Bad Santa's Naughty List

Bad Santa's Naughty List

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Posted by: Stephen.6312


I thought that I would compile a list of likely suspects on Scarlet’s naughty list. (Feel free to add more details as you see fit.) We know that she has just such a list and that she’s been receiving nominations for additions from the time that she first appeared in the Crown Pavilion, during the events surrounding the Queen’s Jubilee. Given what we’re about to attempt to recreate, I can only imagine that Toymaster Tixx will have his work literally cut-out for him ensuring that everyone on our list gets their Plush Black Powder Griffon, season’s compliments.

So let us begin by identifying the various dungeons populated by Scarlet’s minions through which we have so valiantly labored. They are the 1) Molten Facilities of Diessa Plateau and the Wayfarer Foothills; 2) Aetherblade Retreat of Lion’s Arch; 3) Scarlet’s Playhouse in Divinity’s Reach; 4) Aetherblade Base in Twilight Arbor and 5) Tower of Nightmares in Kessex Hills. Now let us identify VIPs who turned out to each event, their back stories and anything else of note.

Dungeon: Molten Facilities
VIP: Rox
Race/Profession: Charr/Ranger.
Backstory: A former miner. Miraculously escaped a near death experience “when her entire warband (and her petdevourer, Skewer) were killed in a cave-in”.
Incidents of note: Works “miner magic” on equipment. (?)

VIP: Braham
Race/Profession: Norn/Guardian.
Backstory: The son of Eir Stegalkin, the Elder Dragon slayer.
Incidents of note: Nothing of note.

Dungeon: Aetherblade Retreat
VIP: Inspector Ellen Kiel
Race/Profession: Human/?
Backstory: Orphaned. Miraculously escaped a near death experience; the sole survivor of a shipwreck, she only escaped with her life thanks to the actions of Captain Magnus Irondawn
Incidents of note: Gets shocked by a barrier “accidentally”.

VIP: Mai Trin
Race/Profession: Human/?
Backstory: Captain of the Aetherblades.
Incidents of note: Gets taken into custody (see Ellen Kiel and Caithe discussions – Scarlet may have taken a DNA sample).

Dungeon: Scarlet’s Playhouse
VIP: Queen Jennah
Race/Profession: Human/Mesmer.
Backstory: (Assumed) The rightful ruler of the human kingdom of Kryta.
Incidents of note: Countess Aise reveals that she created a clone of Queen Jennah.

VIP: Lord Faren
Race/Profession: Human/Warrior.
Backstory: A human noble.
Incidents of note: TBC.

Dungeon: Aetherblade Base
VIP: Caithe
Race/Profession: Sylvari/Thief.
Backstory: A sylvari firstborn and Elder Dragon Slayer.
Incidents of note: Caithe is temporarily captured. Scarlet goads her about an indiscretion.

Dungeon: Tower of Nightmares
VIP: Kasmeer Meade
Race/Profession: Human/Mesmer.
Backstory: A human noble. She grew up without parents. “Her mother died when she was young and her father was “taken” from her in early 1326 AE”.
Incidents of note: Gets a thorn in the foot “accidentally”.

VIP: Various prisoners. Refer to for the full details.
Incidents of note: Nothing of note.

Bad Santa's Naughty List

in Lore

Posted by: Stephen.6312


Interpreting The Evidence

Special People
Some of the people on this list are very, very special people. You could argue that some of them have been “touched” by higher powers. Indeed, you could argue that they are legendary.

Against all odds, Rox survived a cave-in. Moreover, she’s a female charr. This is important because some of the most “blessed” individuals within charr society are female, such as Almorra Soulkeeper, Bathea Havocbringer, Kalla Scorchrazor and Crea Irontooth. You may not agree that either Bathea Havocbringer was blessed, or even that Crea Irontooth was blessed, but before you make up your mind, consider something. Havocbringer’s sacrifice fueled the Searing, indicating that she was somehow “magical” regardless of whether she actively practiced magic. Crea Irontooth, on the other hand, is a brilliant engineer “endowed” with the kind of knowledge required to make effigies come to life. So too, circumstances have rendered Rox “magical”. Finally, consider that female charr have been instrumental in directing the structure of their society.

Braham is the son of a famous norn female, Eir Stegalkin. Unlike Snaff, Eir survived her encounter with Kralkatorrik; she lived to survive an encounter with Zaithan too. Eir is a magical reservoir, and now Scarlet has attracted the attention of her son, in whose veins Eir’s blood courses. Remember, norn females have also been instrumental in directing the structure of their society. Arguably, Zora was amongst the most “blessed” of individuals because she was able to withstand Jormag’s corrupting magic. (Eir carved a statue of Jora. In Guildwars 2 statues are very important. There are at least three “statues” that contained magical energy: Primordus’ statue (I know that it was mistaken for a statue, I am merely pointing it out), Dwayna’s statue and also, possibly, this statue.)

Queen Jennah would have been a catch. She’s a powerful mesmer, too powerful to lure into a trap. She’s also a human female, no less than the leader of her people – instrumental in directing the structure of human society. (She is the closest thing to the Pale Tree that humanity has.) When attempting to capture a mesmer like Queen Jennah you must hunt them. Regarding mesmers, they have a unique ability useful to Scarlet: They can create portals, anywhere. Imagine if you could sacrifice a mesmer of Jennah’s power? What might you do? Open a portal…

Bad Santa's Naughty List

in Lore

Posted by: Stephen.6312


In the Aetherblade Base Scarlet says to Caithe, “I know you. How nasty you fight, how you think…what you did. And what you did is soooo nasty. “. Caithe is a thief and thieves fight dirty. In particular, thieves are reviled for backstabbing people. Caithe stabbed someone in the back: But who? This is a matter for further speculation. However, whatever the case, Caithe is “blessed”, a firstborn “female” sylvari (if such a label can be applied). Her “close” association with the Pale Tree makes her the closest model of her mother amongst the sylvari. Moreover, Caithe survived an encounter with Kralkatorrik, participated in the slaying of Zaithan and also withstood the Nightmare, even when her lover turned toward it. Indeed, Caithe is truly blessed. Scarlet taunted her, trapped her, and probably took a sample of her “sap”.

A Conclusion
For now I think that we can safely assume that Scarlet wants to sacrifice some of the most blessed individuals dwelling within Tyria right now. She is probably doing this to open a portal. I don’t know exactly where yet but I do think that she wants to travel back into the Dream. We need to follow the rabbit down this hole, there might be something in it.

Bad Santa's Naughty List

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Posted by: Mystic Starfish.2586

Mystic Starfish.2586

You forgot Marjory, for finding the Aetherblade hideout and her work in stopping the Tower of Nightmares

While I’ll agree, the prominent figures you pointed out are special, I’d say that most of them are just coincidentally involved in the plot. Rox and Braham weren’t targeted, they just happened to be victims of her Molten Alliance. Caithe and Jennah you can argue are actual targets, but I think she’d rather capture and study them (Jennah in specific) for her plans, rather than sacrifice for portals or something.

(edited by Mystic Starfish.2586)

Bad Santa's Naughty List

in Lore

Posted by: Stephen.6312


Sorry, I missed a piece of my summary:
In the Aetherblade Retreat Inspector Ellen Kiel gets shocked by a barrier, exclaiming, “Ow! It shocked me!” How unusual. Kiel had no problem discerning that “an illusion” formed the entrance to the Retreat but found herself foiled by the elaborate engineering of the Aetherblade security network. Coincidentally, the entrance to the Tower of Nightmares was concealed by a powerful illusion – an illusion that only an equally powerful mesmer could dispel. Kasmeer Meade is just one such mesmer who tore the veil of illusion concealing the true nature of and entrance to the Tower Of Nightmares. But she was foiled by a thorn in the Nightmare Chamber of the Tower (when pricked, Kasmeer exclaims, “Ow! Oh, fudge, that hurt!”). This thorn, for all intents and purposes, formed part of the Tower’s defense network. Are you noticing anything here? Because I am. I think that we can safely conclude that Inspector Ellen Kiel and Kasmeer Meade are one and the same person. Moreover, I think that we can be fairly certain that whoever this “Ellen Kiel/Kasmeer Meade” is, she is also the mysterious “E”. With this is mind, we note that Scarlet has set up real security defenses that cannot truly be countered by mesmers. Nonetheless, she still uses illusions to conceal things. She does this to draw in her target – she expects that only a handful and perhaps only one person will ever be able to dispel the illusion. In short, she wants “E’s” blood. The thorn might have been deliberate. Why? Think about it: How do you fool a mesmer? Chance. Lay enough thorns, expose your target to enough poison and eventually they will make a mistake. (Scarlet may have collected that thorn, by the way, and with it a sample of Ellen/Kasmeer’s blood). The clumsy inspector is a fitting substitute for Queen Jennah. Although she isn’t too bright when it comes to engineering, Ellen/Kasmeer is the only available female human mesmer capable of dispelling the combined mesmeric-magical might of the krait religious machine: Make no mistake, she’s powerful.

Bad Santa's Naughty List

in Lore

Posted by: Stephen.6312


Hi Mystic Starfish,
Thanks for the heads-up. I was thinking about Marjory but factoring her in seemed too tedious. Still, she is a female, which may be of significance. Together with Ellen/Kasmeer, she may be enough to substitute for Scarlet’s failure to capture Queen Jennah.

Bad Santa's Naughty List

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Posted by: Mystic Starfish.2586

Mystic Starfish.2586

Weren’t Ellen and Kasmeer both in the Dragon Bash/Aetherblade (something) updates? I doubt that Kiel has enough time to moonlight as an aloof mesmer now that she’s on the council. As for E, didn’t Marjory say that the hand that was on her shoulder was a man’s, or something along those lines.

Bad Santa's Naughty List

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Posted by: Stephen.6312


As to the associations between these individuals, I accept that its just a theory

Bad Santa's Naughty List

in Lore

Posted by: Mystic Starfish.2586

Mystic Starfish.2586

I will admit, Scarlet trying to make some sort of biological cloning approach to creating mesmer technology does sound like an actual plan, but we’ll see where the story goes. It certainly fits in with Toxic Hybrid’s existence, being able to create life.

Bad Santa's Naughty List

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Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

Erm… Rox didn’t survive a cave in. She was sent out of the mine and as she reached the entrance the cave in occurred – she was knocked out of the way by the debris. It was miraculous, but circumstancial not survival.

Also, I don’t think there’s such a thing as “miner magic” – Rox certainly doesn’t seem to use any magic (not proactively at least).

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

Bad Santa's Naughty List

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Posted by: Aaron Ansari.1604

Aaron Ansari.1604

That was a line from the Molten Facility. She was unlikely to be speaking literally, though- all she was doing was operating a dredge drill.

R.I.P., Old Man of Auld Red Wharf. Gone but never forgotten.

Bad Santa's Naughty List

in Lore

Posted by: FlamingFoxx.1305


It’s definitely not literal. It’s akin to someone talking about using their green thumb to do some planting. They don’t actually have a magical green thumb, they just know how to plant plants, same as how Rox know’s how to use mining equipment.

Bad Santa's Naughty List

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Posted by: Infamous Darkness.3284

Infamous Darkness.3284

Sorry, I missed a piece of my summary:
In the Aetherblade Retreat Inspector Ellen Kiel gets shocked by a barrier, exclaiming, “Ow! It shocked me!” How unusual. Kiel had no problem discerning that “an illusion” formed the entrance to the Retreat but found herself foiled by the elaborate engineering of the Aetherblade security network. Coincidentally, the entrance to the Tower of Nightmares was concealed by a powerful illusion – an illusion that only an equally powerful mesmer could dispel. Kasmeer Meade is just one such mesmer who tore the veil of illusion concealing the true nature of and entrance to the Tower Of Nightmares. But she was foiled by a thorn in the Nightmare Chamber of the Tower (when pricked, Kasmeer exclaims, “Ow! Oh, fudge, that hurt!”). This thorn, for all intents and purposes, formed part of the Tower’s defense network. Are you noticing anything here? Because I am. I think that we can safely conclude that Inspector Ellen Kiel and Kasmeer Meade are one and the same person. Moreover, I think that we can be fairly certain that whoever this “Ellen Kiel/Kasmeer Meade” is, she is also the mysterious “E”. With this is mind, we note that Scarlet has set up real security defenses that cannot truly be countered by mesmers. Nonetheless, she still uses illusions to conceal things. She does this to draw in her target – she expects that only a handful and perhaps only one person will ever be able to dispel the illusion. In short, she wants “E’s” blood. The thorn might have been deliberate. Why? Think about it: How do you fool a mesmer? Chance. Lay enough thorns, expose your target to enough poison and eventually they will make a mistake. (Scarlet may have collected that thorn, by the way, and with it a sample of Ellen/Kasmeer’s blood). The clumsy inspector is a fitting substitute for Queen Jennah. Although she isn’t too bright when it comes to engineering, Ellen/Kasmeer is the only available female human mesmer capable of dispelling the combined mesmeric-magical might of the krait religious machine: Make no mistake, she’s powerful.

I don’t think that ellen and kasmeer could be the same person as this discussion would’ve been very strange seeing her talk to a “clone” of herself

Infamous Culverin(engi[Main]), one of every other class.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”

Bad Santa's Naughty List

in Lore

Posted by: DarcShriek.5829


I doubt Ellen and Kasmeer are the same person. Ellen is currently wandering around Lions Arch, while Kasmeer is in Kessex Hills.

Bad Santa's Naughty List

in Lore

Posted by: Stephen.6312


I can see your point. They clearly are not one and the same. Thank you for pointing this out.