(edited by insomnia.8563)
mobs and story quests
And now i can’t progress in a quest, because they apparently are tied to events, so now i can just sit and wait.
Tried another event in the silverwaste. What a joke. The area is CRAMED with mobs, they kill you in a blink of an eye. It is as if you are just thinking of ways to screw over the players
Try and use abilities and traits that get rid of conditions, and/or find some guild mates that will help you?
People run the Silverwastes every single day by the hundreds. Very very few of them complain the mobs are to hard. Not to say I’ve never seen a complaint, but most of us have figured out how to deal with the mobs.
If something you’re doing isn’t working, there’s a reason it’s not working. Its’ because the core game was so easy you never really had to learn to play your class well. Hitting pretty much any keys at all was going to get you through most areas.
End game zones are meant to challenge you. To change up the way you do things. So if you’re having trouble, you have to analayze why you’re having trouble.
I don’t die in the Silverwastes very often at all, even on poorly geared characters.
So what profession are you using. How is your build? How are you approaching enemies?
It all makes a big difference to your success at end game.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
Killing mobs in this game is joke 99% of the time!
However killing them on some professions is easier then on another!
I’ve had issues with mobs interfering with story quests, too. For example, the quest in Verdant Brink where you have to use the horn to call out the hidden frog scouts, one of those markers led me to an area with a lot of mushroom enemies that kept hitting me hard.
Guild: Moonlit Renegades (Moon)
Highest-Level Toon: Markus Emmerich, 80 Human Scrapper
I’ve had issues with mobs interfering with story quests, too. For example, the quest in Verdant Brink where you have to use the horn to call out the hidden frog scouts, one of those markers led me to an area with a lot of mushroom enemies that kept hitting me hard.
There are only two areas with mushrooms during that part. The first part has a decent amount of space to maneuver. The second part in the cave can be avoided just by approaching from the other direction(Bongo’s camp).
I’ve had issues with mobs interfering with story quests, too. For example, the quest in Verdant Brink where you have to use the horn to call out the hidden frog scouts, one of those markers led me to an area with a lot of mushroom enemies that kept hitting me hard.
There are only two areas with mushrooms during that part. The first part has a decent amount of space to maneuver. The second part in the cave can be avoided just by approaching from the other direction(Bongo’s camp).
Yeah, I was able to do the cave just fine, only had to kill a Smokescale.
I just wish that all the HoT story stuff was instanced, because otherwise you have to worry about the enemies around you, or the events/meta events going on, too.
Guild: Moonlit Renegades (Moon)
Highest-Level Toon: Markus Emmerich, 80 Human Scrapper
I haven’t really paid much attention to events. I am more annoyed with the way the warbler works. You have to use the warbler then talk to the NPC even though they are standing right next to you otherwise they pretend you don’t event exist.
Sometimes you just get overrun with mobs, and cant do a thing. And the problem i have with them, is, pretty much every single one slow you, which is a pain, when you are trying to get from A to B, and have to run pas a million mobs you aggro
Im on the quest Mystery cave. What a joke, this quest is so god kitten ridicules. A mob spawns that you can’t kill, that puts out your flames. How fast the AOE’s pop up, and the time it takes to place the fires is a joke. Seriously, how the hell can this quest be done. Plus the kittening perma slow is there, so it takes ages to walk around in that ……. circle… Who ever designs these things, in this game, have NO buisness developing games. What a joke
And arent these quest ment to be for a single person. Yet some of them don’t seem to be
Sometimes you just get overrun with mobs, and cant do a thing. And the problem i have with them, is, pretty much every single one slow you, which is a pain, when you are trying to get from A to B, and have to run pas a million mobs you aggro
Im on the quest Mystery cave. What a joke, this quest is so god kitten ridicules. A mob spawns that you can’t kill, that puts out your flames. How fast the AOE’s pop up, and the time it takes to place the fires is a joke. Seriously, how the hell can this quest be done. Plus the kittening perma slow is there, so it takes ages to walk around in that ……. circle… Who ever designs these things, in this game, have NO buisness developing games. What a joke
In the Mystery Cave’s final encounter, there’s a pattern to the fight. as soon as u start lighting the fires, one of those invulnerable mobs will spawn to put them out, but u can range them real easy with the torch that Rox throws u, just make sure u have one handy and hang onto it till it spawns. If you don’t dispatch it b4 it gets to the fire, it will put it out and prolong the whole encounter.
Make sure u have stability of some kind equipped either via utility or traits, condi removal is very helpful and speed buff helps too. Buff yourself up to the hilt with some HP regen food, anything that will help u through the fight. I remember how difficult that fight was for me the first time, not knowing the mechanics and what to expect, by my 10th character doing it, i was a pro at it lol. Well good luck and if ur still having problems add me and contact me in the game and i’ll come help you.
and then you have these kittened pocket raptors, that just overrun you and do a kitten load of damage. And it dosent matter how much damage i do. They take me down before i can kill them. What is the fun of walking towards a group of 20 mobs, and killing only a couple of them at a time, before you have to flee, because they do insane damage. Developers, play your own game, and you will see how stupid those mobs are.
And i have used knockback vs them, and starting off, by shooting at 1, and then switching to a melee weapon with aoe, and knockback. To no point. And can people be this bad at developing mobs
Maybe you need different gear, or a different build…I don’t know.
I have never paid any attention to my build, just choose whatever traits look interesting, just use whatever gear drops, or whatever recipe drops, or looks good. Still, Pocket Raptors are no problem whatsoever for my character. And die even faster if I remember to use AoE, lol.
Or, you could, perhaps, play with someone else. Join a Guild, ask for help, play with a friend…something.
I’ve done the HoT story numerous times and at least once in every class. I have never had any issues of being overwhelmed. Raptors have very little HP so die quickly. This is more of a l2p issue which is likely since players come from core Tyria where that can just faceroll everything.
Eh … pocket raptors need some bug fixes.
The scouts that require using the warbler is also a bit unintuitive. You see them and run up to them but you still have to use the warbler before they talk to you. If there is an event nearby they might not want to talk to you even after you use the warbler(I ran into this yesterday, there was a nearby downed chopper supply gathering event) and then it looks like yet another bug in the game.
(edited by Khisanth.2948)
and then you have these kittened pocket raptors, that just overrun you and do a kitten load of damage. And it dosent matter how much damage i do. They take me down before i can kill them. What is the fun of walking towards a group of 20 mobs, and killing only a couple of them at a time, before you have to flee, because they do insane damage. Developers, play your own game, and you will see how stupid those mobs are.
And i have used knockback vs them, and starting off, by shooting at 1, and then switching to a melee weapon with aoe, and knockback. To no point. And can people be this bad at developing mobs
Pocket Raptors are actually a fun little mob that’s easy to handle with a little practice. For a start, they’re short-sighted and you can usually run around them without them even noticing you. If they notice you and you’re a fast build, you can outrun them and heal/cleanse. If you want to fight, there’s all kinds of profession mechanics, weapons and utilities for killing them fast, e.g. tempest air+fire overloads + arcane wave. Or mesmer g/s #3/#5, sword #2, shield #5. Don’t flee from them. Wade into them. Keep practicing on them and you’ll get the hang of it.
(edited by Zoltar MacRoth.7146)
this is getting ridicules. Im at chapter 16 in hots. And i ran into a few mobs and got killed in 2 secs, due to the damage output. Know i have to start way back, because this area barely has any points to spawn at. And it will take forever to get there again, due to the ridicules amout of mobs you run into. And because some dumb kitten idea, that you have to get slowed so much. Im done for today, because this is just to kittened.
And have barely been able to run past pocket raptors. They seem to see me from quite the distance. And cone, aoe damage just isnt enough. Its attack, run back. attack run back… kittened, that you have to do such work, for a mob that spawns all over the place, and gives no reward
Seems like you are frustrated. Take a break, and ask for some help if you are having trouble later after you are unsalted.
this is getting ridicules. 1-2 and im dead, just due to the shear amount of dps some of these mobs do. I have 25709 hp. I dont know if that is alot, or low. And about the game. My gear is from drops and low level fractals. And if you need higher rank for the story. Well, that is just poor game design. Not all run around going for end-game gear.
I have played various mmo’s, and i must say. This game proberly has some of the worst mob designs
All of HoT is meant to be lv80 content. As an expansion you are expected to have at least a full set of exotic gear. That part isn’t really unreasonable. 25k HP is relatively high but passive defenses in GW2 will only get you so far, active avoidance is still very important. In the case of HoT mobs crowd control abilities(both hard and soft) can also be very useful.
Im at the mordremoth fight. This is just ridicules. First of. These bosses have WAY to much hp. I have done raid bosses that are faster to get down, than these. I got hit in the air with 1 kittening rock. Landed on the ground, and died pretty much right after. Now i have to start all over. That is just kittened. The fight takes insanly long. Again, no idea what so ever, how to design a prober boss/mob fight. That a joke
just tried season 3. some of the story fights are a joke. same with the area and mobs.
I have to get past the boss, but i move so ridiculesly slow, and there is an army of mobs attacking me, while i move, so either i don’t make it, because you move kittenedly slow, or i get killed because of the ridiculesly number of mobs attacking me. And if i manage to get out near it, the bosses aoe just knocks me so far out, i lose connection with the stone in the middle. Congratulation for making a worse fight than the previous onces
just tried season 3. some of the story fights are a joke. same with the area and mobs.
I have to get past the boss, but i move so ridiculesly slow, and there is an army of mobs attacking me, while i move, so either i don’t make it, because you move kittenedly slow, or i get killed because of the ridiculesly number of mobs attacking me. And if i manage to get out near it, the bosses aoe just knocks me so far out, i lose connection with the stone in the middle. Congratulation for making a worse fight than the previous onces
You know you need to activate your countermagic skill in order to NOT move super slow, right?
LS3 mobs seemed pretty easy. There were 2 or 3 HP sponges though.