GW1 story
where can I find to read about GW1 story ?
This is a start:
also just got 3 books
- edge of destiny
- sea of sorrows
- ghosts of ascalonwhich one should be read first , second and last ?
The chronological order is: Sea of Sorrws —> Edge of Destiny --> Ghosts of Ascalon. However, the books can really be read in any order you want.
There’s also a pretty good series of videos by WoodenPotatoes on YouTube here. He does a pretty good job of summarizing the major storyline of the first game.
I recommend WoodenPotatoes also. He plays through the storylines and it’s really pretty interesting.
ANet may give it to you.
A note on WoodenPotatoes’ videos: He loves to state theory and speculation as if it were fact, and misses some painfully obvious details quite a lot. He also has a tendency to use others’ theories thus leaving people watching his videos to think the credit is his alone. So while a decent introduction, he’s far from credible.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.