If you shop around you will find varying costs, some as low as £10 off of the price Anet have on their website.
If you do that please make sure the seller is on the official retailer list. Unofficial ones could be selling you keys gained by fraud, and you won’t be happy to have your account and all its progress erased in a few months.
One of their official key sellers were doing it at about £25 (listed by Anet) so that should do the trick. Although I would suggest you don’t pre-order.
exactly what il looking for “i suggest you don’t pre-order” thank you.
I’m assuming prices will be the same but no free character slot. It will probably go down a bit in a couple months.
If you shop around you will find varying costs, some as low as £10 off of the price Anet have on their website.
If you shop around you will find varying costs, some as low as £10 off of the price Anet have on their website.
If you do that please make sure the seller is on the official retailer list. Unofficial ones could be selling you keys gained by fraud, and you won’t be happy to have your account and all its progress erased in a few months.
I’m assuming prices will be the same but no free character slot. It will probably go down a bit in a couple months.
I do not think it will be a couple months. Maybe a year before the price drops, they do not have a huge incentive to drop the price since people can now play the game for free. I suspect we will not see a normal retailer price drop until the 10-12 month range.
I’m assuming prices will be the same but no free character slot. It will probably go down a bit in a couple months.
I do not think it will be a couple months. Maybe a year before the price drops, they do not have a huge incentive to drop the price since people can now play the game for free. I suspect we will not see a normal retailer price drop until the 10-12 month range.
You might be right, but Anet is known for their random sales. They may drop the price $5-10 to entice those free account to buy it. Time will tell.
If you shop around you will find varying costs, some as low as £10 off of the price Anet have on their website.
If you do that please make sure the seller is on the official retailer list. Unofficial ones could be selling you keys gained by fraud, and you won’t be happy to have your account and all its progress erased in a few months.
One of their official key sellers were doing it at about £25 (listed by Anet) so that should do the trick. Although I would suggest you don’t pre-order.