3 faces in Wychmire Swamp

3 faces in Wychmire Swamp

in Lore

Posted by: Arcalas.9368


I wonder what the 3 faces in the pic mean and if u want to see if for yourself its where the giant worm world boss spawns.


Norn “cows” go moot.

3 faces in Wychmire Swamp

in Lore

Posted by: Cowrex.9564


Dang, that’s really creepy. Going off-topic, even though it’s just a game, it’s really creeping me out!

Anyways, going back to le topic, I think those faces could be just old statues from the races generations before the current time of GW2

Give a man fire, he will be warm, set a man on fire, he will be warm forever! …or dead…

3 faces in Wychmire Swamp

in Lore

Posted by: Narcemus.1348


There was a bridge that went in front of a type of Mount Rushmore, which had these heads and water falling out of their mouths. At the very first time I saw these, that is what I thought they were, but they aren’t. The heads I was talking about are located in the land between Rata Sum and The Grove. Looking between the GW2 and GW1 maps, I’m seeing that the area is placed in an area where there were no heads in GW1, so it must have been built between the times. They do look a lot like faces in anguish which leads me to believe Nightmare Court.

3 faces in Wychmire Swamp

in Lore

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Wow… I’ve been in Caledon Forest multiples times and I’ve NEVER noticed that. I need to look up more often!

3 faces in Wychmire Swamp

in Lore

Posted by: WreckSC.1835


This is part of the thing I love about GW2. Just when you think you have seen most things in game, some detail emerges in the world that makes you go….oooo cool, not noticed that before

Nice screenshot, and no I hadn’t seen that before either

3 faces in Wychmire Swamp

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

Looking between the GW2 and GW1 maps, I’m seeing that the area is placed in an area where there were no heads in GW1, so it must have been built between the times. They do look a lot like faces in anguish which leads me to believe Nightmare Court.

Not necessarily so – it could just be a retcon. Keep in mind that the “heads in the stone” designs seen throughout the Tarnished Coast in GW1 were newer than Prophecies, and a lot of “ancient” things were added to GW1 areas that didn’t exist in GW1 (for instance, the Grendich Aquaducts).

Those heads look rather ancient, and guildies of mine speculated possibly being remnants of the Age of Giants – others suspecting ties to the Druids. I’m not really sure where to stand, but I do like the idea of them being petrified giant treants (their faces look a tad bit like mosshearts’ to me).

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

3 faces in Wychmire Swamp

in Lore

Posted by: MooCube.1450


Have you been into the area behind that cliff? You get there by going into the Hylek village and throwing a boulder at the gong. In there are more of those faces. Mysterious stuff.

Elwick Saberlin: Tarnished Coast