Cantha, the lost continent. "Grow their legend, make yours." S2 Sensaali Oracle

Cantha, the lost continent. "Grow their legend, make yours." S2 Sensaali Oracle

in Lore

Posted by: Ox See Sox.3687

Ox See Sox.3687

Cantha, expansion, class, race, mechanic.

Why: So much of a nice continent, and i would LOVE to see Jade Sea in GW2 graphics. Those metropoly cities and streets, full of houses, bandits, alleys, dead ends and traps. The feeling about all that content is super nice. Would love to see about happened to Cantha in those 200 years.

Why: They have always participate in GW1 history in there and there, theres even histories about tengu VS human war. But they are not Charr like, they are Mystic guys. They have gods,they have legends, they got culture, they are fighters with purpose, they are guardians of shrines, they protect temples, and yet they are cruel and brute.

Charr: Warfare realated, Machinery and industry. *1800-1900 guys.
Norn: Spirits, Shamans, Totens,
Indian guys.
Human: Nobility, Avatar Gods. Monarchy. *
European 1300-1700 guys.
Asura: Scienci, Technology, Research, no mysticism. *
21 Century guys***.
Sylvari: Nature attuned, ecology, cycles, dreams. But no gods. *Avatar, yeah, the movie*.

Tengu: Ancient guardians, Legends, Mysticism, temple oracles. *Egypt, India, China, Oriental guys*.

Why: First of all, they were very very much appreciated by a lot of players, we miss them, they were fun, strong and had niiice cabalistic armor sets. I created here what could somehow be them.

Mechanics(F1-F4): “Realm’s Channeling or Spirits Guidance” 4 passive habilities that can be toggled On/Off, once at a time. The “Channeled” or “Guidance” choosen at the moment boost the overall stats at the specific type os set skills.
F1: Call of Realms, Boost your Summoning rituals, making them stronger (HP, Dmg, AtkRate, Max Number).
F2: Ancient’s Anger, Boost your Enhancing enchantments (weapons spell in GW1), making them last longer, dealing more contidion/dmg/effect.
F3: Master’s Possesion, Boost your stats of your dmg/AoE/chains skills (Channeling in GW1).
F4: Ancient’s Gift, Boost your itens spell given stats, skills. (Hold itens like warrior banners, but being Deity’s Idols, Hero’s Flags, Ancient people stuff on the ground)

Weapon sets: Staff, Scepter(main/off), Focus(main/off), Sword(main), Horn(off), Torch(off).
(I could create a whole sets os skills for each one, but not now, and using Focus and Scepter main/off would be huge appeal for the class)

Armor: Light

Skill types:
1, Summoning: Name tells all. “Summons ancient spirits themselves”.
2, Enhancing: Boons that can be applied to characters that are currently with the spefic boon weapon. “Ancient spirits empowering our nowadays battles”.
3, Discharge: AoE, Damage, Ligthting like effect(channeling in GW1). “Their anger shall posses me”.
4, Gift: Itens that are dropped on the groud and can be picked. (Like banners or ranger Spirits). “Their legacy still lives, honor them”.
5, any suggestions, if needed?

Why: Dont need to answer, right?


Cantha, the lost continent, with its entrance sealed long time ago. The ancient Luxon/Kurzick that were once enemies, have fought their ways to the Jade Sea depths, next to The Deeps, while the other made their way into the roots of Urgoz Warren. On their cities, just a few survive in small groups, always protecting themselves from the menacy on the North.
Zhaitan may have been defeated, but it seems Orr was just the beginning, Cantha’s old cities are still infested with risen, forgotten afllicted bosses that survived the human hunt on Shiro’s legacy and small outcast from antique clans of the lost continent, like the Am Fah and Jade Brotherhood.
Into the Chaos of Cantha, the Tengu have prayed for many years to retake their former glory. Their chance rose once celestial beings sent out their envoys to be born amongst their workshippers. Their newborn champions and live-deities now walk amongst their clan. Their beliefs are stronger than ever and they fight their way to the top, re-conquering ancient temples long lost, restoring old deities and sanctuarys. They are now the strongest oppose force on Cantha to dragons. Their new facet now makes human villagers, Luxon elder leaders and Kurzick highest ranks to team up with them. They represent hope in Cantha, something long lost in the last century.
Choose you parentship with the celestial envoys, grow their legend, make yours.

Cantha, Tengu’s First Stand, soon in a teather next to you (oopps, gone too far, right)

By the way, Ritualist class TOTTALY enters this LORE with the TENGU culture and CANTHA culture***

If i made any mistake according to already exinting lore, my mistake, change some names and locations and enjoy***

FEEDBACK BRO, What u think? Player? Dev?

Brains > Brawls
So Much Blur

Cantha, the lost continent. "Grow their legend, make yours." S2 Sensaali Oracle

in Lore

Posted by: Narcemus.1348


I totally agree about Cantha, and honestly the game seems set up to have Cantha be the next expansion, or at least a expansion, with the Tengu being nearby, but hidden behind their wall, plus with Zhaitan dead the undead navy would be gone making travel there possible again. The only issues with what you said are the fact that with Winds of Change the chance of afflicted beign around are slim to none. We did a very good job of removing them permanently. And the Luxons and Kurzicks have been quelled for the most part, but random groups still holding of seem possible. Also, the jade sea will have turned back to ocean by now and the echovald should have grown back in some sense.

Cantha, the lost continent. "Grow their legend, make yours." S2 Sensaali Oracle

in Lore

Posted by: Will Lucky.8703

Will Lucky.8703

The movement of the world reveals quite a bit about Cantha. And I wouldn’t be surprised if the First Expansion was focused on Tyria.

First of all, the Kurzicks and Luxons were both conquered and outright annexed by Emperor Usoku.

The Jade Sea and Echovald Forest should have returned to their natural states in the past 250 years as it was said before EOTN they were beginning to recover.

You have the final problem that all non-humans were driven out, of course this is a natural storyline for the Tengu to regain their lost land.

Server: Far Shiverpeaks

Cantha, the lost continent. "Grow their legend, make yours." S2 Sensaali Oracle

in Lore

Posted by: Delsabre.5934


Guild Wars 2 – More Factions
Shiro Tagachi returns, bigger and badder than ever before!!
Some Suxons and Kurkittens have merged into a third faction (no, it’s not Kurxons) whose name I shall not mention here.

Guild Wars 2 – Nightfall Again
Palawa Joko goes on a rampage across Elona to find the descendants of the heroes that once freed him in order to thank them.

Eye of the Northstar
Kenshiro has evolved to the point where he only have to look at people in order to make their bodies explode. Obviously he’s kitten off at Master Togo for messing up Vizunah Square HM masters for the 37135267:th time and is looking for revenge.

…ehm nevermind me… but yeah, would be great with a factions / nightfall expansion. Ideally with shadow-stepping, scythe-wielding ritalists.

Cantha, the lost continent. "Grow their legend, make yours." S2 Sensaali Oracle

in Lore

Posted by: Narcemus.1348


Well, you are a little off on the Nightfall one, because Joko has already ravaged and rampaged across Elona. And has a special army made up just of those that wronged him and those that helped him.

Cantha, the lost continent. "Grow their legend, make yours." S2 Sensaali Oracle

in Lore

Posted by: Ox See Sox.3687

Ox See Sox.3687

I believe the first, or maybe the first 3 expansions are all Tyria focused.
If u look at the map u can see there lots of places with names, portals and stuff.
I believe each “expansion” will deal about a Dragon. With a new “World Completation”.
I believe Tengu will set their brains on Tyria in the first big expansion.
I believe, and hope, that each continent (Canhta, Elona) will come witha new race.
I believe each continent will bring us 1 or 2 new class as well.


Brains > Brawls
So Much Blur

Cantha, the lost continent. "Grow their legend, make yours." S2 Sensaali Oracle

in Lore

Posted by: Benjamin Mahir.7986

Benjamin Mahir.7986

OK, ignoring the ritualists and profession talk since that is an barrel of worms I don’t feel like tapping the keg on twice in one day…

The Tengu are very likely to be first up for new races, but also a lot closer than Cantha. They’re kind of right next door at the Domain of Winds, and set up rather strongly as a potential protagonist faction. Protagonist doesn’t necessarily mean player character, but still… there are a lot of reasons for us not to go to Cantha.

1) A half dozen or so regions of immediate concern on the Tyrian continent, ranging from the Maguuma Wastes to the Crystal Desert. Personally I’d like to see a bit more of the Blazeridge Mountains…
2) Elona is right next door. Seriously, unless the Dragon Empire invades, I’m more concerned about Palawa Joko than a bunch of xenophobic humans who last we saw where rejecting all things not of the Kaineng culture, including the other Canthan cultures.
3) To get to Cantha we need to cross the big dark ocean currently inhabited by ‘Bubbles’. OK, there is always Asuran gates, but still… we have a lot more motivation to explore the deep sea and see what caused the underwater civilizations to flee than possibly antagonized the Dragon Empire. Once again, discounting the chances that they attack first.

Personally, I do want to see a bit more of the Canthan cultures we know and love, but where I’d love to see them is in Divinities Reach. Divinities Reach’s Canthan descendants are descended from the Canthan’s who rejected the Ministry of Purity’s purges, including I believe the purges of the nonKaineng cultures. So if we’re going to see the Luxon and Kurzick cultures we all know and love, it will be there.

Cantha, the lost continent. "Grow their legend, make yours." S2 Sensaali Oracle

in Lore

Posted by: Kreslin.6832


No, Canthan only in Divinity’s Reach isn’t good.

I want to see Cantha. I want to travel there and see the changes. Walk upon those lands, once more.

I wan’t to see the Jade See, Echovald Forest and etc.

Seize the day.

Cantha, the lost continent. "Grow their legend, make yours." S2 Sensaali Oracle

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

I am inclined to agree with Benjamin Bark- Mahir on the case of Cantha.

Tengu are extremely likely, imo, to be the next playable race (with largos as second likely – again, imo), but there’s no reason for the playability of tengu to be tied to access to Cantha. Keep in mind that tengu haven’t been in Cantha for over 100 years; also keep in mind that only 2 tribes come from Cantha, whereas 3 from Tyria, and we’re told that tengu were a world-spread race (including Elona) before traveling to the Dominion of Winds.

Furthermore, there’s no direct reason to go to Cantha for most individuals. Pact as no reason, Durmand Priory has no reason (no more reason than anywhere else at least), same with the Order of Whispers and even moreso the Vigil. Charr have no reason, nor do norn, asura, or sylvari. There’s no known threat nor a known Elder Dragon in Cantha so what’s the purpose? Unless the Pact suddenly thinks along the same lines of players in the (rather baseless) notion of “Empire of the Dragon” means “there’s an Elder Dragon involved!” there’s no reason to go there unless Anet makes a currently unhinted at out-of-the-blue reason – and the only reason why they’d do this is really “just because they want to go there.”

Storywise, there’s quite a lot of places in Tyria, and Elona, that are more likely to be explored – Maguuma Wastes, Crystal Desert, Depths of Tyria, and Far Shiverpeaks being the most likely places in continental Tyria. Only Canthan-descent humans and Canthan-descent tengu have interest in Cantha as it stands.

So unless something completely unforeseen occurs, we won’t be going to Cantha for a while.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

Cantha, the lost continent. "Grow their legend, make yours." S2 Sensaali Oracle

in Lore

Posted by: Kreslin.6832


I don’t agree with this: “Furthermore, there’s no direct reason to go to Cantha for most individuals.”

If you don’t see the reason, why we don’t need to go to Cantha, it doesn’t meant that we don’t have it.

And what make you think, that Tengu will playable race? And if it will, why humen in Cantha will be hostile for Tengu?

Seize the day.

Cantha, the lost continent. "Grow their legend, make yours." S2 Sensaali Oracle

in Lore

Posted by: Benjamin Mahir.7986

Benjamin Mahir.7986

…right, going to play devil’s advocate and add some facts to support the viewpoint that opposes my own. The sylvari and the norn might have some motivation to visit Cantha. Though motivation might be a strong word… let’s call them plot hooks. The Sylvari have the Wardens and all the diverse plant life in the Echovald Forest, while the Norn have the Celestial Spirits and to some extent the Luxon totems.

Though remember that the Luxon culture most likely survives strongest in the descendants of their refugees to Kryta. Honestly I’m hoping we see some development of the Norn connection to Cantha come the Chinese New Year. To at least not have some commentary on the subject would be an oversight, and I’d personally want to see something deep and involved evolve from the concept.

Oh, and Kreslin, opinions on the current state of the Canthan Empire and it’s humans are mostly speculation on the policies of Emperor Usoku being consistent over the past few hundred years. We’ve lost contact with them ever since Zhaiten rose from the depths, so things could have changed but the image of them currently being completely xenophobic is what most people are running with until we receive an update.

Cantha, the lost continent. "Grow their legend, make yours." S2 Sensaali Oracle

in Lore

Posted by: Legion.4198


You are just unimaginative. The only thing necessary for revisiting the Empire is a Canthan Explorer (maybe a Canthan Prince) inviting us to Cantha (secretly as a gift to the Emperor for his success in reaching the continent of Tyria). We know that Canthan ships are more than capable of reaching Tyria, even with the DSD in the middle. If there’s a problem with the Ministry of Purity, the Emperor (or one of his sons/daughters) can always grant us full diplomatic rights, political immunity and courtesy while we stay in Central Kaineng.

From there Arenantet can create the story they want. There’s no shortage of revolutions, dynastic crisis, social conflicts and conspiracies that might arise in an Empire such as Cantha without even counting supernatural events. Whatever the case, Kaineng should still exist even if has been reformed and looks nothing like the original. The city is what makes Cantha unique.

Plus, establishing trade with Cantha would produce a gigantic economic bomb to Western Tyria which would make the current economy of Rata Sum, Lion’s Arch and Kryta looks like the Dark Ages by comparison.

Cantha, the lost continent. "Grow their legend, make yours." S2 Sensaali Oracle

in Lore

Posted by: Narcemus.1348


I have to disagree with the fact that there is no interest in going over to Cantha. The Durmand Priory would have countless reasons to move into Cantha, the least of which being the interest in the Canthan culture and history, along with luxon, kurzick, tengu, naga, warden, and let us not forget the dwarves. I realize that there were no dwarves in Cantha when we visited, but there were definitely areas where Dwarven architecture seemed possible, and the rumor of dwarves living there would be a definite interest for the priory, especially ancient dwarven ruins which likely have much more definitive information about the Elder Dragons compared to the newer excavations which may have been changed over the years for political reasons (tome of Rubicon)

Cantha, the lost continent. "Grow their legend, make yours." S2 Sensaali Oracle

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

If you don’t see the reason, why we don’t need to go to Cantha, it doesn’t meant that we don’t have it.

And what make you think, that Tengu will playable race? And if it will, why humen in Cantha will be hostile for Tengu?

Story-wise, what reason is there? Charr, norn, and sylvari have nothing to gain by going to a human-centric continent across the unknown sea. I can see norn going for the pure adventure of it, and sylvari for the knowledge, but charr have no interest. I can see asura going to spread their influence (after all, they want to rule the world through commerce). Humans would have their ancestorial reasons.

But there are no (known) Elder Dragons there. There are no threats. Other than history saying the last known emperor (Usoku) was a tyrant doesn’t mean the current emperor is. Also take note that Canthan history shows emperors have an intense love to contradict their fathers’ actions (Singtah and Senvoh; Kisu and Usoku; Kaineng Tah and Yian Zho). So it stands to reason that Usoku’s son or grandson will likewise undo Usoku’s actions.

Other than simply finding out what’s happening over there, there is no reason to go there.

Why would Canthan humans be hostile to tengu? How about the whole “all non-humans were kicked out” bit, or the entire plot of Winds of Change where Canthans were treating all tengu as savage beasts just because of the Sensali’s hostility? While Reiko was killed, the Ministry of Purity remained and, as John Stumme (a developer) told us, the MoP began the mental path which lead to Usoku’s actions.

As things stand, there’s no interest in the storyline to go there – Tyria still has their own threats and worries, so the only reason why the Commander of the Pact (that’s us) will go to another land is if there’s another, brand new, threat which would require pushing through the deep sea dragon’s domain.

We know that Canthan ships are more than capable of reaching Tyria, even with the DSD in the middle.

Actually, they’re not. The fact that no ships reach Tyria’s proof of this. They can reach Tyria before hitting the risen fleets, you know (actually, the fact that only bodies wash ashore is proof that it’s not Zhaitan’s forces sinking the ships, but the DSD’s, as Zhaitan would be taking those bodies and making them risen).

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

Cantha, the lost continent. "Grow their legend, make yours." S2 Sensaali Oracle

in Lore

Posted by: Legion.4198


As things stand, there’s no interest in the storyline to go there – Tyria still has their own threats and worries, so the only reason why the Commander of the Pact (that’s us) will go to another land is if there’s another, brand new, threat which would require pushing through the deep sea dragon’s domain.

Only because you can’t thing of anything. Let’s be honest, Cantha became isolationist, and Elona was conquered by Palawa Joko, only because Arenanet wanted to world isolated in packages preventing Tyria from getting any help against Zhaitan. By doing this, Arenanet has avoided nations like Lion’s Arch, the Asura or even Kryta from following the steps of the Age of Exploration and Colonization. However, this has not been the case for Cantha and Elona for 100 years (50 if you think DSD has destroyed any chance of naval travel).

The races of Tyria have become backwards and underdeveloped on the fields of naval navigation. Technologies that will no doubt be developed by Elona and Cantha, and there’s a lot of them: sextants, compasses, navigational charts, meteorological charts, compasses, maritime chronometers etc. If Arenanet wants us to destroy the DSD, we will need to develop technologies that have not been developed for over 100 years but could have been developed by Elona and Cantha. The Pact might also be bogged down fighting against Jormag or Primordous and send us overseas in a diplomatic mission to restablish links with Cantha, Elona and beyond under the hope to get new allies, restablish trade routes and discover new weapons against the Dragons. From there Arenanet can develop the history they wish and create new menaces and antagonists as they see fit.

While I will never consider the waypoints anything but a gameplay element until I see one in the storyline, it is also logical to conclude that Elona and Cantha will have them, plus at least one Asura Gate. These could be either reversed-engineered or instead sold by an asuran interested in the new open markets for teleporting-devices. The Asura would be interested in either know how these Gates were developed or expanding their monopoly over teleporting devices. Even if Cantha and Elona are hostile, there’s certainly no shortage of evil or short sighted Asura (without counting the Inquest) that would gladly sell Asura devices to Cantha or Palawa Joko regardless of the consequences.

Because there’s a need for new technological skills, especially for the case of the Engineer and the presence of modern firearms, there’s an Imperative need for technological and magical developments outside the continent. One of the new skills I suspect Arenanet might introduce is Tesla weapons such as Tesla Turrets and Tesla weapon kits. While I doubt any nation beyond Tyria, will outpace the charr in the steampunk themes, they might invent things that the Charr have failed to consider due their excessive focus on military developments and heavy industry. Practical electricity in form of telegraphy, vaccines, canned food and other “civil” technologies that reduce logistic constraints and facilitate long-range communications would be more than interesting to the Charr.

Cantha, the lost continent. "Grow their legend, make yours." S2 Sensaali Oracle

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

Only because you can’t thing of anything.

You seem to be completely ignoring my main point.

The current story gives no reasons to go to Cantha.

But as I said, Anet can add a reason from out of no where if they wish to go to Cantha. But nothing’s forcing them to go there either.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

Cantha, the lost continent. "Grow their legend, make yours." S2 Sensaali Oracle

in Lore

Posted by: Rehashed Jibe Tube.7102

Rehashed Jibe Tube.7102

If I remember correctly the only link for prophecies characters to go to Factions was Mhenlo saying “hey, my old friend needs help” The “threat” cantha was facing at the time was completely unrelated to the story in prophecies. There’s nothing stopping Logan from saying “hey, my third cousin twice removed on my grandmothers side who lives in Cantha needs help”.

Saying we have no reason to go there doesnt really mean much. When I was helping the white mantle chase down chosen I didn’t think I had any reason to go to Cantha either, but low and behold one found me. The main stories were stand alone. They didn’t need the story to continue.

There’s no reason to say the dominion of winds isn’t just a staging area for an expansion that has you helping the tengu reclaim lands in cantha. Or that new races won’t have starting areas on a completely new map.

Or we may not go to Cantha at all. Personally I see no reason why expansions to GW2 would have to follow the expansions to GW1. All we are really confined to is the imagination of ANET. They could take the story anywhere we need to go, and can write in whatever reasons they feel we need to do it.

Cantha, the lost continent. "Grow their legend, make yours." S2 Sensaali Oracle

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

Though the thing is, the main plot of Prophecies was finished – the only conflict left unresolved was the charr-Ascalonian war (which was already returned to via the Titan Quests, with their gods’ deaths) – at the time that is, it was revealed later, with no indications in Prophecies, that the White Mantle weren’t all finished (we cut off the snake’s head in Prophecies, after all). However, in GW2, there’s still a multitude of threats remaining in Tyria that is a more direct attention gaining. Aside from the four remaining known Elder Dragons, there’s the bandits, Faolain, Ascalonian ghosts, and possibly Palawa Joko who are still large threats – then there’s the “(possibly) heavily weakened by not gone” threats of Inquest and centaurs.

With so many threats at Tyria’s doorstep, would they really spend resources to help a foreign land that was isolated from them for centuries? Also keep in mind that there were a few hints at Cantha and having recent problems (Jiaju Tai )

Or we may not go to Cantha at all. Personally I see no reason why expansions to GW2 would have to follow the expansions to GW1.

This is the main reason why I don’t think we’ll be going to Cantha – immediately, that is. With all the closer threats, and the DSD still blocking the path (supposedly), why spend resources on a distanced location for an unknown threat?

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

(edited by Konig Des Todes.2086)