Does Tyria have its own calendar?

Does Tyria have its own calendar?

in Lore

Posted by: kta.6502



I’m currently writing a Sylvari fanfic and I’d like to know if there is an official Tyrian calendar. In my story, the first main character “awakened” during the month of October, and the second character “awakened” during December.

I haven’t seen any evidence that the Sylvari have an official calendar, so if there is a general Tyrian calendar (official or fan made) that I could refer to, that would be great!

Thanks for advance for your help!

Does Tyria have its own calendar?

in Lore

Posted by: Winespring Brother.2970

Winespring Brother.2970

Yak’s Bend
Charr Ranger of the Iron Legion

Does Tyria have its own calendar?

in Lore

Posted by: Diovid.9506


The world of tyria used to have it’s own calender. Three different ones actually:

But then Anet said “lolnope”:

Esprits d’Orr : The Mouvelian calendar has 360 days. How does it match with our 365 days calendar? When does the Tyrian year begin?

Angel McCoy : The connection between the Mouvelian calendar and our real-world calendar is a practical one. Thanks to your question, we had a big discussion here. The Mouvelian calendar was established way back when Guild Wars was first being created. At that time, we had no idea we’d ever be doing Living World content like we are now. We’ve decided that we’re going to change the Mouvelian calendar to a 365-day year. Here’s the official in-game asuran announcement:

“Friends and fellows. Due to recent (amazing!) reasoning by scholars of the Astronomagical Society, we are pleased to announce that we have added the five hidden days to our calendar year! That’s five extra days we’ve recognized for you to advance your work before the annual review. Gifts and gratitude are unnecessary. We merely acknowledged them officially; we did not create them. May all your projects be almost as successful as ours.” — Mikk


Does Tyria have its own calendar?

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

Those in continental Tyria use the Mouvelian calendar. It used to be 360 days with no months but split into four seasons (Season of the Scion (Fall), Season of the Colossus (Winter), Season of the Zephyr (Spring), and Season of the Phoenix (Summer)) – the season names are interchangeable in speech, but I’ve only ever seen dating using the “Season of the <name>”. Until the interview noted by Diovid, it was 90 days per season ammounting to 360 days a year – but with said interview they arbitrarily and pointlessly added 5 days just so the Mouvelian calendar and ours sync up (totally unnecessary) with no explanation for how it works into the seasons. Personally, I take that interview’s bit as “non-existent until shown in-game” but that’s just me and my fanon discontinuity

It should also be noted that while originally the Mouvelian calendar had no months (only the Canthan calendar did – with 30 days a month perfectly), mention of months have been made during Flame and Frost… though how this fits in is unknown, and based on The Trek of the Zephyrites months are not used in dating. Dating calendars happens as <Day> <Season> <Year>. E.g., 09 Season of the Scion 1320. Cantha was different, dating as <Day> <Month>, <Year>. E.g., 27 Suzhen, 1582.

Furthermore, I’d like to point out that New Years for Tyrians happens on the Spring Equinox (first day of Spring) – Wintersday is their “end of winter”/“New Years Day” event, happening during the last day of the Season of the Colossus/Winter. So while we experience Wintersday in December – in order to sync up with our Christmas and New Years Day and other winter holidays – theirs is actually occurring in our equivalent of March 20th-ish (since our spring equinox changes). Further reason why I think their attempts to sync up the calendar is kitten and utterly pointless, since they’re now saying that the event which was and always has been a celebration of winter’s end is now happening near the beginning of winter…

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

(edited by Konig Des Todes.2086)