How Tall Is Our Gods?

How Tall Is Our Gods?

in Lore

Posted by: Jaymee.1560


LOL, sorry guys, I have to wonder this to you all…

This is a question that may or may not have an answer, really but…

Hi there, some of you may know me as Lady Maxxma of the Sea of Sorrows server.

I do not claim to come from a long line of MMOs, myself, but I have started my MMO career with Everquest 1 (back in 2001)

Now in that game, and many others, I am sure, along with many movies no doubt, and since I, myself, just finished watching Pirates of the Caribbean 3 (At World’s End), it made me wonder something.

Our Guild War Gods, Balth, Dwayna, Melandru, Lyssa, Abbandon Grenth, Komir…

lmao, okay okay okay…. if they were to truly show themselves to us, in actual form, do you think they would appear to us as 100 foot tall creatures. Cause like in Everquest 1 and Pirates 3, and we’ll take Pirates 3 as an example: Calypso… when she was freed from her human bond, she grew to be… quite the lofty lady… I doubt any clothing from Sears or Kohls would fit her, honestly.

Think our beloved Guild Wars Gods may tower that tall?

I use to be a Ritualist and a Paragon in my former life…

(edited by Jaymee.1560)

How Tall Is Our Gods?

in Lore

Posted by: Syrpharon.7491


Abaddon was pretty tall in GW1 so I believe the other gods may be too.

How Tall Is Our Gods?

in Lore

Posted by: Dual.8953


Not sure. I know Abaddon (a former god) in GW1 appeared huge. However, Khormir was an average human once, and Grenth was a demigod. I’d imagine their height is a matter of preferance similar to King Thorn.

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

How Tall Is Our Gods?

in Lore

Posted by: Andrax.4576


I think it depends.
Kormir is probably around the same size, considering she was originally just a human in GW: Nightfall.

Abaddons head alone is way bigger than any human in Nightfall.

aaand i cant think of anything else.

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

How Tall Is Our Gods?

in Lore

Posted by: Flash.6912


who is Kormir again?

R.I.P Kumu <3

How Tall Is Our Gods?

in Lore

Posted by: Jaymee.1560


who is Kormir again?

Komir, Elonian woman of Guild Wars 1, Nightfall expansion, who in the battle with Abbandon, sacrificed herself, but in turn, absorbed his power and was reborn as the new God of Secrets. (Is it Secrets? I believe that’s what she called herself, I could be wrong)

I use to be a Ritualist and a Paragon in my former life…

How Tall Is Our Gods?

in Lore

Posted by: Lil Puppy.5216

Lil Puppy.5216

God of Truth, preserved in secrets. Abaddon and Kormir are the only ones that could have theoretical known dimensions but they’re (demi)gods so it’s just subjective. The Avatars of the gods (skills in gw1) were only slightly taller than Norns/Charr today but again, the size of a god can’t be determined by mortal means.

How Tall Is Our Gods?

in Lore

Posted by: CobaltSixty.1542


who is Kormir again?

The kitten that body blocked you the whole way through the realm of torment before stealing all the credit.

How Tall Is Our Gods?

in Lore

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

who is Kormir again?

She was an Elonian woman who became a god and is one of the gods of gw2. This video give a quick 3 minute run through on how she did it. Basically she was the Traehearn of Nightfall.

How Tall Is Our Gods?

in Lore

Posted by: Zaoda.1653


who is Kormir again?

The greedy one who stole Abaddon’s power after we, the players, did everything for her while she sat back and barked orders. And then she had the audacity to say we could do what we like now that Abaddon’s gone. That’s the pot calling the kettle black.

Tbh it would be epic if Abaddon returned to GW2. Would be good to stir up a bit of chaos. I say down with Kormir!!!

Forever a supporter of more male skimpy armor

How Tall Is Our Gods?

in Lore

Posted by: Moss.5371


I bow to no Kormir.

How Tall Is Our Gods?

in Lore

Posted by: Warcry.1596


Dwayna, on Tyria is represented as a young girl
Melandru, a druid spirit
Balthazar, a humanesqe Warrior
Grenth, a reaper
Lyssa, a two faced woman.
Kormir was human, same size
Hope these help

“He shall make whole that which was torn asunder.
Restore that which was lost. And all shall be as one.”

How Tall Is Our Gods?

in Lore

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


who is Kormir again?

She was an Elonian woman who became a god and is one of the gods of gw2. This video give a quick 3 minute run through on how she did it. Basically she was the Traehearn of Nightfall.

No. She makes Tresus look good.

How Tall Is Our Gods?

in Lore

Posted by: Xae Isareth.1364

Xae Isareth.1364

Dwayna, on Tyria is represented as a young girl
Melandru, a druid spirit
Balthazar, a humanesqe Warrior
Grenth, a reaper
Lyssa, a two faced woman.
Kormir was human, same size
Hope these help

Malchor has supposedly seen (and loves) Dwayna, and sculpted her as a winged deity.
No one has a clue what Melandru looks like.
Again, no one has a clue. I mean, we sculpt him as a armored warrior but that could be just to symbolise him as a war god.
Grenth yep.
Wasn’t Lyssa actually a pair of twins?

How Tall Is Our Gods?

in Lore

Posted by: ThatShortGuy.4672


who is Kormir again?

The kitten that body blocked you the whole way through the realm of torment before stealing all the credit.

LOL. Good post!

That Cloaked One / That Phantom Memser / That Dark One

How Tall Is Our Gods?

in Lore

Posted by: Xae Isareth.1364

Xae Isareth.1364

who is Kormir again?

The kitten that body blocked you the whole way through the realm of torment before stealing all the credit.

LOL. Good post!

Plot of LS S2: Trehearne: ’I’m actually Kormir’

How Tall Is Our Gods?

in Lore

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

Dhuum was only about two times the size of another adult, so he is about the size of a norn.

On the other hand, abaddon was HUGE.

For Dwayna, we can assume she looks like the statue malchor made of her, since malchor tried to make an exact copy.

How Tall Is Our Gods?

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


As gods, they may not have a ‘true size’. May just be however tall they choose to appear to us at any given time. There may still be a limit to how tall they can be since they aren’t omnipotent but they may not have a true size as gods. Even calypso in Pirates may not have had a true size.

How Tall Is Our Gods?

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

Their size varied. Both Dwayna and Lyssa appeared before humans in normal human sizes (under illusions mind you). Abaddon was huge while Kormir normal human size when we saw her as a god, and Dhuum was about Risen Giganticus Lupicus size. Balthazar and Grenth are also depicted as very big in their scriptures, Iirc.

It seems to me that they could change their sizes at will, but their “natural” size was gigantic. Arab was built for them so the giant doorways that the Giganticus Lupicus is a few heads from hitting the top of is probably the best measurement for natural god size.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

(edited by Konig Des Todes.2086)

How Tall Is Our Gods?

in Lore

Posted by: Horst Hortensie.5420

Horst Hortensie.5420

Dwayna, on Tyria is represented as a young girl
Melandru, a druid spirit
Balthazar, a humanesqe Warrior
Grenth, a reaper
Lyssa, a two faced woman.
Kormir was human, same size
Hope these help

Malchor has supposedly seen (and loves) Dwayna, and sculpted her as a winged deity.
No one has a clue what Melandru looks like.
Again, no one has a clue. I mean, we sculpt him as a armored warrior but that could be just to symbolise him as a war god.
Grenth yep.
Wasn’t Lyssa actually a pair of twins?

Malchor saw all and made statues of all (except Kormir, but there seems to be an Abaddon statue in the temple of the forgotten god – personal story).

Slow clap for the great puppet player.

How Tall Is Our Gods?

in Lore

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


who is Kormir again?

She was an Elonian woman who became a god and is one of the gods of gw2. This video give a quick 3 minute run through on how she did it. Basically she was the Traehearn of Nightfall.

Trahearne doesn’t steal credit. Neither did Kormir, just the godhood. Which if players had gotten it would’ve thrown the entire story into a bad loop. Expansions would be hard to pull off (Because they are a god. And if the person goes into it without playing nightfall, how the hell did they become god like?) and 250 years later, GW2, how do you have the god when a player character became it? You either make a random npc to take the spot and have a description, or have it be so vague nothing is known about them besides they exist…

who is Kormir again?

The greedy one who stole Abaddon’s power after we, the players, did everything for her while she sat back and barked orders. And then she had the audacity to say we could do what we like now that Abaddon’s gone. That’s the pot calling the kettle black.

Tbh it would be epic if Abaddon returned to GW2. Would be good to stir up a bit of chaos. I say down with Kormir!!!

See above.

Also, Abaddon is dead and gone forever. It’s why the gods withdrew, it was the final thing keeping them around and actively interacting with mortals.

How Tall Is Our Gods?

in Lore

Posted by: Andele.1306


A few things across the comments:
Dwayna, Melandru and Blathazar all have wings (both in sculpture and representation), Dhuum and Grenth have shadowy green tentacle “wing like” thingys which make their “cloth/cloak” float around; tho for grenth it are a bit more ghastly skeletal green wings as seen from mural of Grenth ( and

Dhuum wasnt even at a tenth of his strength when we fought him in the underworld (tho even at that power level he strong enough to kittenslap everyone in there because of Grenths absence) AND based on most encounters in gw, active lore power level does translate to scale, thus his more accurate size (and for all gods) would be the hall of judgement (where they didnt collapse).

Personal estimate would be between the height of jade maws maw and shadow behemoth, just because both cities/locations where we could judge the size of gods are mostly in ruins/half sunk.

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

How Tall Is Our Gods?

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

Uhm, Andele, Balthazar is never shown with wings (I’m guessing you’re mistaking the fur-shouldered cloak in this depiction to be wings?). Grenth is, however. But Dhuum is never depicted and his actual self has no “shadowy green tentacle ‘wing like’ thingys” (nor does he have cloak, really) – and Grenth doesn’t have such either. Of the two links you gave (both being Grenth), the first are wings – the latter just has a cloak. Better images on the wiki: and

And we can’t say how much of his power Dhuum was at when we fought him, since we don’t know how strong he would be usually.

And I don’t think “lore power level does translate to scale” – while it is true that bosses are scaled larger, this is more so that they can be seen, rather than that they have a stronger ‘lore power level’. I mean, for example, there were champions in the Scarlet invasion that were far bigger than any other champion of the same race (even the charr being larger than Gaheron, or the humans bigger than Mai Trin). But they’re certainly not stronger than the others – it was done so that they could be seen over the huge number of players and skill effects.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.