Episode 5 was flawlessly executed

Episode 5 was flawlessly executed

in Lore

Posted by: ainekitten.9517


I really cannot stress enough how pleased I am with Anet right now. The devs deserve a huge hug from veteran players. I feel that all the negativity sparked by them catering a lot to the new players is fading because they finally listened to what we wanted. I love that it seems like they suddenly remembered that this is guild wars TWO, and are bringing back so many beloved memories from GW1 and making the story feel so much less disjointed. The lore that we got to experience has me engaged and very excited to continue with the living story after feeling jaded with it for a while. It’s a breath of fresh air and I couldn’t be happier with it.

Rata Sum = Mursaat
Wake up, Tyria!

Episode 5 was flawlessly executed

in Lore

Posted by: lakdav.3694


Not to spoil anything, (I do agree this is one of the better patches we got through the entirety of the Living World), but it has a few minor problems. Just little ones really. Well, as far as i could spot it on first playthrough, one.

Vekk and Gadd in the library. They have books there, and Vekk speaks about the dragons consuming magic as a fact, when it was just proved 250 years after his life, and Gadd, his father who died during the original G.O.L.E.M. project 250 years ago speaks about the relation of the Six to the EDs and the Eternal Alchemy, another subject that was way after him. Of course you could say that they were well ahead of their times, but if asurans as renowned as Vekk and Gadd wrote something, you could be kitten sure that the asuras of the present wouldnt scoff and laugh at first on Professor Gorr’s theory.

Episode 5 was flawlessly executed

in Lore

Posted by: Jaken.6801


Overall I am very pleased with that Episode (please continue that level of quality and build on it).

I am handing out hugs to everyone involved in the matter

However it was far from flawless and there is of course some critism. Most of them even constructive.
The main consens seems to be very positive, that`s right.

To the negative side (and lakdav pointed to one allready) is that there are still things that just do not fit rightad and calling it flawless is never a good thing, since then someone look at it again and see the flaws.
Just to point to some:
- Belindas quest had questionable fights and felt a bit out of place
- Facets have no dragon form
- Majory and Kasmeer instantly know that it is Glints layer and have a lot of knowledge about it (exposition)

My personal gripe:
- So many missed opportunities for pop culture references. Raiders of the lost Ark, Predator, etc…

At least we got Koss on Koss

There were others, but calling it flawless is a stretch.

Episode 5 was flawlessly executed

in Lore

Posted by: ainekitten.9517


Jaken, I have to agree with what you said, especially the facets being akin to the icebrood colossus and not a dragon. That did bother me a little but I overlooked the bad completely because of the overwhelming good.

Rata Sum = Mursaat
Wake up, Tyria!

Episode 5 was flawlessly executed

in Lore

Posted by: ainekitten.9517


Maybe I called it “flawless” because I was still so stoked about what we did get, which is what we’ve been waiting a long time for and it made me happy to see the devs paying attention to detail.

Rata Sum = Mursaat
Wake up, Tyria!

Episode 5 was flawlessly executed

in Lore

Posted by: Slowpokeking.8720


I still hope we can get REAL villain character, not just a bunch of minions and a powerful dragon.

Episode 5 was flawlessly executed

in Lore

Posted by: ainekitten.9517


Hopefully not one as annoying as Scarlet. Fingers crossed for Palawa Joko.

Rata Sum = Mursaat
Wake up, Tyria!

Episode 5 was flawlessly executed

in Lore

Posted by: Draconicus.7564


100% agree!! They deserve a Bravo & a huge applause!!