Discussion: Is Gorr's theory wrong?
Don’t know if magic can be fully “destroyed” or not. Maybe “destroyed” simply means the magic leaving the living creatures of Tyria and into the earth itself. Anyways:
Should the energies become imbalanced, the world will tilt and all beings will fall off it into the void.
There are varied theories on what it means, but I believe it refers to the natural balance of magic. Too much magic, and the world spins out of control. Too little, and it crumbles into darkness. The last time the Elder Dragons awoke, they wiped out almost every intelligent race on the planet. It is from this low-magic environment that the gods built the world as they wanted it. They are the ones who brought humans to Tyria. The gods shared the magic stored in the Bloodstone. That is a complex tale for another time.
witness our wonders and cry out in astonishment and humble themselves.
Beware our mighty works.
The thing that makes theories theories is that they are still untested enough to be proven true in every situation. The law of gravity took years before it was accepted as a universal truth. Gorr’s theory was that the dragons were eating magic, drawing it out of the world, and reducing the latent magic in the world around them. This was actually proven to be true, especially after Season 2, Chapter 2, where a Priory caravan was attacked for having a high concentration of magical artifacts. He was merely wrong about what happened to the magic after the dragons absorbed it. (minor edit for language clarification)