Flying Zhaitan animation
Been wanting to get a close-up view of him. That’s the in-game model, right?
Shame the video doesn’t show the underside as I’ve been curious about those “appendages” on its gut (are those ribcages or claws?), but I saw a lot of more ribcages as part of the skin than I thought there’d be (and not as designs, but popping out).
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
I wish this game had a working model viewer. There’s so much detail.
Thank you for giving me a close look at Zhaitan.
Nice job, Vyko! Really nice to get a good look at the incredible detail that went into Zhaitan’s model. Shame that we only ever get to see it for one (really short) battle. That little diagram at the end there showing just how HUGE he is compared to the PCs was awesome too.
Alright. That was pretty epic. I really wish we had more view of him in game as its obvious how much effort was put into him. The fight didn’t stress the sheer size of the beast enough I think even as it hung onto a massive tower. Makes me laugh at the thought of actually fighting it on the ground because it would be something on the scale of a god of war boss.
That looks really awesome.
Unfortunately we never got a good look on him like that in-game.
Thanks for providing the artwork picture as well, since it shows how similar they actually are. That never occurred to me with the in-game representation until now.
I really hope we can revisit the corpse in a future storyline, when we get back into Orr, or something.
With the priory owning piece of him already and the indication that we might have to stop dragon energy from transfering into another vessel, I really hope we go back to that model.
It really deserves much more appreciation in how unique (some parts aren`t and you could argue the whole concept is run off the mill throw away boss for most games, but it still an interesting take) it actually is.
Lets be macabre and construct a fort out of his body
Zhaitan was sadly under used. Still holding that unrealistic hope of us getting a hard mode of Arah where we get to fight him up close.
Thank you all for watching, im glad you liked it! Konig Des Todes, i made a high resolution screenshot of his bottom so you can overlook at it, but its really hard to tell whats there. But you were probably right – there are some bones, ribcages and intestines. Im sorry its such confusing shot but i really couldnt find a better view of it, its just too chaotic there :/
Great video. By the way, you probably want to delete the double polygons on the wings. They flicker, because they are planes that are supposed to be rendered with double-sided material enabled. But when you rip the model directly from the game, the polygons are doubled when you load it into the 3d program. Delete the polygons, and no more flickering.
Thank you! that was awesome.
Wew, awesome!!!
Beautifully done!
Guardians of the Vault [GotV] and Guíld of Dívíne Soldíers [GoDS]
Gate of Madness server
Thank you all for watching, im glad you liked it!
Konig Des Todes, i made a high resolution screenshot of his bottom so you can overlook at it, but its really hard to tell whats there. But you were probably right – there are some bones, ribcages and intestines. Im sorry its such confusing shot but i really couldnt find a better view of it, its just too chaotic there :/
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Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
A long while back, Vyko actually ripped the old model of Zhaitan from GW2 at my request (someone put it up on the wiki, awesomely) and also gave me a boatload of images of the current model for art references, which I sadly haven’t been able to pursue painting yet, but I still have them.
None clearly show his belly, but you can definitely see his hands and face/throat clearly since those are areas in particular I was confused about. I see you’ve since been able to find the extra textures for the additional heads, Vyko.
Thanks for making this video and sharing it with us all, you’re fantastic and this is great reference, too. I got pretty excited when I saw thiss thread and it didn’t disappoint, haha. I’m also a little curious about his underside, I never really thought about it before. I’m sure it’s hideous either way.
Outstanding video, thankyou for providing it!
I always liked the model of Zhaitan, but he never looked big enough (due to perspective Im guessing) and we never got much in game time with him. This shows off the talented work by the modellers.
Part of me hopes they will find a way to resurrect him, but I think that’s just wishful thinking on my part
Oh, Im sorry Konig, I was never doing any stuff with google storage :/ but I think it should work now. Try this
Mad Queen Malafidem, good point! thanks for an advice, I tried it but now there is a problem with light. there is no shadow and while the whole wing is dark in shadow, the parts I deleted are “glowing”. But I will try to look into it more.
Egon, that was me who put those screens on wiki, haha! And yeah, after hours i fiiinally found those textures, uff… But where is your art? are you at least working on it? :o was really curious about your pictures! :/
Cool and thanks!
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Is it just me or is there a piece of metal hanging on the left half of his chest in the picture Egon Vidar linked. Almost like a chain hanging over the ribcage?
Mad Queen Malafidem, good point! thanks for an advice, I tried it but now there is a problem with light. there is no shadow and while the whole wing is dark in shadow, the parts I deleted are “glowing”.
Some of the polygons may be inverted (the black polygons). If you just delete double polygons at random, you might be deleting the correct polygons that are actually facing outward, instead of deleting the black ones facing inward.
What you can do is first select all of the polygons (click and drag selection), and then set your selection preference to “select facing only” (all 3d programs generally have an option to only select polygons facing the camera). Then use that setting to deselect the polygons that are correct, so you are left with only the black polygons (the ones facing inward).
Great work! Watching this video was more fun than taking out Zhaitan in game :P
Egon, that was me who put those screens on wiki, haha! And yeah, after hours i fiiinally found those textures, uff… But where is your art? are you at least working on it? :o was really curious about your pictures! :/
I’ve not been able to pursue paintings of those magnitude and detail yet due to some physical problems cropping up in my life (lots of trouble with my hands), but here, I’ve done a very fast and loose warmup sketch just to try to pin down his proportions and how he might stand, for you. Because you’re awesome.
Is it just me or is there a piece of metal hanging on the left half of his chest in the picture Egon Vidar linked. Almost like a chain hanging over the ribcage?
Those are probably the lighting maps on him causing a metallic look, his flesh tends to have a blue sheen to it. Mostly unrelated to that, but he does appear to have to sets of “landing gear” on his underside. They look like backward, slung-under spider legs that don’t have enough joints. They look like kinda Drakkar’s limbs tucked under his body and I would imagine keep him from dragging his mangled half-body along the earth when he’s grounded. Which is interesting. Also, mandibles on his face that look similar.