Guild Wars: Astronomy, Space, Stars

Guild Wars: Astronomy, Space, Stars

in Lore

Posted by: Raven.9017



Hey! So I’m a long time guild wars player and I love getting into the lore of the game. However I come to find little to nothing about the astronomy of Tyria save the giant meteorological scale in Divinity’s Reach and that a star appears upon Zhaitan’s death. Does anyone else have any possible theories, information, or even wild guesses as to what those stars in Tyria’s night sky could be?

Guild Wars: Astronomy, Space, Stars

in Lore

Posted by: Stephen.6312



Hi Raven!
Two videos worth watching on the subject are linked below:
Enjoy ????

Guild Wars: Astronomy, Space, Stars

in Lore

Posted by: Narcemus.1348


Sadly, though there are a few locations that study the stars and such, very little is actually given to us in the way of research, unless someone comes around and proves me wrong.

Guild Wars: Astronomy, Space, Stars

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

In chronological order of what we learn from what I recall:

There isn’t much in prophecies about the stars, IIRC, but in Factions we had the Celestials – basically constellations in the sky which represent/are souls of ancient humans who were risen to the heavens by the gods; they are revered as akin to demigods, though never called such. Astronomers use the constellations in the sky and their allignment to determine both a person’s nature and chances of success (aka astronomy) as well as attempting to foretell the Empire’s fortune in the coming years – when the scholars find differences in the sky in the latter case, they mark the beignning of a new “Age” in the Canthan histories, naming the age after different animals by matching the upcoming years’ fate and what the animal represents. Similarly, different constellations/celestials hold different meanings for the coming years or a person’s life.

In Factions, they also call the moon “Melandru’s Moon”, indicating some divine dominance over it and its patterns, and the calendar is lunar based with the months. Luxons also have a heavy reverence for the moon.

In Nightfall, we have the The Astralarium – which the legendary gen 2 axe, Astralia, is named after, where scholars study the stars to foretell the future – much like Canthan astronomers do.

In Sea of Sorrows and in the Astralaria collections we have several Tyrian (human, norn, and charr) constellation names brought out, as well as Tyria’s equivilant of the North Star which is listed on this wiki page and lastly, in GW2, we learn that the jotun studied the stars in a similar fashion, trying to foretell the fate of the world, and through this they learned that every 10,000 years a new star is born and relate this to the awakening of the Elder Dragons (though whether this is accurate or not is called into question by the lore on Glint, Forgotten, and dwarves) – further, there is conflicting interpretations of the jotun studies on stars, one says the Elder Dragon causes the shift in the stars the other says that they merely coincidentally line up – though there is a norn in Hoelbrak who claims the auroras have changed since Jormag woke.


  • A bunch of different cultures try to read the skies to foretell the future of people, nations, and the whole world.
  • Divine and draconic entities are capable of altering the skies.
  • Every culture has different sets of constellations, they tend to match the culture’s beliefs – e.g., charr name constellations after warriors and war machines, while norn name them after the Spriits of the Wild, and humans after the gods and heroic figures.
Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

(edited by Konig Des Todes.2086)