum split (ideally with enough up to give you a few days worth of time). Then in the duration of that, switch to herald/reaper/ect., and play that. Then hit f5 to go back in time a few days and do it again with another class, and so on and so forth, until you get bored, and then finally play chrono itself for a while. Until you get bored of that, at which point id suggest casting time warp on the devs so they get the next expansion out faster.

That is that what the OP meant by effecting me in RL, right?

No he said Effecting with an E, suggesting that he is being created or brought into existence by this choice he is faced with. I think this is some kind of religious rebirth thing or something…
I think we might be witnessing a real spiritual upheaval here or maybe I shouldn’t be on the forums when I’m this tired… kitten SAB thread hitting the front page and making me read the updates (some guy was in it a month or so ago apparently through a really funky bug)

Which character can you actually afford to unlock the brute of your elite spec, that might help you narrow it down a bit. Otherwise just giddily switch between them if you have options.

choosing a profession is effecting me in RL

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Alneor.3986


Haha I understand you feel Azure. I was exactly the same! I started with mesmer, played a lot with him. But when I saw a random uy playing another profession, I just wanted to reroll. Now I have ech profession but I don’t have a main. My mesmer got 100% map explo but i’m boored now.

Sometimes I want to protect and do many things, I take my guardian, then leave him. Then I want fun, I take my engineer! Then, booring again…

But when I saw the Revenant, all was clear! It’s him: legends, support, fighter. All in one! And the feeling that I’m coming back… As a Revenant…

choosing a profession is effecting me in RL

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Random.4691


Step away from the PC.

choosing a profession is effecting me in RL

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Randulf.7614


You wont be able to unlock them straight away, so id choose based on which core class you are happiest sending in first to explore for hero points.

To help you sleep whilst you choose, Id also suggest a glass of warm milk and anything written by John Wyndham or Stephen King. They did a fine job of boring me to sleep with their books…