Don't name your characters like this
I don’t see anything wrong with the first one. The second is a bit odd, but if they’re a chef or there’s a story behind it I could see it working.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
I should make a new axe wielding charr warrior named:
Axe Wielding Charr
Talon Glovepaw sounds like a pretty normal name for a Charr. All their names have some kind of relevance to what they do or some defining feature. (Tybaly Leftpaw. Pyre Fierceshot. Vaatlaw Doomtooth. And my favorite, Tenagg Flametroller).
Maybe he wears gloves a lot. Or is a ranger who trains hawks.
I actually have 4 characters
1) Michram- because my real name is Michael and I added ram because I like CD ram disks.
2)Slaugus- in my language it is similar to English ‘servant’
3)Aquilathae- this name means ‘Eagle of God’
4)Aurora Eleonora- I really like Aurora Peachy and she looks like her
I had mesmer- Madame Wynne but I removed her because mesmer is boring for me. But I like Wynne and it was my little ‘memorial’ after when she died…
(edited by Arden.7480)
I won’t surprised when players will give names from Pokemon.
Or like this ‘Pikachu I Love U’ or something like that.
If you have a problem with other players names breaking your immersion, you can disable the player name tags in your options.
Dont tell me what to do?
I agree on one side, even though I don’t RP, I like for my characters to be normal within its universe, so all my characters have racially normal gear and racially normal names.
But whatever other people do, that stuff shouldn’t be bothering you. Of course I sometimes run into a charr called Alfalfalover Ixxa or something making me think ‘oooookaaaaaaayyyyyy’
but if they’re happy with it.. let them be
Your character should have an actual name, not something like talon glovepaw or beef hardstew. Those sort of names are the ones the devs spend 3/4 of a second conjuring when making the game for speed reasons. You should at least spend 60 seconds looking up cool names. I personally like crusader names.
I see nothing wrong with the naming pattern here. It perfectly fits how Charr characters are named by the Dev’s: very descriptive names of mostly physical attributes.
Dev’s tend to give Sylvari names Gaelic inspired names (Wynn, Faolain etc.), Norns get Nordic style names (-son & dottir endings e.g.) and Asura have short names with lots of un-melodic consonants (Phlunt, Snaff).
Those are actually very well thought of naming conventions which make it easier to recognize a race just by its name.
On the other hand I have no idea what a “crusader name” is supposed to be.
Still keeps a volume of Kurzick poems ;)
Not having a male norn with huge moustache and moustache related name? Simply proposterous.
Your character should have an actual name, not something like talon glovepaw or beef hardstew. Those sort of names are the ones the devs spend 3/4 of a second conjuring when making the game for speed reasons. You should at least spend 60 seconds looking up cool names. I personally like crusader names.
I see nothing wrong with the naming pattern here. It perfectly fits how Charr characters are named by the Dev’s: very descriptive names of mostly physical attributes.
Dev’s tend to give Sylvari names Gaelic inspired names (Wynn, Faolain etc.), Norns get Nordic style names (-son & dottir endings e.g.) and Asura have short names with lots of un-melodic consonants (Phlunt, Snaff).
Those are actually very well thought of naming conventions which make it easier to recognize a race just by its name.
On the other hand I have no idea what a “crusader name” is supposed to be.
I did not notice this naming pattern! Writing this down for future characters.
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
I did not notice this naming pattern! Writing this down for future characters.
For further reference:
Don’t forget that Charr usually are part of a Warband (fahrar or military unit), which is part of the name as a prefix or suffix, e.g. Rytlock Brimstone is part of the “stone” warband.
Beef Hardstew is actually a good friend of Bred Hardboiled and Beers Hardcake, all appearing as
food and beverage vendors at the next Meatoberfest in Diessa Plateau (just kidding).
Still keeps a volume of Kurzick poems ;)
Personally I’ve always considered the Charr to be based on the Kzin from Larry Niven’s Tales of Known Space series – the naming conventions used seem an almost perfect match.
‘Speaker to Animals’ being a good example, where the name assigned to an individual reflects the profession or task until the right to use a family/clan name is earned. For those not familiar with the series, Speaker is the Kzin Ambassador to the Humans (who the Kzin considered animals/food until several unsuccessful wars taught them otherwise).
‘One reason the hairless monkeys from Earth stopped practicing War was because they were so very good at it’ [The Man/Kzin Wars].
The parallel carried over with Flame Legion in GW1 lore, where captured/enslaved Ascalonians were used as food by the Charr after the fall of the Wall.
The physical features of Charr also closely match those of the Kzin as described in the books – suggesting at least a few Larry Niven fans among the original Charr development team.
In the context of Charr culture, this ‘evolution’ of names would tie to the progression of individual Charr through the ranks/professions – younger Charr having profession or physical characteristic based names, older more experienced Charr having earned more individual family/clan based names through their deeds/achievements.
In the context of Charr culture, this ‘evolution’ of names would tie to the progression of individual Charr through the ranks/professions – younger Charr having profession or physical characteristic based names, older more experienced Charr having earned more individual family/clan based names through their deeds/achievements.
Parallels are great and all, but you can only carry them as far as there’s lore to support- and there’s no evidence that charr change their name for any reason but a change in warband. Rytlock Brimstone, the rebellious little punk soldier on the verge of being executed for insubordination, is still Rytlock Brimstone now that he’s in the highest ranks as a tribune and considered a hero and role model to his race.
In the context of Charr culture, this ‘evolution’ of names would tie to the progression of individual Charr through the ranks/professions – younger Charr having profession or physical characteristic based names, older more experienced Charr having earned more individual family/clan based names through their deeds/achievements.
Parallels are great and all, but you can only carry them as far as there’s lore to support- and there’s no evidence that charr change their name for any reason but a change in warband. Rytlock Brimstone, the rebellious little punk soldier on the verge of being executed for insubordination, is still Rytlock Brimstone now that he’s in the highest ranks as a tribune and considered a hero and role model to his race.
There is however, evidence of nicknames sticking depending on how ‘legendary’ things are with them. There’s gotta be a reason why Smodur is The Unflinching. I wouldn’t be surprised if Rytlock eventually gets the nickname of The Dragonslayer.
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
In the context of Charr culture, this ‘evolution’ of names would tie to the progression of individual Charr through the ranks/professions – younger Charr having profession or physical characteristic based names, older more experienced Charr having earned more individual family/clan based names through their deeds/achievements.
Parallels are great and all, but you can only carry them as far as there’s lore to support- and there’s no evidence that charr change their name for any reason but a change in warband. Rytlock Brimstone, the rebellious little punk soldier on the verge of being executed for insubordination, is still Rytlock Brimstone now that he’s in the highest ranks as a tribune and considered a hero and role model to his race.
There is however, evidence of nicknames sticking depending on how ‘legendary’ things are with them. There’s gotta be a reason why Smodur is The Unflinching. I wouldn’t be surprised if Rytlock eventually gets the nickname of The Dragonslayer.
Well, given his current trackrecord, it would be unearned: “Flubbed killing one, Stood inside an airship and watched another get shot down by a single hero, and then chickened out at the opportunity to fight a third.”
Frankly, I wonder why anyone bothered with the “Destiny’s Edge” losers in the first place in Guild Wars 2. The Commander built a better dragon-slaying squad without them.
But back on topic – Yeah, the Charr don’t change their names. I’m wondering if Charr physically mature faster than humans. It would explain why their names seem like they’re chosen by teenagers trying to be cool and edgy: Because they are. Lots of ambient dialogue in the Charr areas imply that most of the soldiers are quite young in spite of the size of their bodies and depth of their voices.
Life’s short and fast for most soldiers in the legions, due to a three-way war of attrition between Ever-respawning ghosts, dragon corruption, and other Charr.
Well the charr do change their names in some circumstances, but it’s pretty much the opposite order to the one Bbear gave.
When they’re born they’re given an individual first name – like Rytlock, Rox, Pyre etc. and that’s all they’re known as until they form their first warband in the faharar. Then they gain a warband name and an ‘attribute’ based name.
For example Pyre became part of the Fierce warband and was called Pyre Fierceshot because he’s a ranger. His bandmate Roan Fierceheart is a monk (healer) and the rest of their warband are all called Fierce[something] as well.
After that, once the warband has graduated from the fahrar some members may also gain military titles. During the personal story our character becomes the Legionnaire, which is the leader of their warband and then gets promoted to Centurion – the leader of a group of warbands. These titles are added in front of the name just like with humans, so my charr is Centurion Wraith Darkblade.
Charr keep their first name throughout their lives, but if they change warband they will change the warband part of their last name, and maybe the attribute part as well if they felt that was inappropriate.
Finally some charr outside the Legions will drop the warband name completely, either because they aren’t in a warband, because they want to be more anonymous (particularly Order of Whispers members) or maybe simply because they no longer feel part of that culture.
‘Speaker to Animals’ being a good example, where the name assigned to an individual reflects the profession or task until the right to use a family/clan name is earned. For those not familiar with the series, Speaker is the Kzin Ambassador to the Humans (who the Kzin considered animals/food until several unsuccessful wars taught them otherwise).
This sounds more like the way the Kodan are named. They all have names like Watcher of Skies, Tempered Resolve and Worthy Burden and may well change them many times over their lives to reflect their circumstances.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
I certainly agree the charr are part kzinti, though not so much in the naming. I’ve always thought of them as a mix of kzinti, klingons, and ancient Rome.
Some of them even scream and leap as a challenge But they also have the legionary military structure and the Klingon admiration of the warrior ethos.
Some of them even scream and leap as a challenge
But they also have the legionary military structure and the Klingon admiration of the warrior ethos.
They also share the “we killed our own gods”-myth with the Klingons. And both used to have an emperor (well Khan-Ur in the Charr’s case) but now are they are cooperating houses/legions. They even both have a traitor faction (House of Duras/Flame Legion).
That’s most likely all just coincidence, but it wouldn’t surprise me if we have a few Trek-fans among the devs.
Some of them even scream and leap as a challenge
But they also have the legionary military structure and the Klingon admiration of the warrior ethos.
They also share the “we killed our own gods”-myth with the Klingons. And both used to have an emperor (well Khan-Ur in the Charr’s case) but now are they are cooperating houses/legions. They even both have a traitor faction (House of Duras/Flame Legion).
That’s most likely all just coincidence, but it wouldn’t surprise me if we have a few Trek-fans among the devs.
I’d call that more of a coincidence, if you consider that the Claw of the Khan-Ur and a Klingon Bat’leth looks suspiciously similar
I didn’t even consider this but you are right. Thinking further about it, you could also observe that both use efficient, combat oriented technology. Unlike the Federation’s/Asura(?)’s more flashy technobabble stuff.
Wait who are the Romulans? The Largos, they can stealth and are pretty mysterious! And the dragons that corrupt you into their service? The Borg with their assimilation! But wait then there is Mordremoth who rather makes clones to service him… just like the Dominion! The Sylvari are kind of like Odo, being seduced into serving Mordy/the Founders but ultimately standing against it.
It’s all connected! Guild Wars is Star Trek!
I personally like crusader names.
I wasn’t aware that crusaders were in the game. Learned something new today.
How about…. Prince Charr Ming?
That’s a Charr crusader from a noble Charr family, the Ming.
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
Technically crusaders are in the game, it’s a rank within the Vigil.
But somehow I suspect that’s not what the OP meant. (Especially considering one of the examples on the list is Crusader Gahn Towerbreaker.)
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
When I was young, eons ago, I liked Crusader Rabbit. =)
Probably wouldn’t make a good NPC name, though. Sigh.
beef hardstew
(I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist. lol)
(edited by Headcase.4618)
You would loath all of my characters:
Hammerhead Chark
Taco Man Cometh
Salad Man Can
Pierce Hawthnorn
A Mesmer Named Gob
I’ve decided, after lots of careful consideration and research to name my next character Darp Haramabe Herpson.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
Norn Mc Big Nornson
My “real” characters all have names which I at least consider to be normal. I also keep a slot for my “key farmer” character which lives until it reaches level ten, goes through the first part of the story, and acquires a BL key.
The key farmer gets a comical name referring to a guildmate, and its purpose is to make my guildmates laugh. Plus, I like the challenge of having to come up with something new and funny each week, limited to nineteen characters. And I enjoy exploring all the different story paths.
Plus, I get a key.
Guardians of the Vault [GotV] and Guíld of Dívíne Soldíers [GoDS]
Gate of Madness server
In all seriousness, I do give my toons race appropriate names. That said, when making a temporary toon I end up naming them with “berg” it the end, such as “Manberg”, “Ladyberg”, “Plantberg”, and “BETABERG, MASTER OF THE BETA!!!”