story and masteries

story and masteries

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


currently I’m stuck at the story part, where you need to get a “t4” mastery, but I guess I’ve done enough to give some feedback about what’s been so far:

the story overall seems to be influenced by a CoD storyteller. And the “commander” reminds a bit on big boss, but thats a american game, so…ok^^

looking on gameplay it got some nice mechanical parts, where you get out of pressing 1 1 111 111 11111111111111 1 w 1…
a handicap is still the point of non-scip-able scenes/dialogs, which realy gets messy after a fail/dc/replay/… ,when you just wanna get on
good point is, thats the eventcounter so far have gone!!!

but a very big negative point in the requirement of masteries. it continues, what levelrestrictions did with the core-story. you just break it out of game. there is just no link anymore between the story and the world.
Example given: thee is a point you need to reach a special place and in the story you get told you need to learn a specific ability to get there. Ok, what you do is just play on the map untill you got that stuff. Problem: after 30sec running straight forward(if you can tell it like this here^^), you reach the point where you-in the story- cant get….W T F
Apart from that, it totally destroys any flow. When you managed to think in, you just get thrown out need to do sth else…