Customization for Tengu and Largos
I found some more Largos concept art with different mask and armor styles. We can also see the concept of how the wings would fold.
Oh wow! Thanks for the link!
I saw a few of those on Kekai’s webpage, he did an excellent job!
Largos really look amazing, they also remind me of vampires when they have their wings/fins lowered, they look like a cool cloak.
They look just like Raziel in soul reaper.
Alright, fair enough. I’m happy with the supposition that individuals would likely be able to change Houses through marriage or a process of “adoption”; as long as there’s a plausible explanation for why our Tengu character looks like an Avicara, yet he belongs to the House founded by the Angchu/Sensali.
And there probably will need to be an explanation for that. Humans don’t have Canthan/Elonian/Tyrian heritage tied in with appearance, so I have my doubts they’ll make such a drastic change for tengu (that said, never say never… it’s theoretically possible).
Stormbluff Isle ( )
I like the Largos, they are relatively unknown so it would’nt be hard to write a story with them that makes their look more variable and more professions. The Largos remind me a lot of the wraith in Stargate: Atlantis
@BlueSoda: ArenaNet explicitly stated back in 2009 that they want centaurs to be a “black race” – a race that’s enemies through and through. Plus, they were having problems thinking of how to make them work with the armor and underwater content (horses may swim, but you can’t really get them going sideways while submerged and the like).
Largos -1% chance to be playeable. They are newer to the lore than the sylvari, we haven’t even know they exist until GW2 release. And they prefer to hide from the world, live in the water and do skirmishes, not a good material for a playeable rce.
Your argument fails.
Norn, asura, and sylvari were all added just to be playable races. Largos could easily be the same.
They don’t hide from the world, they’re just not common in continental Tyria for now – no different than how asura and norn were uncommon in continental Tyria prior to Eye of the North.
In other words, the Largos now is little different than 3 of the 5 playable races.
You have a valid point. Largos can easily be added. I can already see them as some use for the underwater elder dragon if Anet ever desides to add it along with the other elder dragons. Then there is the tengu. Some tengu allied with the humans in Guild Wars Factions as a result of Master Togo’s hard work. We even had the option to bring Talon Silverwing (One of the tengue warriors and instructor in the Shing Jea Monastery) with us in explorable areas. If anything I would find it insulting to the franchise not to make them playable characters in later content. One more suggestion I mite make is for a profession that I would like to see a comeback. The ritualist was Introduced in factions. I had alot of fun summoning a ton of spirits and play as support in some of the dungeons. Anet should consider a similar profession later on.
i never thought about playing as a largos i think we need an aquatic race i wonder what there society is like maybe they have like huge under water cites like atlantis kinda and tengu i dont know but i also think another race they could ad is kodan and i wonder how many races there will be i think there will 8 maybe more but 8 seems to me to be a good number.
As far as the Tengu go, this is how I imagine their customisation will be set up:
Plumage – The equivalent of “hair”. The Tengu are unique in that the males have brighter and more colourful plumage. Female Tengu are bigger than the males, but have drab plumage. (As such, it’s a reversal from the other races where the males are invariably bigger than the females.)
Beak – The equivalent of “face”. The different Tengu species have different styles of beaks, and within those beaks you could have shorter or longer beaks, more/less mandibles, and chipped/damaged beaks.
Feather patterns – The equivalent of tattoos/Sylvari glow. Players can choose a variety of feather patterns like dappled, sweeping or just a flat single colour, and dye it accordingly.
The player can then choose which ancestry of Tengu they hail from (Caromi, Avicara, Angchu or Quetzal). They also choose one of the Four Houses of the Winds (East, West, North or South) to belong to, and these choices determine their initial personal storyline.
I don’t really know enough about the Largos to speculate on their customisation or storyline.
These. All my want! I wanted to post what I’d look forward to in Tengu customization, but Zaxares pretty much already listed everything in my mind (in particular the male-female differences, which in my opinion would be pretty cool in contrast to the current races).
looks at ArenaNet with Puppy eyes
I actually was hoping for Tengu and Centaur as the next two. The largos are too human looking, not really a lot of reason to add them (plus, they’re mostly aquatic and the current game is terrestrial).
Perhaps not the centaur as most of them seem to essentially hate us.
Though I look forward to the tengu somewhat. Aside from the other stuff mentioned, such as appearance options and background options, personality/story options are also something I want to see. In terms of story options, the tengu’s culture is influenced primarily by Japanese culture, but especially bushido; thus, they have the options of pursuing things such as education, battle training, or something more formal such as bodyguarding the leader of their house, along with which virtue they follow the closest: Righteousness, Benevolence, Honor, Loyalty, or Courage. And with their inclusion, it can be a way to bring back Ritualists in the same way the Charr have introduced Engineers. After all, if the art of Assassination was kept alive by humans and transformed into Thievery, who knows what the tengu have done with Ritualism over these past 200 years or so!
Essentially: Tengus. GET HYPE.
(currently leveling: a Mesmer, an Engineer, and a Guardian)
I would agree on the centaurs not making it, but not because they are evil. We know from GW1 that there were “friendly” centaurs in Elona. The reason I don’t think they will make it is simple… Swimming. Let’s just say I can’t see a horse swimming in the world the way they currently have it, it just won’t seem natural.
Colin Johanson said “no promises of which (playable) race to do first, but it’s something we’re looking at”.
I vote Largos.
The Largos seem really boring and uninteresting to me (Also dislike them visually). If they go by popular demand it will definately be Tengu.
First race will be tengu, all the evidence supports this. It might be a little while before we see them as one but It would be a crime to not have the tengu the next playable race.
Largos I would to love to see as a playable race the only problem i have with them is we haven’t met any Largos that arent assassins. I just have trouble imagining a Largos elementalist or engineer (not saying its not possible since I have trouble seeing a sylvari engineer too).
In a recent interview Colin said they would be much more apt to add new skills and weps to existing professions than try to balance a whole new profession to fill one of the small niches they havent covered play style wise. Dont get your hopes up for a ritualist.
Maybe when a new expansion comes along we might see something with a lil more potential(other than the Tengu) for being a playable race(and maybe a new profession as well).
I think at one point there will be a need to add an underwater race to feel attached to, so we feel the corruption of the DSD as a personal slight. To this end, I do believe the Largos will be the race chosen to lead us into the deep – and upon doing so it would be most logical to let us play as one. Though I too struggle to see them blend with the rest of Tyrian society.
But then again, I struggle to see Charr blend in as well, and they’re doing fine so what do I know.
I just know that their society is interesting and I want to know what is going on in the depths. I’d love to play as one.
omg i am sooo ready 4 the largos and tengu to come out i really like the idea of a under water race … idk but i think it would be awesome if the tengus home land was up in the trees … thay will need some cool tier 3 cultural… but i cant wait 4 the largos there is so much to do on land i want to check out the water more
Asura do rule the world you silly bookah.