Can Pale Tree produce clones?
We know she can produce twins. That’s two sylvari from the same pod. But there’s nothing to suggest she can resurrect dead souls since sylvari believe that death is just returning to the earth.
We know she can produce twins. That’s two sylvari from the same pod. But there’s nothing to suggest she can resurrect dead souls since sylvari believe that death is just returning to the earth.
Returning to earth.. shouldn’t it mean the Pale Tree can pick that part returned to earth back in living?
I guess it’s technically possible for the Pale Tree to create another aesthetically identical sylvari that looks like a recently deceased one, but a sylvari can never be born with the identity of another. That’s the whole point of the Dream.
we love to give them the tools they need
to have big, important events!” Stop lying, ANet.
We know she can produce twins. That’s two sylvari from the same pod. But there’s nothing to suggest she can resurrect dead souls since sylvari believe that death is just returning to the earth.
Returning to earth.. shouldn’t it mean the Pale Tree can pick that part returned to earth back in living?
We don’t know that the Pale Tree has any kind of dominion over that. Any more than a human eating a squirrel can give birth to a clone of that squirrel.
Scarlet X2
“Prepare for trouble, and make it double.”
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Necro Encyclopedia-
Identical twins or doppleganger sylvari probably is possible. I mean, if we take the generic NPC appearances as literal, then most sylvari look the same. Though I’m sure that’s mechanics.
As to dead sylvari – the sylvari hold multiple beliefs about their dead. Some believe they go to the Mists, some believe they return to the Dream. Physically, they see it as a return to the world, the ground, w/e. But spiritually there seems to be multiple views. What’s interesting is that we have yet to see a sylvari soul… They very well may be soulless beings.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
We know she can produce twins. That’s two sylvari from the same pod. But there’s nothing to suggest she can resurrect dead souls since sylvari believe that death is just returning to the earth.
Returning to earth.. shouldn’t it mean the Pale Tree can pick that part returned to earth back in living?
We don’t know that the Pale Tree has any kind of dominion over that. Any more than a human eating a squirrel can give birth to a clone of that squirrel.
Well.. modern human can eat squirrel, go toilet and made squirrle clone from DNA remains..
The thing is, though, we don’t know that the Pale Tree chooses what sylvari look like. The only thing that indicates she might is an ambiguously worded interview pre-release, which was inaccurate on several accounts by the time the game actually launched. Can you imagine individually sculpting each of the thousands of sylvari that the Pale Tree is pumping out? And to what end?
We know she can produce twins. That’s two sylvari from the same pod. But there’s nothing to suggest she can resurrect dead souls since sylvari believe that death is just returning to the earth.
Returning to earth.. shouldn’t it mean the Pale Tree can pick that part returned to earth back in living?
We don’t know that the Pale Tree has any kind of dominion over that. Any more than a human eating a squirrel can give birth to a clone of that squirrel.
Well.. modern human can eat squirrel, go toilet and made squirrle clone from DNA remains..
Uh huh. But the Pale Tree is giving birth to the sylvari. Not making DNA toilet clones, that we know of. Like I said, maybe but nothing would even hint at the support for this.
That’s a very good point, Konig. Despite knowing that Sylvari can physically enter the Mists, we’ve yet to see any Sylvari ghosts or spirits. At the very least, you’d have thought that someone like Riannoc would have produced a ghost given the traumatic circumstances he died under.