Elder Dragons and their arch-nemesis races

Elder Dragons and their arch-nemesis races

in Lore

Posted by: Antediluvian.5169


Of course, Elder Dragons pose a serious threat to the whole world, but could it be that some races have more reasons to hate a specific elder dragon, and are better suited to fight it?

I thought of this during the storyline, where that sylvari was tasked to restore Orr to a better state, by cleansing it. Zhaitan is pure corruption, and sylvari are all about environment and nature, so Zhaitan is not only an enemy to them, it’s a force directly opposed to their beliefs. Their apparent immunity to becoming risen also adds to my belief that they are Zhaitan’s natural enemy.

Similarly, Jormag, who drove the Norns and Kodans away from the Far Shiverpeaks, and sends his champions to fight them or Primordus, who forced the asura to go to the surface. They must really have a hatred for these dragons, more than they might have for Zhaitan.

What do you think about it? Is this assumption viable?
Also, with the inevitable introduction of the Deep Sea Dragon, we might get another new race of aquatic origins, maybe the Largos?

I can outrun a centaur.

Elder Dragons and their arch-nemesis races

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

Zhaitan: Sylvari, hylek, humans
Jormag: Norn, kodan, northern quaggan, jotun, grawl
Kralkatorrik: Charr, ogres, humans, grawl
Primordus: Asura, skritt
DSD: quaggan, largos, krait

There really isn’t a set 1 to 1 for ED→race. The thing is that all races are affected by all Elder Dragons – it’s just that some are more affected than others. In a way, humans and asura aren’t directly affected by any Elder Dragon now (originally, sure, with Primordus pushing asura to the surface, but not really anymore). And even then, the ED affect more minor races directly than major races, typically.

Furthermore, there’s a sixth, unknown Elder Dragon who holds no tie to any race as far as we currently know.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

Elder Dragons and their arch-nemesis races

in Lore

Posted by: Dagashy.1942


For the playable races here’s what I think
Human-deep sea dragon (because lions arch is a port city)

Doing something with stupid results is not stupid if the results were intended to be stupid.

Elder Dragons and their arch-nemesis races

in Lore

Posted by: Harnel.6810


@Dagshy; the problem there is that the DSD isn’t really influencing anybody except the underwater races at the moment. Humans are more closely in conflict with Zhaitan because of his sitting on the Orrian throne, which is human holy land. On top of that, while Lion’s Arch is indeed a port city, it’s entirely multiracial, and is by no means solely a human city; there’s even skritt and hyleks that make their home there, and one of the city leaders is a norn privateer. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on viewpoint), the EDs don’t line up nicely to the different races.

Elder Dragons and their arch-nemesis races

in Lore

Posted by: Curuniel.4830


Yeah the DSD is closely linked to largos, krait and quaggan right now, but none of the current playables. My money’s on largos as a playable race one day down the line, in a DSD expansion.

I agree that Primordus has always been chiefly the asura’s concern (out of the playables – the skritt are also very close to Primordus’s problems as Konig says) and Jormag is obviously connected to the norn. I think if we’re predicting, we need to look at the stories to be told. A Primordus story could deal with the asura/skritt conflict, and/or the past of the asura underground (their lost cities).

Most interesting to me is Kralkatorrik. The gate to the Crystal Desert we’ve seen is near Ebonhawke, and Ebonhawke and the charr are the people most dealing with the Dragonbrand. Plus there’s Logan and Rytlock’s history. So I’d put money on a Kralkatorrik expansion dealing with the charr/human conflict and true, maybe even resolving the truce situation more.

Elder Dragons and their arch-nemesis races

in Lore

Posted by: Dagashy.1942


Yea fair enough, those were just estimates that I made without much though, I was going on a location basses as I’m fairly new to the game and it’s lore

Doing something with stupid results is not stupid if the results were intended to be stupid.

Elder Dragons and their arch-nemesis races

in Lore

Posted by: Narcemus.1348


Don’t forget the conflict between the Tengu and the destroyer pop-ups both inside and outside the wall.