HoT: misc questions (major spoilers unlikely)

HoT: misc questions (major spoilers unlikely)

in Lore

Posted by: Teaniel.9052


Has anyone found Carys or Agent Batanga in the new maps yet? I heard a rumor that Batanga is dead, but haven’t found proof in-game. If you could just tell me where to look I’d like to discover their stories for myself.

Also, the Auric Basin meta event has me a little bit confused (though I haven’t played it from the beginning yet, just seen notifications as I explored the map and helped with the octovine and challenges). It’s called ‘defending Tarir,’ but we break in from the outside, after spending a lot of time standing around getting armor organized. Afterwards, a message pops up saying something about an exalted sacrificing itself to save the city. First I assumed this was what happened by default if the players fail, but I just saw it appear when we succeeded. Where did an exalted sacrifice itself in all that?

Any more clues about Canach and Countess Anise? I’ve finished the HoT story and noticed nothing, but I’m wondering if I missed a detail somewhere. I’ve only been playing for about a year, so I missed most of season 2 and player discussion of it (I have read the wiki). I find Canach an interesting character and wonder what more we know or theorize about him…

We’re going to devote our energies to sports, gardening, all the cultural pursuits;
in fact, we’re going to put the goons to sleep.
Meanwhile – we dig.

HoT: misc questions (major spoilers unlikely)

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

Zrii talks about those on her ships – my only character to get that far did the Priory’s invasion of Orr and asked about Barron and Fero, who were both pronounced dead, as well as others that my character dealt with in Orr.

She might talk about Carys or Batanga if you did other story options. Been meaning to take one of my other characters into Dragon’s Stand but I find reaper too good for HoT content to bother thus far.

Regarding the Tarir event – Mordrem invade the city and a circle of exalted (about 9) are protecting the center with the High Sage that talks throughout. One of those exalted sacrifice their life if you fail – the outcome for failing and succeeding is pretty much the same except for the number of chests you can loot at the end (and number of doors in the underground area opened). Exalted do not sacrifice if you succeed. If you got that message, you failed – probably just assumed you succeeded; note that just killing even three octovines is not a success.

As for Canach and Anise, all that’s mentioned is at the beginning prologue and the end if you talk to Canach after completing Hearts and Minds. Which is just “Anise sent Canach to fight with the Commander” at the beginning and “Canach’s going to request his freedom from Anise” at the end. Most of it is part of Season 2 and before then, which should be on the wiki.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.