As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
Charr Farmers
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
I would think that since much of the char society is based on strength and fighting that farmers would be gladiums who don’t have a warband yet still have to contribute.
I would think that since much of the char society is based on strength and fighting that farmers would be gladiums who don’t have a warband yet still have to contribute.
This is what I was thinking too, but then as one of my friends pointed out, Rox and her warband were miners, so that lead me to wonder if farmers were ALSO in warbands, or if they were just gladium or other warbandless charr that took up farming to try and still help their legion.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
There’s this dialogue, which implies farming is one of the things you can be assigned to fresh out of the fahrar. Since Airblade has a standard charr surname, I’d also take it to mean farmers at least can be in warbands.
That leads me to another question: do gladium even receive assignments from the legions? With the exception of Rox, who seems to be an unusual case, every one I can think of we only see loitering, trying to join a new warband, or pursuing personal objectives.
Charr farmers can be many things. They may be Charr who weren’t good enough at combat in the Fahrar to be soldiers, therefore placed as farmers, elderly, retired soldiers, or Charr soldiers who are injured and are working as farmers while they recover, however, injured Charr soldiers can also be placed as Primuses or Quaestors while they heal, so its not an exclusive role.
All Charr (except free agents), are in warbands. Otherwise, they are gladiums. This means there are warbands who specialize in everything. There are warbands of merchants, miners, quaestors, farmers, smelters, prison wardens, engineers, armourers, whatever role that would potentially aid the legions, there is a warband for it.
Gladiums normally do nothing, because being in a warband is just how Charr society functions. If you have no warband, then you are a nobody. The issue is with this, finding a second warband if your Fahrar-made warband kicks them out, or they die is very hard, because you have to fit in with a group of people who have been together since cubhood, which is very difficult in itself, and its difficult finding a warband who will accept new recruits. Its particularly hard if the warband has died, and they’re the sole survivor, because it raises the question if they abandoned their old warband to let them die, which is basically the biggest no-no in Charr society. Its more honourable to die trying to save your warband than leaving them to die in order to save yourself.
That leads me to another question: do gladium even receive assignments from the legions? With the exception of Rox, who seems to be an unusual case, every one I can think of we only see loitering, trying to join a new warband, or pursuing personal objectives.
Gladium are out-of-the-loop of regular legion activity. Some of the gladiums are punished for whatever they did to become gladiums, such as Vere The Coward, who’s punishment is to tell the story of how he abandoned his warband to anybody he meets, however, Gladium who attempt to apply to join another warband may be sympathised with, so officers such as Legionnaires, Centurions or Tribunes may make arrangements to help a Gladium find a new warband.
Rox’s situation isn’t unique, but is rather rare. She’s described as a “solo agent”, which means she still acts under the legions as a soldier, but she doesn’t have a warband. The reason she has this status is because she applied to The Stone Warband, and she was asked to complete a series of tasks to prove she is worthy to join the warband, however, part of these tasks was to do them alone, hence why she is a free agent.
Rox isn’t a free agent in the present day however. Her final task was to kill Scarlet Briar, however, she chose to save Braham who needed help at the time, and the Player Character beat her to the kill, meaning she was refused from the Stone Warband and chose not to re-apply, ignoring any further summons from Rytlock Brimstone she received in the mail. She currently sits as a Gladium, shes had no further interaction with the legions since then.
Although Rox is the only free agent Charr to date, I imagine it can be given to certain other Charr also, for example, I imagine certain Charr who do specific assassination jobs might be free agents, because a team can sometimes get in the may more of such a job than if they were alone, however, most Charr agree that a warband is the optimal situation, which is why free agents are very rare.
(edited by Argon.1563)
One of the ranching farms in Diessa is maintained by a Death warband. So yes, they have warbands.
As to how they’re chosen – probably varies, such as punishment duty or for warbands not capable of constant combat, or as a resting duty after a tough sortie.
All Charr (except free agents), are in warbands. Otherwise, they are gladiums.
My charr PC is a free agent as of the end of Chapter 3 of the personal story, but is still a Centurion in the charr legions, with a warband that’s currently being managed by my sparring partner.
So this claim is false.
Rox isn’t a free agent in the present day however. Her final task was to kill Scarlet Briar, however, she chose to save Braham who needed help at the time, and the Player Character beat her to the kill, meaning she was refused from the Stone Warband and chose not to re-apply, ignoring any further summons from Rytlock Brimstone she received in the mail. She currently sits as a Gladium, shes had no further interaction with the legions since then.
She’s still a free agent even as a gladium. She still answers to Rytlock, as both he and she state in various points in Season 2, such as Plan of Attack in Episode 3.
Although Rox is the only free agent Charr to date,
Y’know, except the PC and probably every charr in the orders that still answer to the Legions in some manner, such as Ember from Ghosts of Ascalon.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Like all things, Charr need farmers and blacksmiths and other things.
Heck, merchants or smiths may be in warbands (or solo)… we don’t really know. But it’d make sense for a warband to maintain a blacksmith shop (somebody forges, somebody maintains the gear, another mans the front and another gets the supplies). Also, we know warbands can vary in size, You might basically have a 2-man warband for something like doing barkeep work in the Citadel, and a 10-man warband who operates a ranch.
In example of PC, for all we know some of those people who do normally ‘solo’ jobs are still part of a warband, but operating separately for a time. Perhaps it’s a form of vacation for Charr?
I suspect that it may be heavily rooted in a Roman-style legions system in which the well-seasoned veterans received farmlands.
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast
Warbands are more than just troops for the battle field. They replace the family structure in Charr society while at the same time providing the discipline of a job. The ultimate goal of the Warband is to support the war effort which is done in many different ways. They never really state the level of choice a Charr has on picking it’s Warband. It would be most likely that those not fit for battle go to the other efforts.
It can be a choice too (as seen with this conversation of a cub with his mother), but most probably he will discover on his own later on his life what he is really great at doing. There is no discrimination between jobs, all are working for the legion. Unlike skritt-brained humans, your worth is not measured on how much shinnies you have accumulated, but your contribution to the Charr. Remember, Charr culture is a lot about efficiency and optimizing your potential.
All Charr (except free agents), are in warbands. Otherwise, they are gladiums.
My charr PC is a free agent as of the end of Chapter 3 of the personal story, but is still a Centurion in the charr legions, with a warband that’s currently being managed by my sparring partner.
So this claim is false.
Strictly speaking, the charr PC is not only still in their warband, they’re still nominally the leader, with the sparring partner essentially acting in your stead. In fact, there are certain points in the living story when you really probably should have had your warband along, but that would involve too much rejigging of the story for one race. (Still, I’d love to see generic NPC allies in instances getting replaced with warband members for charr PCs when it’s practical to do so.)
It’s one of the things I consider a bit plothole-ish where Rox is concerned – once Rox decides she doesn’t want to be in the Stone warband after all, it should be possible for the charr PC to take steps to induct Rox into his or her own warband. Particularly since the PC’s warband was build up from inducting honorable gladiums to begin with, so the normal barriers to a gladium entering a warband should not apply where the charr PC’s warband is concerned.
Regarding the PC’s status in general: Like Rytlock, the PC may be operating away from their warband (unless they have certain charr racial skills equipped…), but they are still considered part of their warband, which is very different to being a gladium.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
One of the ranching farms in Diessa is maintained by a Death warband. So yes, they have warbands.
As to how they’re chosen – probably varies, such as punishment duty or for warbands not capable of constant combat, or as a resting duty after a tough sortie.
Not necessarily as punishment. Rox’s warband was miners, and apparently they were proud enough of the fact to take it as their… I don’t know their Cognomen? Maybe I don’t know, someone with more knowledge of Roman naming conventions can probably give a better example of how Charr surnames might relate.
Although Rox is the only free agent Charr to date,
Y’know, except the PC and probably every charr in the orders that still answer to the Legions in some manner, such as Ember from Ghosts of Ascalon.
And possibly Evon Gnashblade, although that’s more a pet theory.