elite is best?
It is just an extra, and few of them are already not viable at all in dungeon/fractals and obviously not better.
It’s a extra skill tree. Wait until final product is released though. Currently they are all still in BETA. Which means nothing is final.
it’s not necessarily better. it has more features (skins, weapons, skills) and you can only use one elite spec at a time. that being said, it won’t necessarily be more powerful.
Yea, don’t get hung up on the elite name slapped on them. I’m fairly sure they are only called elites because anet releasing their new mutually exclusive specs doesn’t have a good ring to it lol
Some are sort of side grades, like chronomamcer and tempest, while others allow the Profession to be played completely differently, like reaper or dragon hunter. They aren’t straight upgrades, just and and fun ways to play, though if you ask any necro they will probably say reaper just feels a lot better.
Will the elite spec be just an extra choice to play, or will it be stronger than the other choices, due to being elite?
The word elite kinda gives a feeling that its your most powerful form but maybe its just an extra and equal choice of playstyle. Not necessarily better.
“Elite” was a poor word choice. It’s not meant to big bigger, better, or stronger (even though the word “elite” means “best” both by definition and in every other context I can find in a dictionary).
I feel as though the “elite” spec is only named this because it allows you to also use another weapon. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that the spec is superior to other specs just offers more choice.
The “elite” is a throwback to gw1 mechanics. GW1 had an 8 slot skill bar, and you could equip any 8 skills you knew, from either of your professions. Certain skills were “elite” and were generally “build makers” that you built the bar around.
In that system you could only equip one elite to the bar, so because the elite specs are “build makers” and you can only equip one at a time it sort of fits, as traits replace a lot of the build diversity we got in GW1 from more free skill selection.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
Like others said its called elite because when new elite specs are released in the future you will only be able to use 1 at a time.
i personally think depending on the class it is either an extra or a plus – it really depends on the build/spec….some have great synergies with existing builds and are a plus…
i HOPE anet will introduce new elites for the classes soon and aims for 3 elites per class a year from now – that way it will actually be a CHOICE
Elite is just the name they buttered the bread with. It makes HoT sexier.
Crystal Desert
Some are great, others, not so much. Of course this depends on what mode you’re playing, but some of them are actually down right pitiful.
(edited by Random.4691)
New elite best?
“Immedietly thinks of original Rebound!”
Yeah……. no.
in guild wars, Elite just means “you can only have one”
They’re neither better, nor worse. Each basically gives you different options for the class, but at the same time, the “elite” is of a there can be only one vibe.
It’s basically a way for them to allow for mechanics changes and give players options, much like the mastery system allows for progression.
- The more asinine the post or thread, the more I am amused.
I dunno I see a lot of the pre launch discussion along the lines of great specs that no one in their right mind wouldn’t choose, and the ones everyone dislikes.
To be honest specs like Dragon hunter for guardian, tempest for elementalist both seem like the horizontal choice that these epecs should be. On the other hand I see stuff like reaper, dare devil, scrapper as must haves.
at least on paper that’s how its appearing
I’m more worried its going to be more of a “if the espec is powerful everyone will take it, if its not powerful no one will” kind of situation, which is exactly the opposite of what they should be, as youll then have nerfs and buffs to try to make them all the only option for relevance.
Eh, it will depend on how you want to play it. There will be those who will refuse to play an elite spec, and those who will sing their praises.
The fact is, the game won’t require you to play one in order to remain effective. Instead, they are there to simply provide more options to play with.
- The more asinine the post or thread, the more I am amused.