(edited by Nevarato.3178)
Flameseeker Prophecies Imagery?
I’m not sure what “images” you’re talking about. The designs on the sides? Which one are humans? Which ones are charr? Which ones are Ascalon? I don’t see any of this.
I think you’re trying to make something out of simple designs.
However, if those really are intended to be depiction murals, then it’s unlikely to be related to the Forgotten finding Glint (though serving her is another story), or Kralkatorrik or Glint’s baby. They hold no relevance to the Flameseeker Prophecies. If they’re depicting something, I’d imagine the subjects would be Ascalonians, charr, dwarves, White Mantle, mursaat, forgotten, Glint, Khilbron aka Lich Lord, and/or titans. The text itself is just a transcript of Meerak the Shouter’s dialogue from post-Searing, and he never mentions half of those things so…
And Glint’s baby has always been canon, btw (not cannon).
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
I’m not sure what “images” you’re talking about. The designs on the sides? Which one are humans? Which ones are charr? Which ones are Ascalon? I don’t see any of this.
I think you’re trying to make something out of simple designs.
However, if those really are intended to be depiction murals, then it’s unlikely to be related to the Forgotten finding Glint (though serving her is another story), or Kralkatorrik or Glint’s baby. They hold no relevance to the Flameseeker Prophecies. If they’re depicting something, I’d imagine the subjects would be Ascalonians, charr, dwarves, White Mantle, mursaat, forgotten, Glint, Khilbron aka Lich Lord, and/or titans. The text itself is just a transcript of Meerak the Shouter’s dialogue from post-Searing, and he never mentions half of those things so…
And Glint’s baby has always been canon, btw (not cannon).
Lol spelling mistake.
Yeah those “images”.
And i already know about the text. Which is why it got me thinking about the images. And if they put that much work into the text, why wouldn’t they for the mural?
I tried to focus on each design with each screenshot and number them. They’re easily visible except for the charr which are very cut off, there are 3 charr on the left. The top has humans (humanoids in armor and capes with sword and shields) , the left has the charr (same charr as used in concept art, the one on the top being the same image as Rytlock pointing with Sohothin: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Rytlock_01_concept_art.jpg . It’s obviously not Rytlock, but they did use the same image for that top charr.) , the one on the right is a castle which i assumed is Ascalon due to the subject matter. Which all makes sense except for the bottom 2, which is why im asking, because i don’t know that much in depth about the lore. And why they have question marks.
As for Glint’s baby, someone told me apart from the actual fight, there’s never any mention that she can actually reproduce, and all her eggs were crystallized. (info from someone else, i’ve never played GW1) So originally i was thinking they may have decided to not acknowledge it in the future.
And i’m pretty sure the 2 dragons in both bottom designs don’t resemble anything you mentioned.
(edited by Nevarato.3178)
Well in Eye of the North there is a challenge mission where you have to save Glint’s baby from hordes of destroyers.
The text on the book, is that one of the languages we can translate? If yes, has someone done this yet or is considering to do it? I would really like to know what the text says.^^
Edit: Oh sry, totally missed that Konig already mentioned what the text is about. My bad.
@Nevarato: Okay, now I’m seeing what images you’re referring to for most – though editing the image a little in Paint to circle what you meant would have been more helpful from the get-go. :P
The top look like White Mantle to me – resembles this concept art from GW1, imo – not from that art, but the same design for armor. The left do look like charr. The right is a tower, seems like it could be anything really, so hard to tell.
I only see one dragon on it though, and some snake-like stuff (too snake-like to be forgotten, which have four webbed arms, though they could be).
The left seems to me to be only 1 charr, the other being something else. Looks like it could be either mursaat or a titan.
@Narcemus: And that’s related to the Flameseeker Prophecies, how? Remember, Eye of the North took place 6 years after the Flameseeker Prophecies were completed. Those images would be related to Prophecies and Prophecies alone.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
All I am pointing out is that Glint can have children, that is all I was doing.
Still is irrelevant to the Flameseeker Prophecies.
And nothing says that she laid the eggs and Glint’s Baby hatched from those eggs, or at least in the traditional sense. What with Glint being made out of crystals according to GW2 scholars.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
5. shows 2 dragons, one being much smaller than the other. Could it be Glint with her baby, meaning that Anet has confirmed its existence as cannon? Meaning that we might see it in the future? Or could it just be Glint with Kralkatorrick?
(Hmm, i should of used a better image hosting site.)
I was merely answering a question. I don’t understand why you are being hostile about this. Just keep talking about your stuff and ignore me because this information is nothing new to you.
In that quote, there’s no question you were answering, since Nevarato very clearly and obviously knew she had a baby.
And I’m not being hostile – I’m simply stating that Glint’s child is irrelevant to the Flameseeker Prophecies – which the shield of the same name would be solely depicting. Which I said in response to Nevarato as well.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
I see the images the OP refer to, although the lowers ones (dragons/serpents) are much less clear. It would make sense, if it’s related to the Flameseeker Prophecies, for this to represent the charr on the left, humans fleeing them, and another human city on the right for them to flee to – basically the journey Rurik led. It could also represent something to do with Orr and the charr threatening there, but that’s a little less relevant to the Prophecies themselves.
Perhaps the dragon-like things could represent the Titans driving the charr on, and the serpent-like things on the right… I don’t know, something else? Mursaat (associated with Kryta)? Neither looks like those things, that’s just speculation based on GW1 events. I would hesitate to link it in with the Elder Dragons (they were mostly out of the picture for the Flameseeker Prophecies’ fulfilment in the game) but who knows?
As for Glint’s baby, someone told me apart from the actual fight, there’s never any mention that she can actually reproduce, and all her eggs were crystallized. (info from someone else, i’ve never played GW1) So originally i was thinking they may have decided to not acknowledge it in the future.
A) The guy mentioned he never played GW1 and thus he was unsure of the details
B) He only ever mentions the eggs that you pick up in the Dragon’s Lair mission, which seems to mean he knew nothing about Glint’s Challenge
I was responding DIRECTLY to the post that he placed right above my post! I was CLARIFYING that Glint did, in fact, have a child. I was not stating anything to do with the Flameseeker Prophecies shield. I was merely clarifying a fact for someone who does not fully understand the lore of the game. I would definitely prefer not to be called by people just for helping to clarify a point of confusion to the OP.
Nothing I stated meant that I believed the dual dragons had anything to do with Glint and Glint’s baby, seeing as it appears none of those eggs hatched until closer to the time of Eye of the North and are thus unrelated to the prophecies. I do believe, though, that it seems to point towards Glint being a mastermind behind all of these actions (which Oracles and Fortune Tellers usually are). I would say most likely what has been said is correct. Glint’s fortune telling leads, eventually, to the charr pushing the humans into Ascalon City (the tower on the right is not very Krytan in design). I have no clue what the dragon like beings on the right are though. They could represent forgotten, perhaps, but they do not look like anything I have really seen in game. Perhaps both dragon heads represent Glint. And on one side her words are leading to the charr invasion of ascalon (remember I’m not stating that she told the charr to invade, just that her words lead to a chain of events that eventually pushed the ascalonian chosen on their journey) and on the other side her words are shaping the actions of the forgotten (possible dragon/snake-like beings on the right hand side) to test the chosen. But as always, it is mere speculation which is created through the knowledge we have of the situation that occurred.
As for Glint’s baby, someone told me apart from the actual fight, there’s never any mention that she can actually reproduce, and all her eggs were crystallized. (info from someone else, i’ve never played GW1) So originally i was thinking they may have decided to not acknowledge it in the future.
Her eggs are made of crystal, but then so is she. There’s no reason to believe they couldn’t hatch. She’s certainly quick enough to defend them in the mission.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”