zone rewards and mastery questions

zone rewards and mastery questions

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: OutOfMyMind.9613


Thinking about the setup of wiki pages for the zone rewards and have a few questions about them. Will all zones have the same number of different zone rewards? If so, will there be a simple daily rotation where every certain number of days the same set of rewards come up across all zones or will there be some randomness to it. For example each zone has 4 different rewards and on day 1 you get the first reward, day 2 the second, day 3 the third, day 4 the fourth, and then on day 5 the rewards start repeating from the first. Also using the API will there be a way to determine the rewards for the current day?

Now some questions about mastery points and mastery experience just for my personal enlightenment. Are mastery points world wide or will only Central Tyria (CT) received mastery points be used for CT masteries and only Heart of Thorns (HoT) received mastery points be used for HoT masteries? The same goes for mastery experience – will the experience gained in CT just be for CT masteries and the experience gained in HoT just be for HoT masteries. If they are indeed fully separate will you be able to have 1 mastery track open for each place and the game will automatically apply the experience received to the correct mastery track?

zone rewards and mastery questions

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: dsslive.8473


No clue for the first question (i do think a list of the rewards per day was datamined at some point but no clue where to find it :p )

As for the second question, the mastery points you earn in central tyria, will only be able to be used in central tyria masteries , same for the HoT mastery points. (atleast that’s what i understood from it )

zone rewards and mastery questions

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Donari.5237


I thought the rewards cycled as you did events and weren’t limited daily? But I didn’t test the system for very long as it didn’t feel terribly exciting to get one more small mat I might one day use for something maybe.

zone rewards and mastery questions

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

From what I remember, each map did not have the same number of rewards, and what was shown cycled through as you played in that map. I believe the Blog mentioned the rewards would change, but did not specify a time-frame – Daily? Weekly? More?

I don’t know if you can use Mastery Points obtained in one part of the game in the other, I’m guessing so. As for the XP, you can only use HoT XP for HoT Mastery tracks, and Core XP for Core Mastery tracks. So far, it looks like you can choose which track in both of the realms to have active, so changing ‘zones’ automatically ‘equips’ one or the other.

But, of course, that was in the last BWE; things could change radically in the next.

Good luck.

zone rewards and mastery questions

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Xiahou Mao.9701

Xiahou Mao.9701

The zone rewards are set up like PvP Reward Tracks, though the UI for the system is lacking in its current incarnation. Some zones list 4 rewards, some 5, and some 6, but they’re all earned in the same fashion, with event/JP/mini-dungeon completions progressing you along the Reward Track, which has 40 rewards along it just like the PvP ones. The milestone rewards, at reward 20 and 40, are always the baseline reward x10. The other rewards will pop up periodically throughout the track, at set intervals but at a lesser rate than whatever the track’s baseline reward is. But it is entirely predictable and there’s no randomness to it.

The rewards per zone do cycle, I believe that cycle will happen on a weekly basis, not a daily basis. What we don’t know yet is if your progress on a zone’s Reward Track will remain even after the rewards cycle. Each zone currently has eight different Reward Tracks, ensuring that at any given time there will be a zone you can go to for Giant Eyes, or Vials of Powerful Blood, or Unidentified Dyes, or whatever else you might be looking to get.

Completing two events is enough to earn one reward. There’s also some overflow earned from that, just like playing PvP games, so eventually you’ll have enough ‘extra’ overflow to get rewards from back to back events.