rate the spec
I basically rate’m the same as you did.
herald/chrono/reaper all good stuff.
zerker and daredevil are both meh.
tempest and d-hunter are both awful.
(edited by Cbomb.4310)
Okay, as for now my rating would be:
1 Herald
2 Chronomancer
3 Daredevil
4 Reaper
5 Dragonhunter
6 Tempest
7 Berserker
I love Daredevila nd chrono, and herald is even better Not a fan of the berzerker or the tempest. Dragonhunter and reaper are more in the “okay” catagory
you gave dragoun hunter to much respact..
1 Herald
2 Chronomancer
3 Dragonhunter
4 Reaper
5 Berserker
6 Daredevil
100 Tempest
If you measure the Daredevil on staff skills then yes it is meh. But those traits pair up nicely with existing weapons.
And of course, Rev would be one. They want us to be blinded by the new class.
Crystal Desert
Rate them based on what? o.O
Personal preference? Effectiveness? In specific game types or for the game overall?
…eh, w/e. Here’s my random rating based on my personal preference:
1) Chronomancer
2) Reaper
3) Scrapper
4) Herald
5) Dragonhunter
6) Berserker
7) Tempest
8) Daredevil
Daredevil is at the bottom because of how much of a disappointment it was. I main a thief and actually looking forward to DD…until I saw just how much the spec was built from re-used animations/clunky mechanics and just overall looks nothing like what I would expect a melee staff wielding martial artist to look like.
I probably shouldn’t have expected that much though…doing DD right would have required a lot of really new character animations and would require the staff to bend in certain animations as well.
The changes to DD may bring it up a bit, but I’ll probably still be disappointed since I don’t anticipate changes to stuff like the hadouken-like animation in the autoattack where the staff just twirls magically in mid air. =/
For now, it’s very possible, I’ll just switch mains when HoT comes out.
1) Herald
2) Daredevil
3) Chronomancer
4) Reaper
5) Berserker
6) Tempest
7) Dragonhunter
1) Chronomancer
2) Herald
3) Reaper
4) Berserker
5) Dragonhunter
6) Daredevil
7) Tempest
Best NA rallybot on EU
1) Chronomancer – Direct upgrade of base mesmer, cool mechanic, fun to play
2) Reaper – Fun to play, cool theme
3) Dragonhunter – Pew pew guardian, has its moments
4) Daredevil – OK, needs some work but OK
5) Berserker – Not sure what is this spec for
6) Herald – Zero customization in a game where customization is a must.
7) Tempest – D/D ele with an identity crisis.
From my testing in PvP
1) Herald
2) Reaper
3) Chronomancer
4) Tempest
5) Dragon Hunter
7) Berserker
Scrapper will take the 4th Spot
Druid will take the 9th spot or just barely be above Berserker
(plays ranger most of the time)
Fort Aspenwood
1. Chronomancer
2. Reaper
3. Hearld
4. Daredevil
5. Berserker
6. Dragonhunter
7. Tempest
Reapers and chronos are so evil
1, 2, 3) Chronomancer, Reaper, Herald : Aesthetically they feel well done, they have clear strength and seem to be able to create some new meta/great build.
4, 5) Berzerker and Daredevil : They seem ok, but not strong enough to be able to create really good build. But most of their problems could be fixed by the launch of the expansion (some of them were already acknowledge by the devs). They have potentiel, but need some polish.
6, 7) Those two have core issues. I’m ok with the aesthetic of the Tempest, but the Dragonhunter fall flat on that category. But they both fail when it come to their actual usefulness. Tempest fill a role that Ele already excel at, while Dragonhunter is just bad. I don’t think they can fit those for the expansion. They both need a lot of rework of their core principle.
based on how enjoyable it was to play so far (did not play Berzerker yet):
1) Chronomancer (amazing class mechanic and trait line that mixes well with the other lines/playstyles…so much fun)
2) Reaper (great theme that is really fun to play and close to being realized effectively)
3) Herald (amazing utilities…can fit into any/many roles at once effectively).
big gap
4) Tempest (potentially fun, if you don’t mind camping attunements, but overloads remain too weak to justify not just staying base ele staff if you do like camping attunements)
5) Dragon Hunter (bland…can do this better on my ranger….but new changes are promising)
big gap
6) Daredevil (so much potential, but animated so poorly it is unplayable)
MARA (EU) Gunnar’s Hold
1) Herald -it’s a little unfair though since I wouldn’t like the class all that much without it. Herald makes me want to main rev.
2) Reaper -pretty much just a blast to play. You really do feel like a movie monster running around murdering things.
3) Chronomancer -probably my favourite combination of mechanics and flavour.
4) Daredevil -assuming the animations get better, this spec is in a pretty good spot and the dodging all over with damage is awesome.
5) Tempest -I’m just not a huge fan of locking out attunements.
6) Berserker -I main warrior and I really wanted to like this, but I find that it’s far too awkward to utilize well. I really think there needs to be a way to just stay in berserker mode. It could tick adrenaline once you activate it and they could change the primal bursts to use up only 5. Obviously they’d need to balance the numbers around this, but I think it would be a lot more fun and fit the theme of the spec more than randomly not being angry after 15 seconds.
7) Dragonhunter -honestly, I haven’t tried it so I’m just going off of what others have said.
1. Chronomancer – Love everything about this one. Alacrity. F5. Wells. Shield. Just amazing.
2. Reaper – This one has the best animations for me. Love Reapers shroud. Deadly in pvp.
3. Herald – Great way how to play with support and boons.
4. Daredevil – Pretty nice spec. New dodges are strange, but that’s probably why I like them. Love elite skill. Needs little improvement in animations.
5. Berserker – Usually I do not play war, but berserker looks interesting. Really like torch skills and elite skill.
6. Dragonhunter – Concept and animations are great, but I really dislike the name. LB and traps needs improvement.
7. Tempest – Although ele is my main, this one is the worst. I don’t like concept, I don’t like gameplay. Overloads are weird. WH and its sounds even weirder (hate that fart sound and animations) They can tweak numbers as they want, but I am sure I am not going to play Tempest in HoT.
Rate them based on what? o.O
Personal preference? Effectiveness? In specific game types or for the game overall?
…eh, w/e. Here’s my random rating based on my personal preference:
1) Chronomancer
2) Reaper
3) Scrapper
4) Herald
5) Dragonhunter
6) Berserker
7) Tempest
8) DaredevilDaredevil is at the bottom because of how much of a disappointment it was. I main a thief and actually looking forward to DD…until I saw just how much the spec was built from re-used animations/clunky mechanics and just overall looks nothing like what I would expect a melee staff wielding martial artist to look like.
I probably shouldn’t have expected that much though…doing DD right would have required a lot of really new character animations and would require the staff to bend in certain animations as well.
The changes to DD may bring it up a bit, but I’ll probably still be disappointed since I don’t anticipate changes to stuff like the hadouken-like animation in the autoattack where the staff just twirls magically in mid air. =/
For now, it’s very possible, I’ll just switch mains when HoT comes out.
After reading the scrapper stuff, I think I can definitely see it moving to the 2 or maybe even the 1 spot. The next POI and/or beta weekend will probably be what determines that for sure, but the potential is definitely there.
Rate them based on what? o.O
Personal preference? Effectiveness? In specific game types or for the game overall?
…eh, w/e. Here’s my random rating based on my personal preference:
1) Chronomancer
2) Reaper
3) Scrapper
4) Herald
5) Dragonhunter
6) Berserker
7) Tempest
8) DaredevilDaredevil is at the bottom because of how much of a disappointment it was. I main a thief and actually looking forward to DD…until I saw just how much the spec was built from re-used animations/clunky mechanics and just overall looks nothing like what I would expect a melee staff wielding martial artist to look like.
I probably shouldn’t have expected that much though…doing DD right would have required a lot of really new character animations and would require the staff to bend in certain animations as well.
The changes to DD may bring it up a bit, but I’ll probably still be disappointed since I don’t anticipate changes to stuff like the hadouken-like animation in the autoattack where the staff just twirls magically in mid air. =/
For now, it’s very possible, I’ll just switch mains when HoT comes out.
After reading the scrapper stuff, I think I can definitely see it moving to the 2 or maybe even the 1 spot. The next POI and/or beta weekend will probably be what determines that for sure, but the potential is definitely there.
Well, from my point of view, I can see it moving to the bottom. A Drone with search and rescue and a drone that cast guard on us. I’m sure every ranger out there can say how effective it will be. Further more a drone is a kind of jagged horror (necro stuff that die super fast)… It think there will be a lot of disappointment at the BWE3.
Rate based on what?
Rate based on what?
Based on personal thoughts after beta-testing them obviously. Should be easy for ppl who still have their own thoughts…altho those ppl decrease in number on a daily basis.
Personally all specs feel extremely lackluster and not something that make you go “Omg..i finally did it i became X”…they are “meh” at best for me…but here’s a list that points out specs from “meh” to “extreme meh” from my POV
1) Herald – the only reason it’s cool is because the class&spec is completeley new. Everything about him is almost unkown and fresh. That is 90% of the contribution to the “coolness” of this class&spec.
2) Reaper
3) Berserker tied with Chronomancer
4) Scrapper (might move to 3..have to test him out in the next beta)
5) Tempest (COMPLETELY UNDERWHELMING…engineer has more “tempesty” looking skills then eles…terrible design)
6) Daredevil (seriously anet?..a staff?….instead of a “covert sniper” action that would have made the game extremely fun?……a staff anet?)
7) Dragonhunter (i don’t even want to comment on how useless & slow he feels when playing it…not even funny)
Ranger remains unkown…but personally i can’t remember an mmo that had a pet-system and was actually fun to use. As long as this class has a pet for me it will be a big minus.
(edited by Rebound.3409)
Rate them based on what? o.O
Personal preference? Effectiveness? In specific game types or for the game overall?
…eh, w/e. Here’s my random rating based on my personal preference:
1) Chronomancer
2) Reaper
3) Scrapper
4) Herald
5) Dragonhunter
6) Berserker
7) Tempest
8) DaredevilDaredevil is at the bottom because of how much of a disappointment it was. I main a thief and actually looking forward to DD…until I saw just how much the spec was built from re-used animations/clunky mechanics and just overall looks nothing like what I would expect a melee staff wielding martial artist to look like.
I probably shouldn’t have expected that much though…doing DD right would have required a lot of really new character animations and would require the staff to bend in certain animations as well.
The changes to DD may bring it up a bit, but I’ll probably still be disappointed since I don’t anticipate changes to stuff like the hadouken-like animation in the autoattack where the staff just twirls magically in mid air. =/
For now, it’s very possible, I’ll just switch mains when HoT comes out.
After reading the scrapper stuff, I think I can definitely see it moving to the 2 or maybe even the 1 spot. The next POI and/or beta weekend will probably be what determines that for sure, but the potential is definitely there.
Well, from my point of view, I can see it moving to the bottom. A Drone with search and rescue and a drone that cast guard on us. I’m sure every ranger out there can say how effective it will be. Further more a drone is a kind of jagged horror (necro stuff that die super fast)… It think there will be a lot of disappointment at the BWE3.
Yea, it could potentially be that way, but there’s a few factors that could make these viable even though the ranger skills are in a bad spot:
1) Search and Rescue is a long cooldown that takes up a utility spot. The cooldown on this along with stability could make this viable. Also, if the hammer does enough DPS on its own, we may not need to juggle 3 kits to do viable damage in PvE, which could free up the utility spot to take this. Finally, the ability to spike opponents could make this viable in PvP, even if it doesn’t take off in PvE.
2) The sneak gyro is very different than guard. It’s more of a combination of a mobile Shadow Refuge with Sic’ Em. However, having the gyro itself revealed could kill this. Same goes for the cooldown.
Disclaimer: I am a PvE player and main Ele/Ranger (no, not secondary class :P ).
My rating based on how fun/usefull the elite specs are:
- Chronomancer – I love the theme and skills of it. Rewind <3
- Reaper – The only weapons in the game that I found to look awesome are GSs/Swords, and I like the theme of the hard hitting fiend.
- Herald – Pretty supporty and brings some nice survivability; hopefully I finally get a character that can proudly wield my Flameseeker Prophecies.
- Scrapper – I like the utility gyro’s concept (F) and I think it could be a pretty good supporty spec.
- Daredevil – Monkey King; ’nuff said.
- Dragonhunter – I dislike the name (hah! bet you didn’t see this coming), Skills are nice, but slow.
- Berserker – Low ranking because I think it’s too generic (and I dislike Warrior class).
- Tempest – Last rank cause I really really really wanted Swords for my Battle Mage…
Please let me give Druid a high ranking Anet. Q.Q/
1) Berserker – I had great fun playing it, and it seems pretty effective. Animations on Asura are fantastic and it left me wanting more.
2) chronomancer – I love the utility of this spec and can’t wait to play it live
3) Herald – I had fun with it. Certainly made the Revenant interesting.
4) Reaper – nice abilities, just not sure about it yet.9
Not tried so can’t rate: Dragon Hunter and Daredevil
NAN) Tempest – just too terrible for me in the last beta. I couldn’t find a single situation in the last beta where I could find any use for Tempest, and the Elite skill is the most useless thing ever.
On the other hand, if I had to rate from BWE2 experience, I had :
1- Reaper : felt so good in solo play that was awesome. (just ignoring the lack of support of the specialization in this rating)
2- Herald : easy and effective (seriously, it’s good at almost everything except condicleanse)
3- Tempest : I honestly had a very good feeling with this elite spec. Most ele are stuck in their habit, that’s why this one is not well received by the community.
4- Chronomancer : The spec was pleasant to play, still I prefer the base profession.
5- Dragonhunter : again a pretty easy to play spec but traps felt a bit cluncky. Wouldn’t rate this spec as “competitive” though.
6- Daredevil : needed a lot of polishing but the concept (outside of the name) is amazing and seem to work pretty well.
7- Berserker : I had really a hard time on this one. Conceptually it seemed easy to grasp but I just couldn’t play it well (mostly because I’m stuck in my bad habits when it come to the warrior gameplay)
This leave Scrapper and Druid.
NB.: It’s a rating that come just from playing them outside of group content, it’s absolutely not the rating I would come up with if I had to talk about long term viability or competitivity.
1) Chronomancer – Very Good, but making not use of all its Potential yet
2) Berserker – Very Good
3) Reaper – Good
4) Druid – Good
5) Daredevil – Junk Name
6) Herald (Unfitting Design)
7) Scrapper – Junk Name (wordly)
8.) Tempest – Junk Name
9) Dragonhunter – Junk Name
Chronomancer is on top ,because its complete design just fits, it feels in touch with the Mesmer the most as a specialization, that focus on perfectionizing Illusion Magic to the point, that you trick even the time space continuum’s reality.
Its a clear, iconic profession name, that actually sounds also like an immersive profession, unlike most of the other over uniqued nonsense that the most other specs got.
Berserker is very good, because its design absolutely fits to what you expect from a Warrior and the theme of beign a fiery fighter, who goes all nuts and on endless rage to deal massive bursts in short time with visually very impressive skills. Its a classical iconic generic name, that doesn’t need any nonsensical over uniqueness just for attention seeking
Reapoer is good, from all Elite Specs the best one that combines the best Game Lore with Game Desing without pressing unwanted anttention seeking over uniqueness into everyones face right away. its gameplay makes fun, it sounds not as much as a real profession like maybe Chronomancer does, but the fitting bonded lore to it compensates for that. However, with some more well made brainstorming I’m sure they would have been also a still better name for it, that suits a bit more all playable races. Reaper has that kind of human connection due to the gods/grenth, that the other races are missing
Druid, can’t say much to the gameplay, but I expect a gameplay, that will fit very much to what you would expect from a classical nature magic focused Druid.
its a good old classical more generic name, that actually is a well accepted and known immersive profession term (unlike most other junk we got)
Daredevil – Good ideas, terrible execution and needs alot of finetunign and a renaming to something ,that sounds actually like a fitting immersive profession and not like a generic title for everyone who likes to be reckless. Class design with bad Main Mechanic Integration, that feels like its new mechanics are hidden behind a Trait Wall!! Seriously!? gettign one Spec line screwed, so that this Elite Spec makes sense for existance! Another thing that needs to get changed immediately.. where do we get to if we now start nerfing trait lines into oblivion, just to make new Elite Specs viable replacements!!!
Herald.. nice name, but complete gameplay design that fits absolutely not to the whole class. Under an Herald I’d expect a class that uses a WARHORN and not a Shield.
It feels much better, if anet woudd practicalyl exchange the Warhorn out of the Tempest and give Tempest under redesign therefore the Shield instead.
Heralds should be the name for Revenants, as Revenants are practically Heralds of the Mist, able to communicate with legends of the Mists to be the connection between the dead and the living, and the Elite Spec shout be renamed to either Prophet or Soothsayer as they are connected to Glint, the whole reason for the existance of the FLAMESEEKER PROPHECIES and their whole gameplay should be based more on VISIONS as like Glint had visions of the future!! the name and the whole gameplay are completely out of touch!
Scrapper, nice gameplay from what we klnow so far, terrible name choice again.
They should have stayed at the Forger, or named it maybe instead Artificer and stayed at the fiery design, instead of making an unfitting unexplainable 180° turn and changing the whole design now into an electricy design, that makes absolutely no sense when going into the jungle, where FIRE IS KEY and which makes also alot more sense with skill like Rocket Charge, which we know fro mthe traielr was by design already very fire heavy in its animations
Tempest.. super boring gameplay mechanic, that feels not very much in touch, nonsensical na,me that is absolutely unimmersive as a profession term!! (naming a class after a weather effect, seriously, really high conceptual…)
They should have better started here with somethign easier and more generic, that is an iconic clear known and accepted profession term, like Summoner, Arcanist, Forcetamer, Runologist, Sage, Mystic ect. and that maybe with a weapon, that the community wished most for – the Sword, what would have been the best weapon choice for a kind of elemental battle magician stylistical Arcanist/Mystic instead
Dragonhunter.. the worst of them all, here fits absolutely from A to Z nothing together at all. The worst profression name that ive ever seen in my whole life paired with an unfitting 3in1 style wannabe witchhunter design with mixed in dragon style skilsl that have nothign at all to do with the original style of the Guardian Class at all, and that all on top mixed with a kind of Trap Hunter gameplay.. what is something, that would alot more for a RANGER E-Spec for the future that woudl be then actually named Hunter, because its already a class, that has longbow and traps. wtf do we need another class for that in heavy armors that makes no sense and swings around as wannabe angel/paragon and makes one on Witchhunter Trip??
Thats my ratings with my feelings about the ratings, why I rated the specs as like I rated them
Now to the comparison how I think they’d be all IDEAL:
- Chronomancer (Mesmer)
- Berserker (Warrior)
- Dervish (Necromancer)
- Druid (Ranger)
- Ascetic (Thief)
- Prophet (Herald)
- Artificer (Engineer)
- Arcanist (Elementalist)
- Inquisitor (Guardian)
That way would have been all Specs consistant and congruent in their design, beign in touch with their original main professions, themes and designs. They simply would be all then fitting immersive professions, where I would rate them then all as superb jobs, while still having good working unique class names, that aren’t try hard attention seeking over uniqueness out of fear, if most of the names are’t some crazy eye catchers, that nobody would buy HoT, while stil lhaving good unique names, that aren’t to be found in most other active MMORPGs that are out currently.
Thats just my opinion. But thats how I’d name the Specs, if I’d had some kind of influence on that xD (and making some design change,s os that the names do acutally fit to the gameplay and thems of the Main Professiions, while also having back in my, that we do use them while going into the Jungle, fighting against many plant based enemies… where stuff like electricity makes no sense…
Disclaimer: I am a PvE player and main Ele/Ranger (no, not secondary class :P ).
My rating based on how fun/usefull the elite specs are:
- Chronomancer – I love the theme and skills of it. Rewind <3
- Reaper – The only weapons in the game that I found to look awesome are GSs/Swords, and I like the theme of the hard hitting fiend.
- Herald – Pretty supporty and brings some nice survivability; hopefully I finally get a character that can proudly wield my Flameseeker Prophecies.
- Scrapper – I like the utility gyro’s concept (F) and I think it could be a pretty good supporty spec.
- Daredevil – Monkey King; ’nuff said.
- Dragonhunter – I dislike the name (hah! bet you didn’t see this coming), Skills are nice, but slow.
- Berserker – Low ranking because I think it’s too generic (and I dislike Warrior class).
- Tempest – Last rank cause I really really really wanted Swords for my Battle Mage…
Please let me give Druid a high ranking Anet. Q.Q/
9. Druid – Sorry, I dislike the concept of a generic Healbot.
Now that all of them ahve been revealed, final list, tho they are mostly all quite close to one another:
1. Druid
2. Herald
3. Chronomancer
4. Daredevil
5. Scrapper
6. Dragonhunter
7. Tempest
8. Berserker
9. Reaper