Black Citadel: The Plebeians

Black Citadel: The Plebeians

in Lore

Posted by: SarahTV.6470


So, today I really explored out the Citadel, and I was surprised to find out that there was a whole little slum under the city, filled with all these people with the name Plebeian instead of Citizen… which brings me to the next thought.

What are or who are the Plebeians? They apparently live under the city. They are not part of any of the legions as far as I can tell, and I can’t really tell what they are suppose to be. Are they freed slaves of the Charr? Are they Homeless Refugees? Is it a title that signifies second-rate citizen status? What does this word mean?

Does anyone have any clues?

Black Citadel: The Plebeians

in Lore

Posted by: Tanith.5264


Aren’t they gladium? Charr with no warbands?

Tanith Fencewalker, Tanni Mindbender, Thyra Wrathbringer, Lovecraft Thrall
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Black Citadel: The Plebeians

in Lore

Posted by: Cappy.2786


Maybe they are merchants or travelers.

Black Citadel: The Plebeians

in Lore

Posted by: Mystic Starfish.2586

Mystic Starfish.2586

I haven’t been there in a while, but are they charr or humans?
If they’re charr, then they’re just gladium. That area is supposed to be their base basically

Black Citadel: The Plebeians

in Lore

Posted by: SarahTV.6470


For the most part, they’re Sylvari. There are a few Human and Asura, but it’s mainly a bunch of Sylvari.

Black Citadel: The Plebeians

in Lore

Posted by: Nageth.5648


There are a couple humans you can talk to down there that give some more info as far as what they’re doing there. Why the Sylvari are there? I have no clue.

Black Citadel: The Plebeians

in Lore

Posted by: Curuniel.4830


My impression from walking around the Black Citadel was that ‘plebian’ was the label given to non-charr who lived in the city (I guess maybe anyone who wasn’t a member of the legions?). Gladium are charr currently without a warband, but they’re still charr.

I got the impression from that area that they were residents, rather than transient visitors – they each have a little space they’ve made their own, notably the sylvari. Maybe they came to the Citadel for its industrial stuff?

And the word ‘plebian’ comes from ancient Rome (like much of the charr stuff), it meant something like ‘commoner’. There were plebians, who were initially limited in what roles and political positions they could have, and patricians, who were kind of like noble families and could hold certain higher offices. Later in the Roman Republic though, these restrictions were loosened and plebs gained significantly more influence (and sometimes got rich!) so the distinction became less important over time.