Human Gods and Elder Dragons...related?

Human Gods and Elder Dragons...related?

in Lore

Posted by: BlastAurochQ.2831


All right, the topic title may not be clear enough but whatever…

The point I guess I’m trying to make is this; what if the Gods and Dragons are 6 beings split into two separate halves, the Gods representing the force of good and the Dragons the force of evil?

**For example, Balthazar and Primordus are/were one being, now split in two.
Or Grenth and Zhaitan? Lyssa and Kralkatorrik? Dwayna and Jormag?

It’s just an idea, so I thought I’d throw it out there and maybe start a dialogue.

**Just a guess at the god/dragon pairings. Also, I neglected to mention Dhuum, Abaddon, Melandru, Kormir, and the Deep Sea Elder Dragon because I just wanted quick examples, and I’m not sure how they fit together

Human Gods and Elder Dragons...related?

in Lore

Posted by: Narcemus.1348


I would just like to point out that like 1/3 of the topics in this forum are people thinking that the 6 gods and the 6 dragons are related. And the point that everyone seems to come to is that they want to believe it, but they just don’t correlate as well as people would like. For instance Jormag has mind powers much like lyssa, but power over ice like Grenth, and Kralkatorrik doesn’t really fit anyone. It’s too messy to just be a straight up correlation.

Human Gods and Elder Dragons...related?

in Lore

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


I would just like to point out that like 1/3 of the topics in this forum are people thinking that the 6 gods and the 6 dragons are related. And the point that everyone seems to come to is that they want to believe it, but they just don’t correlate as well as people would like. For instance Jormag has mind powers much like lyssa, but power over ice like Grenth, and Kralkatorrik doesn’t really fit anyone. It’s too messy to just be a straight up correlation.


the theories always come out as stretching, ignoring certain inconsistencies, and making heavy assumptions, like using one theory to ‘prove’ another, to compensate the fact that there is one extra god.

those people really needed to take more math courses. you can’t prove a theory with another theory. you prove a theory with well-documencted facts, and THEN you use this theorem (no longer a theory as it’s been proven) to prove another theory. right now these discussions sound like this. just replace ‘witch’ with ‘elder dragons and the gods’.

also there’s a topic on page 1 on the discussion, we really didn’t need another one.

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell