Guessing the Ley Lines
Well you could try by finding that picture about the route of the vines. It wouldn’t be to much of a surprize if these would follow ‘a’ (or more) ley lines, from the ley line hub in dry top to ‘where ever’ they end up? Or at least partially?
25 okt 2014 – PinkDay in LA
I think the hunt for the Ley Lines, and any attempt to map them, may be a pointless effort. A lot of what the recent Living Story taught us about Ley Lines, implies that they are EVERYWHERE!
Granted, some ley lines are stronger than others, and there are ley line intersections or hubs, like underneath Lion’s Arch, which are extra potent. But the way points are simply placed at the nearest convenient place where they seemed to be working the best. This still makes it difficult to use the way points to map the ley lines. Because are we mapping just the strong ley lines, or also the weak ones?
Plus, Asura don’t place a whole lot of way points underwater, for understandable reasons. Which means way point locations are obviously biased towards land locations, and provided a skewed view of where the way points are running to. This leads to a problem, where players can very easily draw lines through all of the explorables, towards a place that sound interesting (like the Infinity Coil Reactor, or Chaos Crystal Caverns).
Lets face it. Ley lines are everywhere.
Yes, it is pointless, and if waypoints are everywhere, it is impossible to guess every ley line. I would focus only on mayor ones, as I said this is just for fun.
Well you could try by finding that picture about the route of the vines. It wouldn’t be to much of a surprize if these would follow ‘a’ (or more) ley lines, from the ley line hub in dry top to ‘where ever’ they end up? Or at least partially?
You mean this one?
@versidia yes that is the one
But, based upon your prior work I do think there is a mistake on how the dots are connected. I think there may be 3 branches… why?
Well at the location where the split is now a ‘straight line’ doesn’t make sense. YET! if you take a straight line through the direction of the south heading vines, and draw it up. You pass through (intersect with the other line) … edit never mind, I mistaken the march (for a moment I thought it was the temple of ages) …It intersects somewhere in between Nebo terrace and the Ascalon Settlement.
Then there the other one is quite obvious, from dry top going East/North-East. Then at the most northern point it ‘bends’ South-ish again. So there may be another intersection right there…. OMG !!! Low and behold !!! OMG … it is the location of ‘The central transfer Chamber’ … whaaaa ! :O … :O
edit, addition But my earlier mistake might have proven my earlier hunch, if the dots are connected wrongly, then the current branch off might be along a southern heading Ley Line, that ley line, if continued in a northern direction would then indeed go underneath The temple of Ages…
25 okt 2014 – PinkDay in LA
(edited by Arghore.8340)
@Mad Queen, yes I agree with you in a sense, I mean, quite obviously the waypoints are placed for ‘our’ convenience. And much like this theory ‘on earth’, they might well be everywhere. although we do not know if these leylines are more like a root system, or a fungal growth pattern, or a geometric placement….
We also do not know how close a Waypoint has to be to a Ley Line for the waypoint to function (enough to let us use them). But, now that ANet made the choice to add these in, as a way to explain certain in game features. I would venture a guess they took some time to have it all make at least some sense, which in turn makes finding them a valid thing to do. (if only to see if they did halve a decent job ).
So far I am impressed, would be interesting to see an actual map. Quite possibly we can deduct some more of the really strong ones and add it to the archives
25 okt 2014 – PinkDay in LA
(edited by Arghore.8340)
@Versidia, while the focus is on the way’points’ now, a stronger way to transport that is used for way longer than the actual waypoint, are the Gates. Even though Azura say (claim) these are Azura portals, and yes they might have build the ‘newer’ ones. When these were introduced in EotN I personally became under the impression that the whole system predated the Azura (or at least the Azuran technological advance).
Still though, seeing these are way heavier portals than the waypoints (possibly earlier versions), it would make sense that these would be way more dependent on the Ley Lines. So linking some of them ‘together’ might reveal some more lines… In this respect I found it interesting to see that various cities are placed roughly ’on the same longitude. Actually, if you draw a line from Rata Sum, Through the Grove, all the way to the other end, you roughly end up at Rata Pten, where there is a broken down portal…
Other cities, like ‘LA, Hoelbrak, Rin/Black Citadel’ are also roughly on ‘one line’…
25 okt 2014 – PinkDay in LA
Yeah, I also thought of using Asura portals to trace ley lines. The portal that led to Eye of the North (boreal station) was conected with 3 other portals, in LA, Kaineng and Kamadan. On one hand I don’t know how exact are the locations of Kaineng and Kamadan in the map I’m using, on the other hand the locations of the portals seem too convenient.
What do you think about possible ley lines connecting these cities and the portal below EotN?
Maybe the portals don’t need to be on the same ley line to work and it is possible connect portals on two different ley lines. But if they need to be in the same one it would make sense to build many portals on top of mayor ley line intersections like Lion’s Arch, or the Central Transfer Chamber, where Primordius was.
I came up with another kind of portals that may lie on ley lines, the ones we destroyed during the last mission of prophecies and titan’s used to travel to different locations of Tyria.
These locations are:
Mineral Springs
North Kryta Province
Near Denravi
South-east of Drascir(East frontier gate)
and North-west of Drascir (South-east of Hrangmer volcano)
Denravi is aligned with Abbadon’s mouth and RataSum, and is close to the ley line hub.
Frontier Gate and Mineral Springs locations are aligned with Abbadon’s mouth.
I don’t know what to think about the others.
Have any idea of a good free host for a map version of all this info? It could certainly help this thing along to a more visual representation, and from that quite possibly a further analysis…
25 okt 2014 – PinkDay in LA
That’s a good idea. A detailed map may be too heavy for most host sites. I’ll try to do something and upload it to dropbox.
I’m not sure how to draw ley lines though. We can see in Scarlet’s defeat video they aren’t straight lines.
According to this interview the lines are like rivers:
I wonder if there is a source or a sink.
(edited by versidia.4520)
I am using the map by that_shaman:
Here is the result:
I should think how to add more info without the map getting messy.
I am using the map by that_shaman:
Here is the result:
I should think how to add more info without the map getting messy.
I think this shows something more conclusive:
At least, I believe this research shows two ley lines (there may obviously be more). Namely, one going from the Mordremoth to the Chaos Crystal Caverns and one going from Modremoth to the Crucible of Eternity, as I speculated here:
You seem to assume ley lines are straight lines but I really doubt that.
I wish I knew German :p
What are those points?, waypoints with vines?
Looks good, thanks.
Some interesting facts:
The Mordremoth-Chaos Crystal Caverns ley line may cross the Temple of the Ages, if there aren’t vines there may be because it’s a low level area.
Then, the vines go north-east until they reach the Central Transfer Chamber. I think that is probably a ley line intersection and Mordremoth starts to follow a different ley line to go south-east, to the Caverns or Ascalon City.
(edited by versidia.4520)
yellow – vines eats waypoint
green – vine close to waypoint
red – waypoint flickers
blue – invisible vine
Here is another video from the one who gave me the idea for the thread:
The previous video is linked in the first post.
It seems that his second ley line matches the vines.
Here is another video from the one who gave me the idea for the thread:
The previous video is linked in the first post.It seems that his second ley line matches the vines.
Hey, thanks for posting my videos. I’m glad they made an impression on some people. I’ve been thinking about it lately, as well. I think I had some decent ideas, but it remains to be seen exactly how leylines can affect the overlying earth.
One of the primary arguments that I used to support those paths (imgur link here: is the idea of realm-breaching. With the blinking in/out at Thaumanova/Chaos Crystal Cavern/Toxal Bog, I argued that the leylines might facilitate the traversing of space, including cross-realm travel. I highlight Aurora’s Remains, the Shadow Behemoth, etc. in the video. I purposely left out Ascalonian ghosts, thinking that there’s just no way that they could be involved in this cross realm breaching — Ascalon is just too big. But now with the Dragon’s Reach trailer showing Rytlock and talking about ghosts, I’m wondering if there really is something special there. Still just speculation until tomorrow
Nice to see you here ^^.
Added to the map the path of the vines and some portals to the mists:
I’m not sure if they are all right.
About the Crucible of Eternity vine path, there are some interesting places that may lie on it in addition to LA and CoE:
The Temple of the Ages
Divinity’s Reach (The Great Colapse), why did Scarlet go there?
Augury Rock
The path linking the Dry Top hub and COE/Crystal Desert is interesting. Consider the Dry Top hub and the ways that the leyline magic levitates the rocks in the immediate area. Then consider other places in Maguuma/Tarnished Coast where rocks are floating (Goemm’s Lab, Morgan’s Spiral). The path on your map between COE and the leyline hub passes directly through these locations.
Hi there Versidia, I spent a few hours to create some things that could help further this research, and hello Psynch, it might help you too
First is a base map of the various things that seem to be of interest to this research. I think it is not yet complete, and hopefully people (or you and myself) will find more ‘portal’ locations, functional or not, to provide more reference points:
The other one is an integration of the path the vines are taking, plus possible ley line routes. There are green (mine & versidia’s) and blue (versidia alternative) speculations build in.
Now lets hope all these links work (files are ‘big’ 6-7mb) … ohw, and I included your name as well Versidia, seeing you provided a lot of the location, and started this interesting thread ^^
25 okt 2014 – PinkDay in LA
(edited by Arghore.8340)
As I’m currently looking at the Ley Line vids, I find it really interesting how the portal information, both current and historic seem to provide at least the mayor rivers.
Though what seems to be the ‘two’ lines in the 2nd vid (watching in reverse order) may well be more of a ‘delta’. But as you might have noticed a lot of the mentioned things (in the second vid) do appear to align with the suggested lines. I may actually plot these things onto the map as well, in the coming days. I will leave making a vid about it to Psynch, but feel free to use our approach and data to add to your own.
What I like especially is that, even though apparently Versidia was inspired by your 1st vid, it’s the first time I see them, we seem to take a different approach to finding data-points. We used the link from the vine growth to waypoints, to then look at the early and more robust forms of teleportation in the form of portals, and also including GW1 data along these lines…
Ohw, about a link to the Dragons, while you didn’t seem to find them, look at where the following ‘Champions of Dragons’ spawn:
- Claw of Jormag – above the Central Transfer Chamber (which was where Primordus was previously (under ground))
- Shatterer – on top of the Runes of Surmia (which makes me doubt whether the portals were in Drascir or in Surmia … as far as my data points there go)
- Tequatl – who seems to be on top of a possible ley line, but at the same time also seems to be heading to the ‘Bloodstone Caves’ (which on the other side of the mountain has that broken ‘portal’ in Rata Pten.)
25 okt 2014 – PinkDay in LA
(edited by Arghore.8340)
The path linking the Dry Top hub and COE/Crystal Desert is interesting. Consider the Dry Top hub and the ways that the leyline magic levitates the rocks in the immediate area. Then consider other places in Maguuma/Tarnished Coast where rocks are floating (Goemm’s Lab, Morgan’s Spiral). The path on your map between COE and the leyline hub passes directly through these locations.
Oh, yes, nice find. In GW1 there were more floating rocks, I’ll check where exactly. And Rata Sum is a huge floating city, so another ley line could pass nearby.
And nice maps, but I can’t zoom in from that link, this one works better:
And nice maps, but I can’t zoom in from that link, this one works better:
First time using this bucket, so for download I might indeed be better off linking to the original file instead of the generated picture…
Btw. I figured out I missed a couple of portals which I have plotted in, though I am quite sure there are more portals still (mainly ones not in use). (link to file to come here). And I am also trying to plot parts of Psynch research, it’s not getting clearer on all fronts, but the more data points that could make sense, the more likely to find something, or dismiss certain points entirely. – anyways, off to watch those vids again, so I can get the locations fairly right.
25 okt 2014 – PinkDay in LA
Ok, this is turning into a lil bit more work then I envisioned :P … but I am definitely making progress! … Question remains though, am I also getting closer to the location of ‘other’ ley lines :P … If anything I added in some of the bigger players as well, which shows some nice things.
I will likely have to get to the Terra Nova Creatures, and Wurms some other time, as the new story will start tonight (might even already be there). I also needs some tidy up work in regards to what is what. I will post this ‘progress’ version with all info so far, so that those interested can take a peak.
Ok this ‘kittens’ … my local file and the one I uploaded is of way better quality than this linked version … Ah! I figured out how to get the quality you want, ‘hit the download button’ to the right … that gives you the 6.5mb HD version
and ofcourse I put the wrong link for that one, correcting
25 okt 2014 – PinkDay in LA
(edited by Arghore.8340)
Ok, all should be well now, the link will take you to photo bucket, hit the download button to the right for the HD version… time to see if the update is live
25 okt 2014 – PinkDay in LA
No need to download, you can hit the zoom button twice.
I’ll just leave this hear and see if you guys have the same thoughts I did. It’s an old redditor’s map alteration of Scarlet’s probes that we saw in-game.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
I’ll just leave this hear and see if you guys have the same thoughts I did. It’s an old redditor’s map alteration of Scarlet’s probes that we saw in-game.
The Peeled Banana Ley Line.
I think there’s possibly another one(s) going up, if we take in consideration the last cutscene in LS1, Scarlet’s map of probes north and that waypoints are being affected by veins up there too.
Pick a theory. Any theory. You can plot ley lines to prove it. /sigh
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Pick a theory. Any theory. You can plot ley lines to prove it. /sigh
OMG! That’s for real? I’m gonna check out for more ley lines, I think my house is on top of a ley line hub.
About the probes, I would join them in a different way, is there any map without the banana peel? :p
Pick a theory. Any theory. You can plot ley lines to prove it. /sigh
OMG! That’s for real? I’m gonna check out for more ley lines, I think my house is on top of a ley line hub.
About the probes, I would join them in a different way, is there any map without the banana peel? :p
Your house will undoubtedly be on a line, and then you can hire a RL “Ley line dowser” to move your bed around to avoid insomnia for only a couple K. Some will even plot safe locations for pet beds. And use “earth acupuncture”. SMH
Pick a theory. Any theory. You can plot ley lines to prove it. /sigh
OMG! That’s for real? I’m gonna check out for more ley lines, I think my house is on top of a ley line hub.
About the probes, I would join them in a different way, is there any map without the banana peel? :p
Your house will undoubtedly be on a line, and then you can hire a RL “Ley line dowser” to move your bed around to avoid insomnia for only a couple K. Some will even plot safe locations for pet beds. And use “earth acupuncture”. SMH
Ok, I just lost my faith in humanity :p
Look past the internet, it will come back. I know you did a lot of work, but the premise of “ley lines” means someone can (use) your own maps to prove you are “mistaken” by simply drawing another connection.
It is the nature of the beast. I’m sorry I am such a wet blanket on this topic.
I’ve thought of charting a map to prove every death my Character has had is because of ley lines but I lack ambition to do so.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Look past the internet, it will come back
. I know you did a lot of work, but the premise of “ley lines” means someone can (use) your own maps to prove you are “mistaken” by simply drawing another connection.
It is the nature of the beast. I’m sorry I am such a wet blanket on this topic.
I’ve thought of charting a map to prove every death my Character has had is because of ley lines but I lack ambition to do so.
Yes, you are right. Fortunately, I don’t care if I’m wrong, this is just for fun. I know I won’t save Tyria with this research ^^.
Short version: It is what it is. All we can hope for is that they gave it some sort of twist, if not, then still we can research it using network principles. And if no strong links are found then that’s a conclusion too.
@Teofa, I can read in your sig your a bit hurt by the whole ley line thing, no need to take that out on us though, and I find your comments to be rather scoffing with our efforts to conduct fair and objective research… Now in a sense I will have to mention that I somewhat agree with your sentiment, but only for the poor lack of choice for the word to describe the phenomenon, which due to it’s IRL connection and the implication that arise from this connection.
Why they did this is beyond me, they could have just used ‘rivers of magic’ or ‘magical circuitry’, ‘magical network’ or even ’ Magical Concentrate Relay Connections’ and describe the same thing without opening a whole can of wurms. I put this on the pile of other choices, like f/e the one where everybody in the whole world seems to already know the name of this new dragon (which btw. could have been easily solved by having Scarlet name him by using a mixture of letter from various alphabets, first for us to decipher, then something for DE2.0 to repeat.), that at some level can indeed be called ‘questionable’.
And yes, the choice to use these rivers of magic as a trivial explanation for everything, replacing ‘magic did it’ with ‘ley lines provided the magic that did it’ can be called ‘superficial’ and dumbed down. But apparently the game is supposed to appeal to a wide western young audience, so what do you expect? high level magical physics? In a sense I am more disappointed that they actually choose to give/reveal an explanation for certain things, than the actual explanation they choose…
Now, seeing Tyria doesn’t necessarily relate to the real world as far as this Magic Network is concerned. The whole: draw a line, w/e you want, and you are always right. Is not the way I would like to go about this… What ever the name you like to give to this phenomenon, it’s ‘there’ and thus is can be researched.
We know the Azura found a high correspondence with Portal/Waypoint technology and Functioning. We found 1 (Dry top) and were pointed to another (LA) of intersections of this network, we can study phenomenon around these locations, look at commonalities and see if there are any exceptions elsewhere in the world, and whether these can be explained in a different sense. Hopefully we can find certain commonalities that are strong enough to be linked to this phenomenon and others that are not. Network analysis principles obviously apply… An other starting point is to locate other Portals in the world (as these are a much older technology than waypoints and would thus likely rely more on this ‘Magical Conduit Network’ to function). And see in how far these phenomenon spread across this network…
Hopefully we will see some interaction going on with what is already known about magic, perhaps influences by bloodstones (seeing they landed at random; given that the ‘propelled from the volcano is still lore; did they move certain rivers? do some work as dams or basins?), it would be nice if we could find a location at which the circuitry got displaced or moved. Maybe we have to conclude that it is impossible to find the actual circuits, but we might be able to explain and deduct certain behaviour on intersections (f/e what if a ’Chaos Magic’ line, crosses that of ‘Death Magic’ line? If that is how it could work.) … we won’t know until we look into it!
25 okt 2014 – PinkDay in LA
(edited by Arghore.8340)
@Arghore I agree with most of what you said. I’ll just point out.. I’m not “hurt” by the use of the trope, just appalled. Any print Fantasy I read gets a quick trip to the garbage bin and an Author written off when I see it used. It is a pet peeve. A big one.
Why they did this is beyond me, they could have just used ‘rivers of magic’ or ‘magical circuitry’, ‘magical network’ or even ’ Magical Concentrate Relay Connections’ and describe the same thing without opening a whole can of wurms.
…or not used a “ley line”-like explanation at all? Teofa wasn’t appalled that they called it Ley Lines, but rather that they felt the need at all to include such a thing. The game had already established basic explanations for magic. No, they weren’t very specific or descriptive, but that’s a good thing in a fantasy world like Tyria. Mystery used to be a lovely writing device, why abandon it?
And yes, the choice to use these rivers of magic as a trivial explanation for everything, replacing ‘magic did it’ with ‘ley lines provided the magic that did it’ can be called ‘superficial’ and dumbed down. But apparently the game is supposed to appeal to a wide western young audience, so what do you expect? high level magical physics?
We already have that, it’s called Magitech.
I troll because I care
Thank you, Obsidian. Ley lines bring un-needed baggage simply because of the widespread use them. People expect them to be what they already perceive them to be. A “thing” was wholly inserted bringing with it an already defined perception.
Even the name is nonsensical for Tyria. A “ley” is an archaic term for pastureland and fit the original premise of ley lines but fits tyrian magic in no way at all. (many new earth proponents are in fact using new terms to distance themselves from “ley lines”)
But.. a Magitechnical Matrix would have been a “new” thing even using an old concept. Norn could have explained it as the spirit of the world the spirits of the wild exist upon and draw from. Charr could explain it perhaps as the Conduits of Industry (rejecting magic). I would see Sylvari explaining is as holistic and currents entwining all growth. OFC, us silly humans would just say “The gods distribute magic in mysterious pathways, hur durr, bloodstones”. The Kodan would have tied it all into “Balance”, and so on.
Those are tip of the tongue examples.. but that opportunity to define with a cultural and Tyrian bias is gone. Every culture got “Ley lines” and appear to just accept the fact. Nobody asked “what’s a ley?”
It diminished the story and depth. IMO
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
@Obsidian, I were to assume I am entitled to have my own opinion? & @Teofa, yeah, I think we can all agree to that one. And if you read my whole post then I’m basically saying the same thing…
@Obsidian, Seeing I do not actively play an Azura (from which I assume that name comes), I am not acquainted with the ins and outs of their theories, so I’m going to have to take your word for it.
@all, general continuation, Mostly, my response was from the to easily made assumption that all this will be fruitless and useless, which, seeing the thread basically starts with the statement that this is mostly done to just do it, felt rather out of place. Further more I am of the opinion that assuming Ley Lines on Tyria are as illusive as the theories on Earth may be a wrong one, but even if so, we won’t know until we put some dirt time into it…
25 okt 2014 – PinkDay in LA
(edited by Arghore.8340)
I think the phenomenon is not dully described, because people who played GW1 would find another description for it. I mean there are a lot of hints aside from the rivers of magic that they are a little bit different than just this. Ley line seems just a temporary word or a magitech description for another world phenomenon.
There is also another ‘can of wurms’ that is opened with this explanation for magic distribution, that I realized when working on this map. I’ll leave this consideration here for your contemplation…
Assuming we can find various major ‘rivers’, and linked to it certain effects or creature appearance. Then when anything happens (as these rivers can apparently be diverted), this has consequences for all events, creatures, etc. on this ‘river’. Or, obviously the other way around, if a certain ‘river’ is to imply a certain effect or creature, then this effect/creature/etc, should be implemented along the entirety of said river. This then unless, a certain object or effect can be identified to obstruct this behaviour, which in turn should imply that, that object in other location is to have a similar effect…
This then obviously has great implications for implementing certain content. Let’s assume f/e that Scarlet, with her actions in LA, has diverted a ley line (it’s an assumed case here so i am not talking from any possible conclusions from the map! ). Now all the content along the line of the previous flow of said ley line should start to disappear, and on the new line, the old effects should reappear. Which basically means that for Anet to tamper with any ley line or hub, has further reaching consequences then just using it as a way to explain what happened…
Explanations come with consequences, and i do hope that they realized this when they choose to use this, because after you explain magic with ley lines, you can’t use the random ‘because magic’ explanation anymore to explain your deviation from your previous explanation.
On the flip side of the above, this would mean that ‘logic’ dictates that we can find these ‘rivers’ … if not, well then that would be even worse, as it would mean these rivers are pretty much a moot statement to back up a certain story angle, and then the whole dream falls apart.
25 okt 2014 – PinkDay in LA
(edited by Arghore.8340)
Cool, I have a first possible result !
The River of Spirits
- it even comes with it’s own delta, after hitting LA intersection…
- All spirits that deviate from the river to the east can be attributed to another source. (with the highest concentration linked to Ascalon Curse (still might have a link though, in a sense, as the river likely has/had it’s ‘spring’ in Orr, and consequently that is also where the swords came from)
- One possible anomaly is the Henge concentration, this ‘could’ be explained by one of the rivers from the delta taking a turn, some arguments can be made for it though. (shown with red dots)
! Remarkable conclusion, ‘if’ Mordremoth followed part of this river south (aka. his path south is somewhat along this river), then it may be that it got displaced by Scarlet’s actions first, BUT, if it did, then indeed one pocket of spirits should disappear (show with a red circle) … A case can be made though that he is following another river ‘one of fire’ as there is some correlation with dispersement of Destroyers along the same path that Mordremoth took.
-> Needless to say i made some more progress on the map, i still haven’t gotten to the Terranova reaction spawnlings though (lots of spirits! and i also needed to clean up after myself in my work document). Not sure if I should give a ‘base map’ update every time i worked on it (what do you think?)
25 okt 2014 – PinkDay in LA
(edited by Arghore.8340)
I think it would be interesting to map every dragon minion encounter, maybe they follow a pattern. For example, do Kralkatorrik minios wander outside the brand?, do destroyers appear on possible ley lines?
I just finished the last chapter andyou may want to add the portal in barradin's state.
Also, when you say Terranova, do you mean Thaumanova?, or asura instead of azura?.
@Versidia, ‘every dragon minion encounter’ ? … well, I guess the main reason I make the map and plan to release a _Base portion of it, aka, without all those possible ley lines drawn onto it, is so that people can more easily add to it… if you want to map all the dragon minion encounters, feel free to do so :P
Btw. Kralki’s minions from what I seen have not move one step outside of the brand. I already plotted all Destroyer sightings (for as far as on the wiki) onto the map. I plan to at least put a zombie ‘next’ to every map that has them, just to show the spread of them (because they would simply litter the whole map in those area’s were I to map the locations… But mapping all hearts and dynamic events related to any Dragon Minion, I guess if I didn’t want to do any other thing … but, you know … so i’ll leave that for somebody else
25 okt 2014 – PinkDay in LA
Well, not every encounter, that’s too much xD, I wanted to say zones where they appear, just as you have done with destroyers. How did you get the images you are using on your map? the portals, the destroyers, etc. I would need some to update the map :p.
Ok, well that might still be a lot of work, depending on where you put your boundaries (f/e the Risen, Flame Legion have loads). I mapped the destroyers because I knew there were only a few of them, and seeing there were only a few, I wanted to know where…
For the images I frequent the wiki, or I search (image) the interwebs. Then I use photoshop to clear the image of everything around the thing I want, and save that (as photoshop file). Then I copy/past that cut out into a new file that is much smaller (roughly 72×72px) and resize the image to fit, then save that (as photoshop file). Then I select the whole image, copy, and paste it onto the map (where it is put into a layer of it’s own), then I put it in the right spot, if needed I adjust the size a little more. Then I basically try to ‘duplicate’ the layer as much as possible, seeing that makes it a lot easier to (once all are plotted) to select them all and merge the layers. Then I name said layer to what it represents…
25 okt 2014 – PinkDay in LA
I didn’t know about this:
I didn’t know about this:
Yeah, I was really deep in speculation mode when I drew that diagram. I don’t think it works the way I wanted it to. As well, that was before we has confirmation that the steam creatures were Scarlet’s creation. The theories behind that diagram hinged on steam creatures being an unintentional side effect of her invasions (which doesn’t seem to be the case now).
Ok, seeing I want to work on an other project for a while, i will leave my work up until this point here in a Base file. So that others can work off of it, if they so prefer. This picture has all the stuff in it I plotted so far, with-out any ley line route speculation…
If you find locations with Portals, working or not, please describe the location in this thread. I’m more then likely to pick this back up in the future, as I do want to add some more things. Just happens to be that I want to work on something else for a while now and this is eating most my time, also the plotting gets a bit tedious after a while :P … so a lil break from my side, but at least most information we have now is plotted on there, while not everything has a legenda, those items should be easily identifiable based upon their ‘icon’.
25 okt 2014 – PinkDay in LA
This has been bugging me for several weeks so I decided to just go ahead and post my thoughts in full.
I think you guys are on the wrong track with the concept of portals.
While I understand the mentality behind the portal concept, there’s really nothing to suggest such beyond waypoints being fueled by ley line magic (which in of itself is downright silly). Thaumanova – the only place where teleportation and ley lines are linked together (and I’ve noted that you guys seem to have forgotten Thaumanova was over a ley line hub) – was a focus of chaos energy; the moving of the chaos energy source, the Thaumacore Energy Source, resulted in the teleportation being moved north – nothing hints at a ley line going from Thaumanova to the Toxal Bog. Suffice it to say, the grounds for the theory that portals=ley line is moot.
Instead I’d look at the following for where to look:
Starting Point 1: In an interview, Scott McGough talked about the original hints of the ley lines in GW2, citing Field Test – specifically Gorr’s mention of ambient energy in the area, stating or implying that location is above a ley line due to said ambient energy. Thus, locations denoted for heavy ambient energy are good candidates for a ley line passing through.
Starting point 2: We have confirmation that waypoints feed off of ley line magics unintentionally. So knowing where all waypoints are is a strong case of mapping out ley lines. The sad thing here… is that waypoints are everywhere. May as well just cover the whole of Tyria and call it a ley line. I would presume, however, most waypoints feed off of tiny “streams” of ley lines, which are overall insignificant and wouldn’t produce (heavy) ambient magic, rather than something as wide as the Cavern of Shining Lights.
Starting Point 3: Scarlet’s probes were made to find the ley lines, and with Scarlet knowing of them already likely placed them near suspected locations of ley lines, only trying to pin point hubs for her attack. Aside from “those we see in-game”: we also have two maps from the Scarlet’s End instance that shows the locations of probes not seen in the game – featuring the Far Shiverpeaks, Charr Legion Homelands, Woodland Cascades, and, oddly, northern Kryta (oddly because those are in-game locations, mostly – but Queensdale).
Starting Point 4: Thaumanova, Lion’s Arch, and Cavern of Shining Lights are all ley line hubs – a place where multiple ley lines converge. They also share a singular large ley line, and Lion’s Arch is the biggest. We also know the center point of each: where the drill was in LA, where the beam of light (that you jump into for the champ ogre fight), and Omadd’s Machine (per Taimi in E3). From there, we know multiple ley lines pop out from each.
Starting Point 5: Mordremoth’s vines. According to one of the interactive objects in Cavern of Shining Lights, there is a paper from Scarlet theorizing that the pockmarked/hole-filled stones of the ley line hub there is commonplace throughout Tyria underground. Through those holes via Scarlet’s equipment (according to Taimi) we can see magic moving through. This means that the major ley line paths are akin to swiss cheese – making it easy for Mordremoth’s vines to move through, right? What’s most interesting is that we have a line forming from the vines adjacent to Thaumanova and going through LA beginning just past the Cavern where Mordrem already gathered and we can see little vines throughout. Mordy’s vines are likely following two major ley lines.
Using the five above points, I have created a base map for likely points that are struck or near a ley line. Due to how there are waypoints everywhere, I created two maps: one with waypoints (the first), one without (the second).
Map Key:
- White = Ley Line Hub Centers
- Yellow = Natural Communing Skill Challenges
- Orange = Artificial Communing Skill Challenges (read: potentially made over a ley line akin to Lion’s Arch and Thaumanova).
- Red = Ambient Magic
- Maroon = GW1-only ambient magic/place of power (natural and artificial); locations based off of that_shaman’s historical map
- Blue = Waypoints
- Green = Mordremoth’s vines (Blue/Green are vine-affected waypoints)
- Purple = Probe
- Black = Elder Dragon (Primordus’s/Kralkatorrik’s hibernation spot; Zhaitan’s lair (Mordremoth’s hibernation spot unknown; Jormag and DSD’s hibernation spots supposedly off map).
I apologize for the orange over Cursed Shore… it was the last I got to and really didn’t feel like reworking that.
And a MAJOR thanks to that_shaman from reddit who had pulled various maps out so that I could make a compilation overlay map that included Dry Top, Arah, and other dungeons.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.