Dragon's Arch

Dragon's Arch

in Lore

Posted by: Skyelius.5836


Hello everyone.

From what we’ve seen these last couple of days in the Battle for Lion’s Arch arc, I doubt that the Lion’s Arch we know is going to return. As a matter of fact, things may turn out pretty badly for the heroes of Tyria.

All opinions, ideas and creative posts are welcome.


Dragon's Arch

in Lore

Posted by: Jelle.4623


Scarlet redirected the (or at least one) ley line to Mordremoth, he won’t have to go to Lion’s Arch because all that magic is already flowing towards him. He’s got breakfast on bed, the dragon chooses his girls smart.

Dragon's Arch

in Lore

Posted by: Aaron Ansari.1604

Aaron Ansari.1604

I don’t think he’d hit LA. Most of the dragons have demonstrated a fairly cautious strategy, driving away any intelligent races they discover in their immediate locale but not moving any real distance themselves. The exception would be Kralkatorrik, whose first thought was to deal with a traitor. Short of any such personal motive, I suspect that Mordremoth will stay within the Magus Falls, which after all have a history of being magical in their own right.

R.I.P., Old Man of Auld Red Wharf. Gone but never forgotten.

Dragon's Arch

in Lore

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Hello everyone.

From what we’ve seen these last couple of days in the Battle for Lion’s Arch arc, I doubt that the Lion’s Arch we know is going to return. As a matter of fact, things may turn out pretty badly for the heroes of Tyria.

All opinions, ideas and creative posts are welcome.


lol I think you switched your spoiler tag around a bit :P

Anyway, from what I know EDs aren’t intelligent not in a conventional sense. They’re forces of nature with the sole purpose of consuming magic. They corrupt intelligent races and these races act as general, organising the army and forces. It’s like a queen bee, she just lays around all day laying eggs (in the case of EDs corrupting) and getting fed while the workers bees (the corrupted) do all the work.

Dragon's Arch

in Lore

Posted by: FlamingFoxx.1305


Anyway, from what I know EDs aren’t intelligent not in a conventional sense. They’re forces of nature with the sole purpose of consuming magic. They corrupt intelligent races and these races act as general, organising the army and forces. It’s like a queen bee, she just lays around all day laying eggs (in the case of EDs corrupting) and getting fed while the workers bees (the corrupted) do all the work.

They’re described as forces of nature by Tyrians – that’s not a scientific notion, it’s simply the way they’re choosing to cope/understand/deal with the dragons power. Pretty sure the dragons are quite intelligent.

Dragon's Arch

in Lore

Posted by: Chrispy.5641


Anyway, from what I know EDs aren’t intelligent not in a conventional sense. They’re forces of nature with the sole purpose of consuming magic. They corrupt intelligent races and these races act as general, organising the army and forces. It’s like a queen bee, she just lays around all day laying eggs (in the case of EDs corrupting) and getting fed while the workers bees (the corrupted) do all the work.

They’re described as forces of nature by Tyrians – that’s not a scientific notion, it’s simply the way they’re choosing to cope/understand/deal with the dragons power. Pretty sure the dragons are quite intelligent.

One of them was intelligent enough to know that his champion was free from his influence and ending her life was the first thing he did after waking up.

…yeah, I’d say they’re smart.

Dragon's Arch

in Lore

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Anyway, from what I know EDs aren’t intelligent not in a conventional sense. They’re forces of nature with the sole purpose of consuming magic. They corrupt intelligent races and these races act as general, organising the army and forces. It’s like a queen bee, she just lays around all day laying eggs (in the case of EDs corrupting) and getting fed while the workers bees (the corrupted) do all the work.

They’re described as forces of nature by Tyrians – that’s not a scientific notion, it’s simply the way they’re choosing to cope/understand/deal with the dragons power. Pretty sure the dragons are quite intelligent.

One of them was intelligent enough to know that his champion was free from his influence and ending her life was the first thing he did after waking up.

…yeah, I’d say they’re smart.

Ok fine fine :P
Still I like the idea of them being more instinctual. A champion betrays, ED gets angry and gets revenge.