Dragon Cycles : First to Last

Dragon Cycles : First to Last

in Lore

Posted by: Swish.2463


just a random thought on the Elder dragon Sleep to Awakening cycles and timings.

When creatures that hibernate retire to slumber in the real world, they must first consume vast amounts of food.

The less food eaten the more likely they are to Die or wake early.

Now according to some stuff in game the seer’s made the blood stone to drive the dragons back into sleep earlier than they probably naturally would. Thus being a bit hungrier than normal and without the release of magic some or a few might have just slept forever and died.

Regardless of that, if we consider that the weakest dragons of the previous cycle awake first the next cycle, and the dragons who consumed the most magic awaken later.

Would it stand to reason that last time around Moredremoth was the strongest dragon of the group? With Primordus being the weakest respectively.

Or would the Bloodstone in Maguuma have slowed Mord’s awakening and would Klakt have been the mightiest dragon?

Judging that no other dragons slumbered near one of these stones (as far as we know) I cant really make up my mind.. Which dragon ate the most stuff last cycle?

“Gw2, It’s still on the Table!” – Anet

Dragon Cycles : First to Last

in Lore

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Well we don’t really know all to much about the reasons why they awaken. We see some of them just awakening on their own, and other’s needing a bit of a kick start. So it’s possible that they awaken because they’re hungry enough (and thus the order relates to how much they ate before going to sleep), or maybe the starts need to align just the right way.
But since ANet seems to be steering away from the abstract esoteric fantasy (that is to say we kill ghosts by hitting them with a hammer, not by jumping around on one leg counter-clock wise while chanting reverse latin and sprinkling blessed spring water), so I’d say your assessment is probably mostly accurate.

Dragon Cycles : First to Last

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

Your theory if Kralkatorrik being strongest previous awakening is possible. Glint said she feared one Elder Dragon in particular: her master. Now this fear may not be strength related but more personal vengeance or knowing Kralkatorrik better than the others, but it’s possible.

Interesting theory to it, but as said, we don’t really know much about their order if awakening.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.