we need more Invetory space Anet.
Your title wasn’t clear, but I’m really happy the body of your post clarified some of my confusion.
So… You need more inventory space for a net? A hot net?
Sure, i’ll take more inventory space.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
I am in agreement. We need 40 slot boxes so we can have a total of 360 inventory slots. 160 is far too little. I only have 5-7 free slots of inventory, which is problematic when I do any sort of content where you get loot.
Or, you could, ya know, buy more. Unless you mean you want to go over the cap. In which case I fully support this even though I’m a filthy causal and don’t get enough gold to buy more slots.
we need more Invetory space Anet.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Aleksander Suburb.4287
We don’t need more space. We need fewer different currency-items and all this stuff. Put the endless-tonics into a own register like the minis. Get a valuable use for all the dragonit, bloodstone etc., don’t design twenty another keys for some chests. Or another boost for xp, magic find etc.
We don’t need more space. We need fewer different currency-items and all this stuff. Put the endless-tonics into a own register like the minis. Get a valuable use for all the dragonit, bloodstone etc., don’t design twenty another keys for some chests. Or another boost for xp, magic find etc.
This is a very good idea and I fully support it. (Btw there’s an item to consume bloodstone dust and empyreal shards, though the latter was only available on christmas).
I am in agreement. We need 40 slot boxes so we can have a total of 360 inventory slots. 160 is far too little. I only have 5-7 free slots of inventory, which is problematic when I do any sort of content where you get loot.
that’s a sarcasm or you really use so much inventory slots? I think I have like maybe 6 or 7 bags on my main and it’s quite enough when you don’t carry all junks
The permanent items in my characters inventory is really annoying. I have items, I never use, yet it is still something in may keep for the future – like https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pile_of_Phantasmal_Residue
It’s cluttered with stuff like this. And I don’t get why they introduce new currencies like the geodes and bandit badges but don’t implement it into the currency tab.
‘would of been’ —> wrong
The permanent items in my characters inventory is really annoying. I have items, I never use, yet it is still something in may keep for the future – like https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pile_of_Phantasmal_Residue
It’s cluttered with stuff like this. And I don’t get why they introduce new currencies like the geodes and bandit badges but don’t implement it into the currency tab.
Use your bank thats what its there for
The permanent items in my characters inventory is really annoying. I have items, I never use, yet it is still something in may keep for the future – like https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pile_of_Phantasmal_Residue
It’s cluttered with stuff like this. And I don’t get why they introduce new currencies like the geodes and bandit badges but don’t implement it into the currency tab.
Use your bank thats what its there for
I bought a bank slot… it was filled within 30 minutes, it hardly solves the problem
The permanent items in my characters inventory is really annoying. I have items, I never use, yet it is still something in may keep for the future – like https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pile_of_Phantasmal_Residue
It’s cluttered with stuff like this. And I don’t get why they introduce new currencies like the geodes and bandit badges but don’t implement it into the currency tab.
Use your bank thats what its there for
I bought a bank slot… it was filled within 30 minutes, it hardly solves the problem
Buy another one i guess your not maxed out
The permanent items in my characters inventory is really annoying. I have items, I never use, yet it is still something in may keep for the future – like https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pile_of_Phantasmal_Residue
It’s cluttered with stuff like this. And I don’t get why they introduce new currencies like the geodes and bandit badges but don’t implement it into the currency tab.
Use your bank thats what its there for
I bought a bank slot… it was filled within 30 minutes, it hardly solves the problem
Buy another one i guess your not maxed out
I am maxed out on bank and bags.
i have different armor and weapon sets. Tonics, toys, currencies, environmental weapons, non deposit crafting materials.
The permanent items in my characters inventory is really annoying. I have items, I never use, yet it is still something in may keep for the future – like https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pile_of_Phantasmal_Residue
It’s cluttered with stuff like this. And I don’t get why they introduce new currencies like the geodes and bandit badges but don’t implement it into the currency tab.
Use your bank thats what its there for
I bought a bank slot… it was filled within 30 minutes, it hardly solves the problem
Buy another one i guess your not maxed out
I am maxed out on bank and bags.
i have different armor and weapon sets. Tonics, toys, currencies, environmental weapons, non deposit crafting materials.
Well maybe best to give a screenshot so i can help you sort out what can be sold or put in a personal guld bank or a mule mate
Have people not even played other MMOs? This game is full trash loot, spvp is a good example of this, you have to open a box just to get another box inside and inside more bags to open just to get some greenies. They obviously do this on purpose so people can buy slots with gems and yet people here suggesting to buy more slots and bank slots lol. Anet obviously won’t fix the problem but keep filling your inventory.
I’d prefer less crap but more space would also be good.
Space Marine Z [GLTY]
The permanent items in my characters inventory is really annoying. I have items, I never use, yet it is still something in may keep for the future – like https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pile_of_Phantasmal_Residue
It’s cluttered with stuff like this. And I don’t get why they introduce new currencies like the geodes and bandit badges but don’t implement it into the currency tab.
Use your bank thats what its there for
I bought a bank slot… it was filled within 30 minutes, it hardly solves the problem
Buy another one i guess your not maxed out
I am maxed out on bank and bags.
i have different armor and weapon sets. Tonics, toys, currencies, environmental weapons, non deposit crafting materials.
I bet your house is full of newspapers.
I don’t see how yours could be mega full and in dire need of more I bought all avalible bag spaces with gems and have all level 20 bags they only fill if I do like 10 hours of dry top or open like hundreds of bags .-. The only issue I ever find is having to upgrade my materials storage on a monthly basis to give me a additional 250 slots because of all the ascended materials clogging up my bank spaces xD
I am in agreement. We need 40 slot boxes so we can have a total of 360 inventory slots. 160 is far too little. I only have 5-7 free slots of inventory, which is problematic when I do any sort of content where you get loot.
that’s a sarcasm or you really use so much inventory slots?
I think I have like maybe 6 or 7 bags on my main and it’s quite enough when you don’t carry all junks
No sarcasm. I desperately need more inventory space. I only have room for 7 armor sets. I used to have more sets but it was taking up too much space so I had to salvage them. With 360 slots I could have as much as 18 more armor sets complete with trinkets and weapons. Even worse, my bank is full as well and most of my 8 characters also have full inventories.
Someone mentioned a personal guild bank. It takes a bit of gold and some time, but the slots are nice. I have 4, actually, with different type items in each.
I am in agreement. We need 40 slot boxes so we can have a total of 360 inventory slots. 160 is far too little. I only have 5-7 free slots of inventory, which is problematic when I do any sort of content where you get loot.
that’s a sarcasm or you really use so much inventory slots?
I think I have like maybe 6 or 7 bags on my main and it’s quite enough when you don’t carry all junks
No sarcasm. I desperately need more inventory space. I only have room for 7 armor sets. I used to have more sets but it was taking up too much space so I had to salvage them. With 360 slots I could have as much as 18 more armor sets complete with trinkets and weapons. Even worse, my bank is full as well and most of my 8 characters also have full inventories.
7 Armor sets? For what? You don’t need any armor sets for sPvP, and WvW and PvE require very little changes to armor. There are some really big diminishing returns when it comes to multiple armor sets.
What’cha got there is some dedicated hoarding. I don’t think they shouldn’t give more bag slots, but you might find it more reasonable to just invest in transmutation charges on the gem store instead of hanging on to so many items…
We need more Inventory space for HoT Anet.
No we don’t.
We need more Inventory space for HoT Anet.
I would argue that we don’t need more space. I think we need less useless random items.
These should be removed as items (auto-use them)
- Luck Stones
- Karma
- World XP
- Junk Items (give up pure money instead)
With the Buff on Salvage Kits we need items that have less useless runes in them now. You run a dungeon and it is “hang on guys… my inventory filled up from salvaging”.
more bank tab please … or fix the ascended rings ( salvageable )
The permanent items in my characters inventory is really annoying. I have items, I never use, yet it is still something in may keep for the future – like https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pile_of_Phantasmal_Residue
It’s cluttered with stuff like this. And I don’t get why they introduce new currencies like the geodes and bandit badges but don’t implement it into the currency tab.
Use your bank thats what its there for
I bought a bank slot… it was filled within 30 minutes, it hardly solves the problem
Buy another one i guess your not maxed out
I am maxed out on bank and bags.
i have different armor and weapon sets. Tonics, toys, currencies, environmental weapons, non deposit crafting materials.
Same here. Mines filled with all sorts of different stuff (bl goods, skin items, tonics/toys, ascended chests (stats I don’t know what to use for), ascended accessories, etc).
If we got a transcharge when we store/unlock skins for wardrobe I’d have at least a full bank tab free. Why waste that free charge/skinning? Same with gemstore skin items, sure it unlocks when we get the item, but if we delete that item its still a lost charge too.
Please give us a keyring…
7 Armor sets? For what? You don’t need any armor sets for sPvP, and WvW and PvE require very little changes to armor. There are some really big diminishing returns when it comes to multiple armor sets.
What’cha got there is some dedicated hoarding. I don’t think they shouldn’t give more bag slots, but you might find it more reasonable to just invest in transmutation charges on the gem store instead of hanging on to so many items…
They’re mostly armor sets of the same stats. Only different runes and skins. But being able to switch runes quickly in WvW roaming is a great help before some fights.
I also already spend 20 transmutation charges or so per week across my characters. I would have to buy close to 300 transmutation charges a day to satisfy my need to look good if I were to only have one set of armor.
More/cheaper space, and less rubbish thrown at us would be great.
Might be time to allow the creation of 24-slot bags/boxes, using Dragonite Ore. Solve two problems at once.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
More/cheaper space, and less rubbish thrown at us would be great.
This is really the best solution. Less-frequent but more-meaningful loot. There is no purpose to junk items and minor sigils/runes. I would sooner open 20 bags and receive one rare item and literally nothing else than open 5 bags and get 10 greens and 5 junk items.
How about… your know…. use bank slots too?
They’re mostly armor sets of the same stats. Only different runes and skins. But being able to switch runes quickly in WvW roaming is a great help before some fights.
I also already spend 20 transmutation charges or so per week across my characters. I would have to buy close to 300 transmutation charges a day to satisfy my need to look good if I were to only have one set of armor.
Well, that’s an interesting way you have chosen to use your available inventory space, but it doesn’t represent a necessity for the game to have an increased capacity.
Well, since we are getting on the “complain, whine and ask for everything” band wagon, if I only had a place of storage for hoarding large volumes of a single item. Like a 2000 per slot bank tab with about 30 tabs. Of course, I could quit being cheap and just get a new bank tab too.
Anet also needs to put currencies in the currency tab.
We don’t need more space. We need fewer different currency-items and all this stuff. Put the endless-tonics into a own register like the minis. Get a valuable use for all the dragonit, bloodstone etc., don’t design twenty another keys for some chests. Or another boost for xp, magic find etc.
Yes, I prefer the less is more approach also. Instead of having 5 or 6 different levels of mining picks (e.g., copper, iron, steel, darksteel mining picks), it would be better to just have one mining pick and have the ores themselves take away a varying number of charges from the tool. (E.g, copper only takes one charge from a mining pick while orichalcum takes 5 charges.) The net effect should remain the same but you increase the quality of life for the player and increase storage space by having less clutter around.
Lee Oren – Ranger
Eve Oren – Revenant
I don’t need nor want more inventory space.
What I want is more account unlocks:
- Toys like tonics and instruments and Tools like everlasting gathering tools and salvage-o-matic should have a tab in the bank where each character can get their own copies without having to keep them all in characters or the bank, and without having to constantly use the bank to use them with multiple characters.
- Stats and upgrades should have a way to become unlocked an interchangeable for level 80 exotic gear for all characters of the same profession (One warrior unlocks Soldier stats, another warrior unlocks Berserker, both can switch between Berserker and Soldier), and ascended gear account-wide (any character gets Soldier ascended stats unlocked, all can use Soldier ascended stats).
- Legendary gear would be converted to use this new system, but when a legendary item is selected to pick stats and upgrades, all would be available whether the accoount has them unlocked or not.
That way there’s not only need to carry tons of different items with you, making build templates becomes easier and the same stat system can be used for both pvp and pve.
(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)
If only there where armors with stats you could just always reselect. that would be a legendary improvement
Too much crap drops in this game. Less loot with better returns per item would be amazing. Of course, Anet took that idea the wrong way and now we’ll be getting even more 16c runes to clutter things up.
I don’t need nor want more inventory space.
What I want is more account unlocks:
- Toys like tonics and instruments and Tools like everlasting gathering tools and salvage-o-matic should have a tab in the bank where each character can get their own copies without having to keep them all in characters or the bank, and without having to constantly use the bank to use them with multiple characters.
- Stats and upgrades should have a way to become unlocked an interchangeable for exotic gear for all characters of the same profession (One warrior unlocks Soldier stats, another warrior unlocks Berserker, both can switch between Berserker and Soldier), and ascended gear account-wide (any character gets Soldier ascended stats unlocked, all can use Soldier ascended stats).
- Legendary gear would be converted to use this new system, but when a legendary item is selected to pick stats and upgrades, all would be available whether the accoount has them unlocked or not.
That way there’s not only need to carry tons of different items with you, making build templates becomes easier and the same stat system can be used for both pvp and pve.
The stat unlock sounds like a good idea, but in practice it would probably require a complete overhaul of the crafting system. It would probably mess up the TP as well. I’m not against it, but it’s completely different from what we have now.
What I’d like to see:
1-Better inventory management tools. If I’m at the bank I’d like to be able to see ALL items that I have, bank and bags, at one time in one giant grid. I’d like to be able to sort by item type (armor, weapon, etc…). It would be nice if there were a deposit feature where items would automatically stack if there are duplicates similar to the materials option.
2-Expand material collection limits…they done it before and I wouldn’t be surprised if they do this with HoT.
3-A dedicated space for crafting items/recipes, whether you want to call it a closet (tailor), refrigerator (cook) etc…
3-Less currency types or the ability to store new currencies like we currently do with gold and laurels.
The stat unlock sounds like a good idea, but in practice it would probably require a complete overhaul of the crafting system. It would probably mess up the TP as well. I’m not against it, but it’s completely different from what we have now.
It depends on how you do it.
For example, if to unlock a stat combination you require a full set of items, and they are made unusable for anything else in the process, it becomes an item sink, and people would not just get items to them salvage o throw in the mystic forge. And there would always be a reason to make another set. Because instead making yourself a 1-2 set and that’s it, because you ran out of space, you can go on and make yourself another set because you won’t have to delete your old set to make room and you can just delete the next set you use to unlock if no character needs it equipped, knowing you can keep the stats.
Why stopping with the few most used stats and stop there? You can unlock them all, so go on!
And since exotics would be only profession-wide, if you unlock a stat combination for one profession, you still have the other 9 left, so people won’t just make one set and that’s that.
Ascended would be account-wide unlocks since they are already account-wide now, but you’ll unlock the stats, not the item, so people would still need to get an ascended set for the character to equip so they can switch between the unlocked stats. So smart people would not just do the same stat combination over and over as they do now, but different ones two switch between them later. This means more demand for the less used materials as players make different stat combinations for different characters to be able to switch between different stats later.
(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)
How about “Bottomless Ascended Crafting Materials Slots” in the bank?
That would free up 80 – 120 inventory slots all by itself.
I’d pay 800 gems for that
We don’t need more inventory space.
We need to be given less kitten and more meaningful rewards.
After that, a Mystic Kit and a Copper-Omatic and you’re done.
If you have too much dragonite destroy it or craft it up. You’re not lacking Karma.
You don’t need 5 black lion kits.
Designate a different character for silverwastes.
Store or use your Pristine Fractal relics. They have no use other than taking up inventory space and you clearly have all the rings you need.
Tonics aren’t needed in your inventory at all times, considering you have bank access in your inventory anyway.
Boxes of fun, crafting stations, useless additional armor spaces. You’re carrying bank access. I can’t even begin to comprehend how useless that stuff in your inventory is.
If you’re that desperate for more space
200 gold = 100 slots of storage (new character slot) yay. 20 slot bags from fractal relics (150?per) and you’ve suddenly got a lot more space and if you ever want a new character you have it ! Yay.
Just delete posts that are derailments.
Every moment spent managing your inventory, even to toss stuff, is a moment you’re not playing the game. The fact that you can pay to somewhat offset this issue is mostly irrelevant. Inventory management is not fun for most people, so it drags the game down for them slowly but surely. It’s not generally overt, but it’s a battle of attrition. A better inventory is a better game.
Every moment spent managing your inventory, even to toss stuff, is a moment you’re not playing the game. The fact that you can pay to somewhat offset this issue is mostly irrelevant. Inventory management is not fun for most people, so it drags the game down for them slowly but surely. It’s not generally overt, but it’s a battle of attrition. A better inventory is a better game.
Sometimes ultimate convenience is not always the best way and approach.
I only keep a few alternative weapons in my inventory. I don’t even feel the need to buy any permanent gathering or salvage tool.
I have 5 bank tabs almost full.
Too much living season 1 and other ACCOUNT BOUND stuff.