6th Elder Dragon Revealed?
Colin has a knack for false reveals or early reveals. He was noted as saying that Melandru was Melaggan which was later revoked, so honestly I wouldn’t consider Colin’s statement to be any more than a reassurance of what we already think we’ve known for some time about the possible Jungle Dragon.
The Melandru – Melaggan connection was never revoked, only one particular butterball (gotta love Captain Jetsam for that name) denies it in-game. (And we know many in-game sources of lore are false at best. “History never lies. Historians, however…”)
A fantasy of sci-fi cyborg implants grafted into the desiccated flesh of Guild Wars’ corpse.
It’s more than just one quaggan saying that – the quaggans as a race believe Melaggan and Melandru are separate.
Whether they are right is another question… and either way it’s suspicious that they use sunken shrines to Melandru in their worship.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
Quaggan’s very likely have different creation of world and race stories, and very likely with only one god Melaggan. Thats why they will see her as unique. That doesnt mean they worship the same entity.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Yay, yet another WP video thought to be ground-breaking…
This has been known. For a long, long while. The only thing new that I saw in the video would be the concept art at 0:35 – I wonder where that was obtained from…
Regarding the Melandru-Melaggan connection; Colin did seem to make a blunder, but it is believed in game by humans that the two are one and the same (while quaggans disagree). It’s possible that Colin didn’t blunder, but the lore changed between his statement and the quaggan blog post.
Edit: On the topic of concept art, I found that Kekai uploaded a kitten ton of old GW2 concepts. Three dragon ones spark me interesting:
Possible Mordremoth champ concepts:
Possible DSD champ concepts:
Even more interesting (as just pointed out to me):
Is grouped with Nightmare Court concepts on his tumblr:
http://kekai-k.tumblr.com/post/45877321475/theartofanimation-kekai-kotaki While grouped with other GW2 dragons on his actual website here.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
(edited by Konig Des Todes.2086)
OOoooWwwww nooo,did I just fed another WP-plug((((
That guy is such a pain.
Hey dude!! I know your reading this cause you are behind all this BS-plugging off yours. We all know you get money for visitors on youtube, but don’t bother us unless you finally get your facts right, wich is prolly never ever!!
To everyone else reading this. WP mixes facts with his own fiction, he might be a great story-teller but it has nothing to do with proper lore. If you want to discuss lore bring us things that have a solid background.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Now now, mercury, don’t be an kitten
Allow me to translate mercury into “not a kitten” speech:
To WP: Please stop mixing your speculation into the facts in your videos.
To others: WP mixes facts with speculation very often, and does it in such a way that his speculation sounds like fact.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
OOoooWwwww nooo,did I just fed another WP-plug
That guy is such a pain.Hey dude!! I know your reading this cause you are behind all this BS-plugging off yours. We all know you get money for visitors on youtube, but don’t bother us unless you finally get your facts right, wich is prolly never ever!!
To everyone else reading this. WP mixes facts with his own fiction, he might be a great story-teller but it has nothing to do with proper lore. If you want to discuss lore bring us things that have a solid background.
Um, that vid states right off the bat its speculation, it continually says its speculation, and it ends saying its speculation……
All his vids are like that.
I dont get how you think he tries to be anything but honest in his vids speculating about the game and lore.
Actually, not all his videos are like that. It seems he’s being more careful now, but in the past he mixed fact and speculation/theory (most theories not even his own which really annoyed some) together fairly often.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
I certainly like the fact that he advertises lore to a broader audience, it’s just that he takes other peoples findings and gives no mention of them, leading most of his viewers to believe, he actually does the researching himself. He should learn to quote his sources, until then I will see him as nothing more as a glory hog.
(INB4, no he didn’t steal anything from me, but the fact that he does, ticks me off)
what puts me off tbh is that he is making money this way and constantly finds people to plug it. Specially cause after clicking the vids here his plugged vid’s he appears in my youtube recomended list, but only way to see it is him again is to click it.
There are many good youtube video’s out there. Especially guides, but i don’t want to see him or see his advertisements all over the web. Where most systems have a way of blocking a user, afaik, youtube misses that option. So guess that the consequence of following this section of the forum is that im stuck with him on my youtube start page
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
I’ve never noticed him, but I only look at my favorites, and he’s not there, lol.
I… I… miss Kekai Kotaki art so much… U.U
He’s probably my favorit concept artist in videogames. Happy to see some new designs of him and if those dates are right they were done while working for a-net so hopefully we can see some of his amazing dragons in game and his (already drawn for the future) concept art is still featured in future expansions
PS: It has been some time since I cheked his site, I didn’t notice all those awesome Quaggans before haha.
PS2: His Giganticus Lupicus image is awesome too!! kitten so much time since I last cheked concept art! What was I doing all this months so important to not check all the concept art??
(edited by Lokheit.7943)
what puts me off tbh is that he is making money this way and constantly finds people to plug it.
I don’t think he gets money from this, nor do I think he actively gets people to spread the videos for him – most of the folks who link his videos just don’t know that the topic has already been discussed to near death when WP covers it.
I… I… miss Kekai Kotaki art so much… U.U
He’s probably my favorit concept artist in videogames. Happy to see some new designs of him and if those dates are right they were done while working for a-net so hopefully we can see some of his amazing dragons in game and his (already drawn for the future) concept art is still featured in future expansions
I feel ya. I feel ya.
Those dragon concept art were from 2007 and were early unused concept art for the Elder Dragons themselves.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
I don’t think he gets money from this, nor do I think he actively gets people to spread the videos for him – most of the folks who link his videos just don’t know that the topic has already been discussed to near death when WP covers it.
Youtube has a partner program that if you hit a certaintreshhold of viewers (wich he hits) you can get a percentage of the advert-incomes on your vid’s. It is fairly easy to become a partner and make some money out of youtube. I have no doubt that he is participating in this program, although I can’t prove it.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
mercury: “Youtube has a partner program that if you hit a certaintreshhold of viewers (wich he hits) you can get a percentage of the advert-incomes on your vid’s. It is fairly easy to become a partner and make some money out of youtube.”
… Is THAT why people are always asking viewers to subscribe to their channel on Youtube?