Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Connecting the dots DO NOT TOUCH towers.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
I imagined the “ley-lines” as continuous lines that circled the entire planet —not as segmented lines that stop and changed direction. We know both the Thaumanova reactor and Orr are built on top of crisscrossing ley-lines.
If you want all the lines not just where they criss cross then go to the order of whispers base
I imagined the “ley-lines” as continuous lines that circled the entire planet —not as segmented lines that stop and changed direction. We know both the Thaumanova reactor and Orr are built on top of crisscrossing ley-lines.
If you want all the lines not just where they criss cross then go to the order of whispers base
Scarlet revealed the existence of crossing lines at the reactor, but where did the Orr info come from?
As for the ‘behavior’ of the lines, I agree that they’re probably not super-segmented in the ways that are described in this thread, but there’s nothing that states that they can’t branch out or get thinner/wider, etc. In fact, Cadiff (a synergetics researcher in Rata Sum) yells at you for disrupting his moment of studying a magical rivulet; suggesting that he was essentially studying a thread-like ley line in that spot. There’s just so much that we don’t know about the shape and form of the ley lines.
As for the Order of Whispers globe, I mapped it onto a map of Tyria, and they seem to account for tectonic plates or something. They don’t even trickle into Maguuma (the reactor). Image:
(edited by Psynch.4087)
If you go in fractal, the thaumanova one, you’ll see scarlet say something interesting:
Scarlet: Reactor approaching critical, panicked evacuation, general mayhem and hysteria…Yep, I’d say my work here is done. Sorry about all the death, and for the portal pandemonium. I told the Inquest chaos energy was a misnomer. Mind you, dragon energy is tricky, so I can see how they flubbed it. At least they helped identify the network of magical channels that crisscross the globe. That was a breakthrough. Now we know how NOT to do this kind of research right on an intersection of those channels. Live and learn, right? That’s progress. Hooray for progress! Ooh, but it’s getting a bit too deadly in here for me. ’Bye now! (Disappears afterwards).
So the idea here, it’s that the do not touch tower are probe to study those magical channel intersection.
Sound plausible?
I imagined the “ley-lines” as continuous lines that circled the entire planet —not as segmented lines that stop and changed direction. We know both the Thaumanova reactor and Orr are built on top of crisscrossing ley-lines.
If you want all the lines not just where they criss cross then go to the order of whispers base
There’s nothing which claims Orr is built atop a crisscrossing of leylines. Don’t mistake the Artesian Waters for leylines, it’s just a highly magical location – we don’t know why exactly. Leylines is the most likely explanation, but not the only. Especially given how water seems to channel magic well.
And the OoW base globe – as Psynch said – does not even cross over the Thaumanova Reactor, nor Orr, so it is unlikely to be mapping magical locations let alone leylines. Not to mention that until the fractal, Scarlet (and possibly the Inquest by extension) were the only ones who knew about the existence of leylines.
So the idea here, it’s that the do not touch tower are probe to study those magical channel intersection.
Sound plausible?
The issue is that nothing thus far links the do not touch towers with Scarlet.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
The issue is that nothing thus far links the do not touch towers with Scarlet.
Well, Devs kind of sort of spilled the beans between the lines in the article in the “next release” section: “There are some major unanswered questions that remain: What is Scarlet trying to do? What is the motivation behind her actions? What are the “do not touch” devices? What will Scarlet do with the knowledge she has gained from her various collaborations?”
By asking about the devices between so many Scarlet question, they by correlation suggest what most of us think anyway, that it’s Scarlet who’s behind them.
If Scarlet is involved I’m not interested.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Suggests but not proves. If it is Scarlet, I shall shake my head because one is placed outside the Chantry of Secrets and you’d think some sort of reaction from them about such a thing.
Even if it weren’t Scarlet you’d expect a reaction… Unless it’s good for them and they know it.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Suggests but not proves. If it is Scarlet, I shall shake my head because one is placed outside the Chantry of Secrets and you’d think some sort of reaction from them about such a thing.
Even if it weren’t Scarlet you’d expect a reaction… Unless it’s good for them and they know it.
Konig, you don’t really believe that there’s a chance these towers aren’t connected to Scarlet do you?
Also, just because you haven’t seen the order react, doesn’t mean they haven’t. It seems they would be smart to leave it alone and collect information from it. Let someone else pay for the research.
Of course it doesn’t prove it, it seems pretty obvious in and on itself though, with the article or without it…
I don’t know if this has been suggested already but – Isn’t the MOST LIKELY use for the Do not touch towers to figure out the shapes and locations of primordius’ underground caverns?
They are sending shockwaves down into the earth at a constant rate and seemingly not causing any damage (unless they’re destroying his caverns, who knows) – so it’s quite possible that the point of this is to measure the bounce back/lack of bounce back in order to determine just how vast his tunnels are and just how deep they go?
(Of course I realise you’re all sooo intent on connecting these with ley lines, but personally I doubt there is a connection. Magic leylines + very physical sonic thingies = nope)
I don’t think Scarlet particullarly cares about primordius. I think the objects are a magic equivalent to oil derricks and are sucking out magic energy from ley lines. My prediction is that scarlet is trying to out dragon the dragons in absorbing magic energies.
That sounds like a bit of a stretch – what are the ‘magic derricks’ doing with the magic they suck out? How are they storing it? How is she going to harness it?
I am of the lines of thought that they are generators of sorts, but I don’t think they’re tied to the ley lines – if they are then there’s just SO many ley lines in Tyria one has to scratch their heads and go “why the kitten did Thaumanova’s disaster not happen sooner?!?” if it was caused by experimenting with magic on top of an intersection of ley lines – I mean, it’s not like the asura are the first to mess with magic (Lords Odran, Kree, and Sybitha say hello).
If they are tied to ley lines, they’re a means to find them, not utilize them.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Updated the map with all find-spots, and i assined every line to a dragon
This is so exciting.
I had the idea to lay the GW1 Map on the GW2 Map with the lines i made.
The result is this!
The Source, if the pattern of the lines is like i draw, would be exactly the “Heart of the Shiverpeaks” from GW1 o.O!
Hum, just : the Heart of the Shiverpeaks is very close to the Central Transfer Chamber. Couldn’t that be the asura gates we’ve seen at the end of the video?
The Heart of the Shiverpeaks is no where near the Central Transfer Chamber. The Heart of the Shiverpeaks would be beneath what is now northern Dredgehaunt Cliffs I believe; on the flip side, the Central Transfer Chamber would be beneath modern Fireheart Rise.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
The DO NOT TOUCH pillars could be forming a sort of constellation? At the end of one of the Arah paths you see Mordremoth(or another Elder Dragon) being formed in the stars..
The pillars could awaken it..?
I doubt the gates are in the CTC as you can see the moon. If I recall correctly, the CTC is underground.
So what is the reason that Scarlet created the toxin? If she is a dragon champion, which I doubt, why would she need a toxin?
At the end of one of the Arah paths you see Mordremoth(or another Elder Dragon) being formed in the stars..
No you don’t. You see the formation of a star, and as Varra states if you talk to her at the end of the path, the formation of the star doesn’t dictate events in Tyria but marks the passing of ages – an act that’s actually not very different from the Canthan calendar’s ages, which were determined via study of the stars. The difference between the two is that – according to Varra whom gets her stuff from jotun research, stars form once every 10,000 years and the last time a star was formed was when the Elder Dragons was last awake.
You do not see an Elder Dragon forming, nor do you see something that heralds the awakening/birth of an Elder Dragon. You see a completely unrelated-to-Elder Dragons act in the heavens occurring.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
I’m just going to leave that… Sounds an awful lot like it is Primordius related to me…
Dont know if anyone suggested or did this already, but some might want to look into it:
Do these thumpers thump at the same time universally maybe? I mean in synch. Smashing the ground at the same time for months now. They are far enough from each other so that one person cannot see it, but maybe they are synchronised.
If so, it could be examined how global their synchronisation is. World wide? Server-wide? Or are they only synced for each map? If they are not synced, do they have some kind of a pattern? Anything that could be decoded somehow, maybe with a metronome?
I have no idea how that would work or what it would reveal if anything, just throwing the idea out there.
Dont know if anyone suggested or did this already, but some might want to look into it:
Do these thumpers thump at the same time universally maybe? I mean in synch. Smashing the ground at the same time for months now. They are far enough from each other so that one person cannot see it, but maybe they are synchronised.
If so, it could be examined how global their synchronisation is. World wide? Server-wide? Or are they only synced for each map? If they are not synced, do they have some kind of a pattern? Anything that could be decoded somehow, maybe with a metronome?
I have no idea how that would work or what it would reveal if anything, just throwing the idea out there.
Mechanically in game it is extremely unlikely that they would be synchronised. It would take far too much processing power to ensure that they all thumped at the same time across every single map across every single server. It may SOUND like an incredibly tiny thing, but in MMO’s people severely underestimate just how much every tiny little thing takes its toll on the servers. And even IF they for some reason did allocate the server resource to having them in sync, it’s unlikely that they would even display in sync for users because that would require a near perfect connection between server and client.
Obviously for the same reasons as above looking for a pattern in their thumping would also be a fruitless endeavour.
It is possible that the thumpers are being used to simply guide a Destroyer army to specific areas of the map. But if that is the case… why are they all over the place?
… Maybe they’ll wear the ground away around the joined-up lines, make all (if not, most) of Tyria’s land nearby the lines joined up on the Diagram collapse to the centre circle and something will come out from underneath… Hoping it would be an Elder Dragon or, as stated, an army of something for a big event over a large section of the map… I mean, for the army idea, didn’t Scarlet mention that it was only the start when she launched her invasion of Clockwork Minions over Tyria?
What if the probes have something to do with looking for the Bloodstone fragments?
Anyway, these remind me of a gizmo that was used in the Fringe universe.
It’s very clear now that they’re Scarlet-related, and I’m all the more perplexed that the Order of Whispers / Durmand Priory and others aren’t doing anything about them. Not that they necessarily know that Scarlet is involved, but they should know that they’re suspicious.
Stormbluff Isle ( )
It’s very clear now that they’re Scarlet-related, and I’m all the more perplexed that the Order of Whispers / Durmand Priory and others aren’t doing anything about them. Not that they necessarily know that Scarlet is involved, but they should know that they’re suspicious.
That’s something I’ve wondered about myself. Not even the Orders, just nearby NPC’s. When the Tower of Nightmares was in its “cloaked” phase you had NPC’s nearby who talked about it. These things are all over Tyria and we are the only ones who notice, it seems.
Guardians of the Vault [GotV] and Guíld of Dívíne Soldíers [GoDS]
Gate of Madness server
It’s very clear now that they’re Scarlet-related, and I’m all the more perplexed that the Order of Whispers / Durmand Priory and others aren’t doing anything about them. Not that they necessarily know that Scarlet is involved, but they should know that they’re suspicious.
In January 21st, the story partially revolves around investigating the “Mysterious Probes” (the DO NOT TOUCH towers’ new names as of the Wintersday update).
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
It’s very clear now that they’re Scarlet-related, and I’m all the more perplexed that the Order of Whispers / Durmand Priory and others aren’t doing anything about them. Not that they necessarily know that Scarlet is involved, but they should know that they’re suspicious.
The order of Whispers is a secretive organization. Just because you can’t see them doing anything, doesn’t mean they aren’t doing anything.
Well, just ducked into WvW for the first time in ages… and there are probes there too. Thoughts? ‘Cause these can’t have anything to do with Primordus or ley lines.
I have a question, why do people think that ley-lines are straight like drawed with a ruler and not naturally chaotic like river, the flow of magic following the least resistant path ?
Because straight lines already make a crapload of possibilities, curved lines, you just made them infinite. You are probably correct though, I would be surprised as heck if the lines were straight and perfect.
Because straight lines already make a crapload of possibilities, curved lines, you just made them infinite. You are probably correct though, I would be surprised as heck if the lines were straight and perfect.
Yeah, basically this. I’ve spent a lot of time trying to find different paths, and it always easier to start with linear paths, and then curve them if it feels appropriate.
My own thought is that Anet teased the leylines in their recent facebook image (with the diagram and another ‘map’ next to that molten chest). And that map has a lot of curved and branching paths.
Edit — here’s the image:
almost none of these images have the mt maelstrom thumper pinned and i’m standing on top of it z_z
Well, just ducked into WvW for the first time in ages… and there are probes there too. Thoughts? ‘Cause these can’t have anything to do with Primordus or ley lines.
Very good point, been wondering about that as well. Is it just game mechanics like the offshoots, so that WvW players gets some news of what’s happening in the PvE world? Otherwise it could be explained by Scarlet’s interest in the Mists, but then makes it difficult to correlate them to ley lines and the Depths.
[DV] – megaboss community
(edited by hedix.1986)
I don’t really buy that the offshoots were just mechanics either, seeing as they changed up the event specifically for WvW by adding Scarlet’s towering holographic presence.
There are probes in WvW. It’s also highly speculated that Edge of the Mists map will be introduced through Scarlet’s actions. Maybe she’s using the probes to mark locations in the mists that correlate to the world, for some reason.
It makes you question weather or not they are actually for the leylines, considering they are in the mists. What could she be probing for that could be in the mists OR in on Tyria?
Side note, I find it interesting that we never saw any steam creatures in the mists (WvW) but she obviously has a presence there.
I am now picturing a series of great wurms like Issormir and the Great Jungle Wurm swarming across Tyria…
Good call. I wonder if you realized how right you were.
It would take far too much processing power to ensure that they all thumped at the same time across every single map across every single server.
You could synchronize it with the server clock and simply have the client offset the animation. Still, that’s an implementation detail and I don’t think it’s actually important whether they are visually synchronized.
It’s the intent that matters: “according to the lore are they synchronized?” Or rather “according to the lore is their timing important?” For example, in blasting (mining) a technique called wavefront reinforcement is used – this is where the timing of the explosives is carefully timed so that the wavefront from the first explosion is amplified by the secondary/tertiary/etc. explosions. The purpose here could be similar (a long-shot) – the question is where the epicenter of the wavefronts would be.
I am now picturing a series of great wurms … swarming across Tyria…
The spice, er, magic must flow. Maybe Scarlet is tripping balls on Melange – which would explain everything.
Epistemic.8013: Guys this is bullkitten a sentient plant creature is hitting these
wooden doors with fireballs and it’s working.
At the end of one of the Arah paths you see Mordremoth(or another Elder Dragon) being formed in the stars..
No you don’t. You see the formation of a star, and as Varra states if you talk to her at the end of the path, the formation of the star doesn’t dictate events in Tyria but marks the passing of ages – an act that’s actually not very different from the Canthan calendar’s ages, which were determined via study of the stars. The difference between the two is that – according to Varra whom gets her stuff from jotun research, stars form once every 10,000 years and the last time a star was formed was when the Elder Dragons was last awake.
You do not see an Elder Dragon forming, nor do you see something that heralds the awakening/birth of an Elder Dragon. You see a completely unrelated-to-Elder Dragons act in the heavens occurring.
Thanks for the correction, point taken