Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Aetherblades use Steam Portal tech?
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Very interesting catch. I haven’t had the possibility to start the personal story myself due to the constraints of work (downloading patch now). I do wonder though, if the Grand High Sovereign would be a “Immediately recognized” character. I mean out of all 5 of my characters only 1 will ever play that instance (should I ever get around to playing on my Asura). It could be an interesting twist though if, perhaps, asura aren’t the only ones who have alter-egos that go for world domination… I mean if we connect the dots about the assumed power level difference between our characters and regular characters (legendaries like DE aside) it’s possible that any character could attempt world domination eventually (it is merely that asura seem the most likely due to their mad genius lifestyle). Whatever it is, I do hope that the individual keeps the story thoroughly interesting
My thought was the “interesting twist” would be – that it’s a villain who looks just like your own character. That’s what would make the figure instantly recognizable, IMO.
That or having a highly recognizable name like Faolain.
Truth be told, I was kind of disappointed when we were told that the personal nemesis would be a “she” (even if it was an off-hand remark), as I’d find this to be far more interesting. A possible future version of oneself who goes mad with power for xyz reason.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Well, I already told Konig this in person, but I was playing one of the “Escort the Overdue Emissary” quests in Queensdale. Along the path we were attacked by Aetherblades (duh), Bandits (duh), Tamini (duh), and Steamcreatures?!?!? If this is an oversight it is a MASSIVE oversight, but knowing ArenaNet I prefer it is a big hint. And the hint is? GRAND HIGH SOVEREIGN!
I haven’t seen any Steam creatures myself when escorting the emissary (I’ve seen Renegades and Separatists in Fields of Ruin, Hyleks in Caledon Forest, Aetherblades everywhere), but I’d caution against jumping to conclusions too quickly. Perhaps Scarlet or whoever’s behind the Aetherblades has simply discovered a way to appropriate the steam portal technology by studying them in Lornar’s Pass. I won’t rule out the Grand High Sovereign theory, of course, but it wouldn’t really make a lot of sense to someone who hasn’t played the Infinity Ball storyline.
We have a watchwork portal generator… I think its more likely that they use a tech similar to the steam portals but not from the same source (ie. They came up with it themselves). They are clearly very high tech and Mai’s defeat really hasnt seemed to do much to phase them. Do remember, they are getting outfitted with Inquest tech so they are gear wise, on par probably with the Pact.
I dont however think they have to do with the steam creatures. After all, such a plot would only really work for Asuran characters.
Im curious however on why attack the DR celibration at all unless it has to do with the Watchknights. Whats the motivation? The Dataminers seem to be hinting things are going to get pretty wild in the next few weeks. Whats the bet that the individual we meet in the Opening Cerimony is Scarlet.
I dont however think they have to do with the steam creatures.
Two folks have told me they saw a steam creature during an escort event – one being Narcemus seeing it in Queensdale, the other being a guildie seeing it in Gendarran.
I think it’s hard to not believe that the mysterious stranger cloaked in red would be Scarlet who’s known to have ties with the Aetherblades. But why attack DR? My bet’s on the Watchknights. I mean, think on it – everything about the living story has been about 2 things and the repercussions of them – advancement in technologies and political turnovers. The Watchknights fall under the former, and the Queen’s putting all the stops to prevent Ministry interference with the Crown Pavalion which falls into the second potentially…
I somehow doubt that the Ministry’s happy about them not being allowed to tamper with the Queen’s arena.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Maybe the Personal Nemesis is trying to advance technology to recreate the steam technology from the alternate future?
We got fire components from the Flame Legion…
Machinery from the Dredge…
Electrical from the Aetherblades/Inquest..
Maybe more machinery from the watchknights…?
All we are missing is an organic component, since the steam creatures are biomechanical, and a water component. Though, I’m sure there is a tie in with Southsun somewhere in there.
What I’m wondering though, is if the personal nemesis has ties to the Priory. They seem to be actively trying to study the steam creatures, since they are porting into their back yard, and their members might have a chance to try and maybe… reverse engineer one and figure out how it works?
Maybe a rogue member decided to leave and take her research with her?
I saw the steam creatures in Queensdale, as well. Quite the surprise, really.
As for their reasons… back during Dragon Bash, Mai Trin tried to get into the Captains’ Council, but while she was a captain, she never was the leader of the Aetherblades – she answered to this Scarlet. So, Scarlet wanted to plant Mai Trin into the command of Lion’s Arch. They use airships, so it couldn’t have been for ensuring a port.
If we assume Scarlet to be the personal nemesis, as would be reasonable, then she was also behind uniting the dredge and the Flame Legion. However, it seems she didn’t give them orders (and would Flame Legion even take orders from a woman?). That suggests that the whole Molten Alliance was a diversion. But diversion for who? The Pact? Lion’s Arch? Black Citadel and Hoelbrak? Perhaps for the Consortium? I do not know. But I am quite sure it was a diversion.
And now, Queen’s Jubilee. In a celebration involving powerful clockwork soldiers, we see a sylvari woman dressed in red appear alongside Aetherblades, controlling the systems. We can assume her to be Scarlet.
Now, here’s the interesting thing. She could have easily assassinated Jennah and slip away. She didn’t. That wasn’t her goal. So what were they there for? I feel like they did it to show their power. They’ve got something big planned, and we haven’t seen it yet.
But the steam creature connection is strange. However, in an dynamic event in Brisban Wildlands, a poorly configured Asura Gate spews out Steam Mechataurs, so it could be similar, especially since the Aetherblades may use similar gate technology.
I think the purpose behind the Molten Alliance was the magitech that was made out of it – the Fused Weaponry. The two bosses that we fought in the dungeons were very peculiar – a jetpack and cyborg technology that was reminiscent of the Giganticus Lupicus in Arah.
Good point on the assassinating Jennah bit… to quote the mysterious stranger: “you’ve gone and ruined my fun” – by destroying the haywire watchknight. Meaning that it seems like she wanted to watch Logan get toyed around with (or just that she wanted to watch the watchknight go berserk). I think that’ll be what we’ll see later on – the watchknights will get hijacked by the Aetherblades.
About the Brisban Wildlands gate – that’s a malfunctioning testing gate that is being designed to have one gate for a trip, and it pulls out several Shiverpeaks creatures – not just Steam Mechataurs, but icebrood and griffons too. I doubt that holds any relevance, since the portals the Aetherblades were using wasn’t using an asura gate when opening (which the testing requires).
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Wasn’t there a dev post that we will see someone familiar from the Lost Shores, but this time with different name? I assumed that mysterious stranger was this person under new name, because I didn’t see any other new NPCs or did I miss something?
A small note,going by what the mysterious stranger is wearing and Anise’s dialogue at the end,it seems likely that the stranger is infact a OoW infiltrant
A small note,going by what the mysterious stranger is wearing and Anise’s dialogue at the end,it seems likely that the stranger is infact a OoW infiltrant
Isn’t the stranger wearing the new magitech armor? The one you can buy off the TP?
Wasn’t there a dev post that we will see someone familiar from the Lost Shores, but this time with different name? I assumed that mysterious stranger was this person under new name, because I didn’t see any other new NPCs or did I miss something?
Don’t recall seeing this dev post. But we do see Lord Faren from The Lost Shores.
We certainly did not meet a female sylvari during the Lost Shores, at the very least. At least none that was of any amount of importance whatsoever.
A small note,going by what the mysterious stranger is wearing and Anise’s dialogue at the end,it seems likely that the stranger is infact a OoW infiltrant
Isn’t the stranger wearing the new magitech armor? The one you can buy off the TP?
Yes, she’s wearing Magitech armor dyed red, but with an OoW hood. I wouldn’t take it as all that important.
Though it may be the thief bio hood. I didn’t get a good look.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
(and would Flame Legion even take orders from a woman?)
They have no influence within the other Legions, they are constantly hunted by their own people, and the Charr High Command just made peace with humans, thus killing off one potential war with another race. That gives the other Legions breathing room to hunt down Flame faster.
I would say that yes, some outsider with incredible power and the potential to give them Dredge tech would be a fine carrot for discussions. When you get desperate enough, anything is a possibility.
^ Especially when a group of adventurers come in and kill your god! AND ruin your attempt to resurrect him!
Well now since we are piecing interconnection of said upcoming nemesis with wild speculation (previously asked in another thread), then I would like to chime in for a moment. I can buy the alternate reality story personal nemesis. If it’s an alternate destiny edge member or a former antagonist that carries a different personality (it works). However I cannot buy another alternate PC character from another universe. That’s pushing it. The infinity ball story line is fine. If you count that story any of our PC alternate versions should be dead now. Otherwise any Asura PC character cannot have an alter-ego from another dimension since they no longer exist in this time line. The cross race and sex is also a bit too over exaggerated. It’s too overly complicated and can easily get messed up with A-nets miss matched writing style.
Don’t get me wrong, I like the idea if it’s outside from being strictly the PC. Heck it can be an alternate version of Caithe where she went megalomaniacal. Instead of embracing dark agriculture she turned her head towards blasphemous and twisted technology. She could have even killed her former lover faolain for holding her back. Embracing the dream as way to change reality into ones own predetermined fate.
EDIT: On a side note: I did see the steam creatures yesterday as well, during an escort mission in brisban wildlands. Which was not connected to any other dynamic event at the time.
(edited by Sindex.9520)
^ Especially when a group of adventurers come in and kill your god! AND ruin your attempt to resurrect him!
Not only that but some still have the gall to invade your Citadel again for gold, and some even time it. BAH! lol
So, regarding the escort-events, I happened to come across one with steam creatures today. The wave before and after them where Aetherblades and it all took place in Kessex Hills. That’s a little bit too much to be just an oversight.
Wasn’t there a dev post that we will see someone familiar from the Lost Shores, but this time with different name? I assumed that mysterious stranger was this person under new name, because I didn’t see any other new NPCs or did I miss something?
Don’t recall seeing this dev post. But we do see Lord Faren from The Lost Shores.
We certainly did not meet a female sylvari during the Lost Shores, at the very least. At least none that was of any amount of importance whatsoever.
A small note,going by what the mysterious stranger is wearing and Anise’s dialogue at the end,it seems likely that the stranger is infact a OoW infiltrant
Isn’t the stranger wearing the new magitech armor? The one you can buy off the TP?
Yes, she’s wearing Magitech armor dyed red, but with an OoW hood. I wouldn’t take it as all that important.
Though it may be the thief bio hood. I didn’t get a good look.
It’s the thief hood.
Well this is interesting. Though I’m not sure if non-asura characters, specially Norn characters, fit the bill for the sovereign. It would be interesting, but I think it’s going to be Scarlet.
The steam creatures have to be a hint for something though, maybe they’re trying to replicate them (and it’s true that most events are tech related). Maybe even Kiel’s new fractal will be related to all of this if it ends up tearing reality.
Wasn’t there a dev post that we will see someone familiar from the Lost Shores, but this time with different name? I assumed that mysterious stranger was this person under new name, because I didn’t see any other new NPCs or did I miss something?
Canach used a total makeover kit and a name change contract and now is Scarlet! :O
(edited by Lokheit.7943)
I can buy the alternate reality story personal nemesis. If it’s an alternate destiny edge member or a former antagonist that carries a different personality (it works). However I cannot buy another alternate PC character from another universe. That’s pushing it. The infinity ball story line is fine. If you count that story any of our PC alternate versions should be dead now.
I cannot understand your argument.
- In the Infinity Ball storyline, that one particular possible future’s Zojja’s dead. So why would DE member be fine but not PC?
- There’s more than one possible future. The Pale Tree says so herself – the future is always changing. During A Light in the Darkness, we see Caithe giving into the nightmare and Faolain, for example. We prevented this from occuring.
I don’t see how a possible future’s PC-turned-evil wouldn’t work. Just give the individual a title to go by to be referred to, and the VO would be who did the PCs already.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
I can buy the alternate reality story personal nemesis. If it’s an alternate destiny edge member or a former antagonist that carries a different personality (it works). However I cannot buy another alternate PC character from another universe. That’s pushing it. The infinity ball story line is fine. If you count that story any of our PC alternate versions should be dead now.
I cannot understand your argument.
- In the Infinity Ball storyline, that one particular possible future’s Zojja’s dead. So why would DE member be fine but not PC?
- There’s more than one possible future. The Pale Tree says so herself – the future is always changing. During A Light in the Darkness, we see Caithe giving into the nightmare and Faolain, for example. We prevented this from occuring.
I don’t see how a possible future’s PC-turned-evil wouldn’t work. Just give the individual a title to go by to be referred to, and the VO would be who did the PCs already.
Let me put it this way via some dialog from your idea:
Personal nemesis: “I am from another alternate dimension from another time. I may not look like you either by gender or race, but through some complicated set of circumstance…. I am you.”
(Taking in the idea this is an Asura who has witnessed the infinity ball story.)
Personal nemesis: “Even though you have faced and disposed another alternate version of yourself that is irrelevant; due to the fact I am from a completely different reality. Sure our technology and how we utilize it was eerily similar, but that is where the comparison ends.”
Now take that in consideration, then think about how A-net presents character development in game. Think about Traherne, Kormir, Rurik, Togo, and other prominent characters in the GW franchise. Who in turn were put into a blender because of the shoddy writing. How is that going to look towards people? It will either be:
A) Overly complicated where people just don’t get it.
B) Simplified to a point where there is nothing but plot holes everywhere.
The infinity ball story worked because it took awhile to build up too. It was not too overly convoluted and it was simplified in it’s own way. It even explained how the mists worked in another way. Nevertheless it was still you, and nothing was altered physically (other then the voice/clothing). People could connect to this. When you start really complicate things people will call it out for being ridiculous and stop following it. Bioshock Infinite worked because the only difference between the antagonist and the protagonist was only through ideology.
(edited by Sindex.9520)
Canach used a total makeover kit and a name change contract and now is Scarlet! :O
Well he did use one makeover kit already…
I think the purpose behind the Molten Alliance was the magitech that was made out of it – the Fused Weaponry. The two bosses that we fought in the dungeons were very peculiar – a jetpack and cyborg technology that was reminiscent of the Giganticus Lupicus in Arah.
I disagree. There were no signs of anyone outside the alliance overseeing the development of the weaponry, nor have we seen Aetherblades use anything similar.
About the Brisban Wildlands gate – that’s a malfunctioning testing gate that is being designed to have one gate for a trip, and it pulls out several Shiverpeaks creatures – not just Steam Mechataurs, but icebrood and griffons too. I doubt that holds any relevance, since the portals the Aetherblades were using wasn’t using an asura gate when opening (which the testing requires).
My point was that steam creatures do not necessarily mean that the Infinity Ball storyline is directly involved. It still is strange that they use the same kind of portals, though.
I can confirm fighting steam creatures along the escort missions at Frostgorge Sound, especially with the top right balloon escort chain.
I think the purpose behind the Molten Alliance was the magitech that was made out of it – the Fused Weaponry. The two bosses that we fought in the dungeons were very peculiar – a jetpack and cyborg technology that was reminiscent of the Giganticus Lupicus in Arah.
I disagree. There were no signs of anyone outside the alliance overseeing the development of the weaponry, nor have we seen Aetherblades use anything similar.
The whole thing about the Molten Alliance was them combining the fire magic with dredge tech. That was the entire purpose for the two groups’ intentions (the Flame Legion were going to then enslave the dredge afterwards, and the moletariate were promised the flame magic to empower their tech). That was the promise the silver-tongue stranger proposed to convince the dredge to work with Flame Legion.
And in this, they also discovered a new metal that has to be mined in its liquid form but is highly magically conductive – Azurite I presume since that’s what we see the kidnapped civilians mining.
I would find it extremely odd if the purpose of the alliance by the personal nemesis or whomever united them wasn’t for the technology. Do keep in mind that the Molten Alliance was active for longer than we saw them – they were kept “under the radar” due to everyone’s attention being on the Elder Dragons. Hell, it’s possible that the Molten Alliance was being formed during the original plot prior to the events of Sorrow’s Embrace and Citadel of Flame given how advanced they got.
My point was that steam creatures do not necessarily mean that the Infinity Ball storyline is directly involved. It still is strange that they use the same kind of portals, though.
The Aetherblades have shown no presence in Lornar’s Pass in the past, however, so I’m doubtful on the presented theory of “reverse engineering.” The only thing that would work would be if they obtained Steam creatures from somewhere else – or some time else.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
I put my money on the personal nemesis being Caithe from a dystopian future who has become so obsessed with defeating the elder dragons that she is using the Molten Alliance and the Aetherblades to advance technology in order to defeat them.
And in this, they also discovered a new metal that has to be mined in its liquid form but is highly magically conductive – Azurite I presume since that’s what we see the kidnapped civilians mining.
Well, if you remember, during the Flame and Frost story, the Vigil was attacking the hideouts in force. If magitech was not the main purpose, then it could very well have been mobilising the Vigil so they Pact airships would be less defended.
A combination of both is more likely.
The Pact has become an individual group that uses funding and backing not just from the orders but the nations as well. One group’s attention (or rather, two) wouldn’t be expected to reduce the Pact’s strength that much. Especially given the size of the three Orders and how they only gave a portion of their members to the Pact invasion.
I imagine those Vigil forces that went after the MA were Vigil members that were not aiding the Pact but stationed elsewhere.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
The graphics for the steam portal are interesting but they may simply indicate a new type of portal that is not bolted onto the floor at either end. It may be a clue that the steam creatures will be part of the next story installment but we’ll have to see. All sorts of angry creatures seem to materialize in the balloon ambushes so perhaps they are being unwillingly picked up and dumped, maybe with portals? They could also just be typical unexplained monster fodder.
My take on the personal story is that all the possible events in the personal story arcs did happen and the player may have been present or not. For example, a stupid pair of sylvari did find an Orrian mirror and take it to Trahearne and the player character may have been there or not. This would mean that an asura used the infinity ball to find an alternate future with steam creatures, even if it wasn’t the player character. However the living story works by all players seeing the same events happen at the same time. Mixing that with the personal story where different players may see different events at different times would be a recipe for disaster. So far the living story has not relied on any part of the personal story (or any story dungeons) being completed and I don’t think it ever will. This would explain why the Ministry is conspicuously absent from the Jubilee.
(edited by Stooperdale.3560)
All the other monsters appearing while escorting the ambassadors are native to the area they appear in and through means normal to them, whereas the steam creatures appear seemingly everywhere, and from steam portals.
I also noticed that steam creatures are appearing via steam portal in the air…so ANet have to know they used the same (steam) portal for steam creatures AND aetherblades, since those portals appear in both cases in one release
We certainly did not meet a female sylvari during the Lost Shores, at the very least. At least none that was of any amount of importance whatsoever.
We did meet a female sylvari during the latest Southsun Cove escapades, at least.
Just thought I’d include another picture of steam creatures. This was taken in Gendarran Fields by the Shiverspur Front area/Junction Haven WP.
We certainly did not meet a female sylvari during the Lost Shores, at the very least. At least none that was of any amount of importance whatsoever.
We did meet a female sylvari during the latest Southsun Cove escapades, at least.
Meant Secret of Southsun – though she’s there she isn’t relevant except for an achievement. Either way, Owain’s fairly not mentally stable so I doubt she’s related to this… Though that would be interesting and come to think of it… Should compare the voices.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Sorry if someone else brought it up before, but doesn’t this whole Scarlet situation remind you guys of anything? I mean my fellow GW1 players here. There used to be an asuran golemancer whose name was Zinn, who helped the Shining Blade in the krytan civil war, but before that he was actually used to try to kill Salma and Emperor Kisu and Prince Bokka right with her.
Zinn was basically held hostage by a mysterious figure that ordered him to build powerful golems, which in turn would kill their respective targets. All human royality.
We never found out who the person was behind this attempted assassination, however some believe he was also involved with the White Mantle, as an equally mysterious person comanded some WM forces in the Maguuma Jungle.
This is suspiciously similar to what’s going on right now. Either Anet is kinda lazy and they recycle the story… or the two incidents are connected. Now I know, Scarlet seems to be a Sylvari, a species only 26 years old, so how could she possibly have something to do with events that happened about 250 years ago?
Well, time-travel. If the steam creatures can travel from the future into GW2’s time, that certainly means it’s possible to travel into GW1’s time too. Wouldn’t it be cool if we prevent Scarlet’s plot now and she travels back in time and tries to kill the human royals in GW1’s time, only to be stopped again by our old toons?
Sorry if someone else brought it up before, but doesn’t this whole Scarlet situation remind you guys of anything? I mean my fellow GW1 players here. There used to be an asuran golemancer whose name was Zinn, who helped the Shining Blade in the krytan civil war, but before that he was actually used to try to kill Salma and Emperor Kisu and Prince Bokka right with her.
Zinn was basically held hostage by a mysterious figure that ordered him to build powerful golems, which in turn would kill their respective targets. All human royality.
We never found out who the person was behind this attempted assassination, however some believe he was also involved with the White Mantle, as an equally mysterious person comanded some WM forces in the Maguuma Jungle.This is suspiciously similar to what’s going on right now. Either Anet is kinda lazy and they recycle the story… or the two incidents are connected. Now I know, Scarlet seems to be a Sylvari, a species only 26 years old, so how could she possibly have something to do with events that happened about 250 years ago?
Well, time-travel. If the steam creatures can travel from the future into GW2’s time, that certainly means it’s possible to travel into GW1’s time too. Wouldn’t it be cool if we prevent Scarlet’s plot now and she travels back in time and tries to kill the human royals in GW1’s time, only to be stopped again by our old toons?
Or it could have nothing to do with time travel. It possible that the mysterious stranger that commissioned Zinn to build the Golems and who was leading a White Mantle force in the jungle could be Saul D’Alessio himself. Saul D’Alessio wasn’t killed necessary as the cutscene showed the Mursaat simply teleporting away with him. Perhaps they felt his compassion was a weakness and simply ‘reeducated’ him to be a better servant. When his ‘training’ was completed they sent him back into the world to try and regain control of the situation. While the plan had been thwart to keep the Titans locked up they probably had other concerns, such as the Elder Dragons who would love to munch on some magical beings like the Mursaat.
Perhaps Scarlett is the latest tool the Mursaat have decided to use. Perhaps they seek to overthrow the monarch to reestablish the White Mantle as a government not just a cult. Perhaps some other race has decided to follow the Mursaat’s idea. We know there were other races the Mursaat warred with such as the Seers perhaps one of these other races survived in small numbers and have decided the time is now to strike.
Chaos always finds a way, who you think Evil learned it from?
Sorry if someone else brought it up before, but doesn’t this whole Scarlet situation remind you guys of anything? I mean my fellow GW1 players here. There used to be an asuran golemancer whose name was Zinn, who helped the Shining Blade in the krytan civil war, but before that he was actually used to try to kill Salma and Emperor Kisu and Prince Bokka right with her.
Zinn was basically held hostage by a mysterious figure that ordered him to build powerful golems, which in turn would kill their respective targets. All human royality.
We never found out who the person was behind this attempted assassination, however some believe he was also involved with the White Mantle, as an equally mysterious person comanded some WM forces in the Maguuma Jungle.This is suspiciously similar to what’s going on right now. Either Anet is kinda lazy and they recycle the story… or the two incidents are connected. Now I know, Scarlet seems to be a Sylvari, a species only 26 years old, so how could she possibly have something to do with events that happened about 250 years ago?
Well, time-travel. If the steam creatures can travel from the future into GW2’s time, that certainly means it’s possible to travel into GW1’s time too. Wouldn’t it be cool if we prevent Scarlet’s plot now and she travels back in time and tries to kill the human royals in GW1’s time, only to be stopped again by our old toons?
Only if they let our GW2 characters jump back in time to hunt her down and take her out of the picture around the same time that our GW1 characters take out Zinn’s golems
Only if they let our GW2 characters jump back in time to hunt her down and take her out of the picture around the same time that our GW1 characters take out Zinn’s golems
Hands down, that would be sooooo awesome!
I always figured that the “mysterious stranger” was Lazarus – since the gem the stranger provided seemed akin to a bloodstone.
Anyways, a fun fact about that – who that stranger was, was already decided upon at the time it was live. During my Test Krewe days I got into a conversation about it with Linsey (a short one) where she said that who the stranger is was set in stone or some such, just not yet revealed (obviously). Scarlet seems to be someone thought up after GW2’s release (though that’s my speculation based on the development of the living story).
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
True, but they never revealed who the stranger was and since they wont be adding any new lore in GW1 anymore, that would be a good chance to tie up the loose ends.
Only if they let our GW2 characters jump back in time to hunt her down and take her out of the picture around the same time that our GW1 characters take out Zinn’s golems
In fact if that would be the case, then we must stop her around that time, but after she sends Zinn’s golems to kill those persons.
If we travel back in time and kill her before she does, then Zinn doesn’t become relevant and ejected from Rata Sum, and as he wouldn’t be reknown he wouldn’t be recruited to help fight the Mursaat. That means either the White Mantle conquers Kryta or Livia is forced (if she had it at the time) to use the Scepter of Orr with catastrophyc consequences.
Either way the timeline is completly ruined and we create an alternate future. The White Mantle wouldn’t be in favor of an alliance with the Charr, so the 5 races wouldn’t unite, the Pact wouldn’t exist and no one would stop Zhaitan or any following Elder Dragon.
If you think about it, that someone contacted Zinn to send golems to kill those characters is a very important event for all Tyria.
PS: It could even destroy the universe in the mists, as that would destroy every possible future where there is a “us” that can travel back in time to kill her at that time, but if there is no “us”, then we can’t kill her so then there is a future where we exist, but at the same time the previous event prevented that future from happening… must play Bioshock Infinite again…
(edited by Lokheit.7943)
Yes, I fully meant that we jump back in time, perhaps somehow a few months after her, so she has already had the Golems under construction. Then our characters capture her, and learn our plan. We are about to stop the plan when an priory person peeps in and states that this actually happened and the problem was taken care of safely, and that we have to leave NOW! We pop back, no problems.
Yes, I fully meant that we jump back in time, perhaps somehow a few months after her, so she has already had the Golems under construction. Then our characters capture her, and learn our plan. We are about to stop the plan when an priory person peeps in and states that this actually happened and the problem was taken care of safely, and that we have to leave NOW! We pop back, no problems.
Or you already stopped Scarlet and the Durmand Priory tells you, it has to happen, otherwise the War in Kryta will be lost, so the player ends up becomming the mysterious stranger.
OP is written almost a week before wooden potatoes’ video.
I think I should remove this quote given the recent developement.
I feel dirty just responding to that, but I suppose someone has to bite…
Both YouTube and these forums indicate when something was posted. On the top right of Konig’s original post, you can see that he posted this 11 days ago. The video where Potatoes first speculates on the link between the steam creatures and what’s going on now was his “Thaumanova Reality”, posted 6 days ago. Now, since 11 is bigger than 6, that means 11 days is a greater span of time than 6 days, and that Konig, in fact, posted his ideas almost a week before Potatoes did, just like Targuil said. Another thing to note- something Potatoes himself explains in his latest video- when he’s talking about theories, he is trying to share what he feels are the most interesting lines of speculation he has seen taking place, usually on forums like these. Oftentimes he didn’t invent them, and if you actually bother to, y’know, listen to what he’s saying, he never claims credit for them.
(edited by Aaron Ansari.1604)
Though WP also never gives credit to the people who actually came up with it, which leads less intelligent specimen of his fans to believe that he is the one who had the idea.
How is this the place to express that? In fact, why express it at all? We’re here to discuss the Guild Wars story, not to air petty personal grievances and close-minded foolishness.
Don’t worry the Moderators will remove their post soon enough. If they keep behaving the way they have been they may even be banned from the forums.
Chaos always finds a way, who you think Evil learned it from?