night in Verdant Brink
Must be present to win.
I understand and agree that it sucks when your system crashes. But if you have to log out?
If I have to log out half way through I don’t expect to receive further reward.
However, if the game drops me. (yes, it can’t tell the difference, I know)
And I immediately reconnect. (this is the important bit)
I should not lose all my participation credit.
I should not lose my spot on map roster.
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon
I haven’t had any troubles with disconnects on Verdant Brink. However, Auric Basin seems to drop at random.
erm they actually have something to help dc’s in game ^^ i’ve crashed a couple of times and EVRYTIME got back in still had all the progress bar
The issue they have it seems is the progress is bound to your char and to instance if you get back into a different instance you do loose it, which makes sense but sucks at the same time
duno the solution other than if it is a dc have a 2 min reserve time on that instance so you can get back in? would help all those people dcing on teq atleast.