Humans in every mmo

Humans in every mmo

in Lore

Posted by: Draw.7529


After creating my human character, I realized the lack of beards you could have. I mean, why in almost every mmorpg, Humans have to be young, handsome and rich? Always giving the feelling that they live so well, I don’t even understand why should they have to fight.
They seem so rich, they could even pay the Centaurs to leave, or even invite Zaithan to a cup of tea in their gigantic houses filled with gold and beautiful people.

To be honest, since this was my first western mmo, I was hopping to see a more realistic image of our medieval times. What happen to the old stories where humanity is starving and dying of plagues? Now it’s more like “Omg, they damaged my cute hair. NOW WE HAVE TO FIGHT!”.

Well, pretty sure most of you wont agree since Humans are always the most played race. I guess you guys enjoy being rich snobs, or something. I don’t know… I guess I’m going back to being a Norn. Just wanted to share my thoughts.

All this because I could only find one beard to my elementalist.

Humans in every mmo

in Lore

Posted by: DavyCakes.7508


“What happen to the old stories where humanity is starving and dying of plagues?”

well, this isn’t earth. It’s tyria. it has it’s own stories. besides technology in tyria is far more advanced than in the medieval times.

that being said, I do agree that humans seem too keen and neat. That’s mainly why I took the face with some kind of bruise at it’s eye.

Humans in every mmo

in Lore

Posted by: arcqe.6734


all I saw was attempts at starting an argument and trolling..

usually somewhere

Humans in every mmo

in Lore

Posted by: Curuniel.4830


The lack of facial hair was probably to distinguish male humans and male norn further. Remember, norn facial hair is a racial option at character creation; they’d have to add a whole new section for human males, which evidently they chose not to.

More to the point, the humans in GW2’s Tyria are far from medieval. If you want realistic medievalism, don’t try a fantasy game. Heard of War of the Roses? The technology levels and even the political structure in Divinity’s Reach is nothing like medieval Europe.

Humans in every mmo

in Lore

Posted by: Djahlat.9610


All I can say is that everything’s in the Lore. For example : the story of the Ebon Vanguard, which you can read a part there !!
People outside of the city have to deal with Centaurs everyday. They kill their kids, torture women and make the father of the family watch this.
In GW1, there was this big disease that appeared in Cantha, and turned people into Afflicted which you can compare to the Black Death.
GW1- Medieval
GW2- Neo Victorian
Plus, everyone’s far from being rich. You have the option to make your character come from Nobles, Middle-class or poor people.
And, i’d like to remind you that Krytans are the only humans on Tyria. They have no contact with Cantha nor with Elona, so they might be the only survivors of all humanity. It’s way more than a story of “Dude, u touched my hair cry I’ll kill youu”
And you’ve got to see GW2 like the neo Victorian time. As far as i know, Guns didn’t exist in medieval.

Humans in every mmo

in Lore

Posted by: Draw.7529


Okay, I admit I jumped to this without taking a closer look to the current Era of Tyria. But it’s kinda weird how Asuras are so evolved and, living nearby Humans, raises a lot of questions. In my view, Humans are fast learners and get their hands on everything. Wouldn’t they be all over Asura’s creations and coppying them?
What I mean is, by now, the technology would evolved really quick, unless there’s something to explain how they can still be slowed down. If there’s any answer to this like “humans can’t really get asura’s technology” or something, explain it to me. I haven’t read any of the books yet.

Humans in every mmo

in Lore

Posted by: Yata.8932


Yes it seems that asura tech is extremely advanced both magically and mathematically, so most other races can’t even begin to understand how to recreate asuran technology for themselves,

Humans in every mmo

in Lore

Posted by: Zesbeer.8365


Yes it seems that asura tech is extremely advanced both magically and mathematically, so most other races can’t even begin to understand how to recreate asuran technology for themselves,

except for the skrrit who when in pacts are arguably smarter then the asura.

Humans in every mmo

in Lore

Posted by: Adine.2184


Okay, I admit I jumped to this without taking a closer look to the current Era of Tyria. But it’s kinda weird how Asuras are so evolved and, living nearby Humans, raises a lot of questions. In my view, Humans are fast learners and get their hands on everything. Wouldn’t they be all over Asura’s creations and coppying them?
What I mean is, by now, the technology would evolved really quick, unless there’s something to explain how they can still be slowed down. If there’s any answer to this like “humans can’t really get asura’s technology” or something, explain it to me. I haven’t read any of the books yet.

The Asura were subterranean and only forced to the surface 250 years ago by the destroyers . Before then Humans had no contact with them . Also its pretty clear the Humans in Tyria while willing to use such tech dont necessarily understand it very well .

Humans in every mmo

in Lore

Posted by: Yata.8932


Yes it seems that asura tech is extremely advanced both magically and mathematically, so most other races can’t even begin to understand how to recreate asuran technology for themselves,

except for the skrrit who when in pacts are arguably smarter then the asura.

Yes! I almost forgot about them. When there are enough skritt around they use their super fast information sharing to speed up the process of discovering how things work.

Humans in every mmo

in Lore

Posted by: Lutinz.6915


Humans in GW2 are probably one of the weaker of the races from what we have seen in game. The charr, the asura, the sylvari and even the norn are dynamic and developing cultures pushing vigorously forward in mastering new forms of magic and technology, growing and evolving. Humanity comes across as a race still trying to cling to the tatters of its past glory.

Its not suprising to see why some of the other races look at humans as a dying race. They have fallen a REALLY long way. Seeing Orr rubs that in deep. Compared to what they once were, the humans are now a race pushed back to a corner of the lands they once owned and struggling to push back an invader that has even gotten to their city gates.

Humanity really needs to adapt and find its place in the future rather than the past.
Compared to many MMOs where humanity is the thriving and often central race in the story, humanity in GW2 has a very different tone.

Humans in every mmo

in Lore

Posted by: Draw.7529


But that’s the problem to me. If Humans are so struggling to survive why they don’t seem to be?
The issue here as been all about the feelling the Human zone carries. Okay, they are constantly at war with the centaurs, and that’s noticeable, how they always need your help. But at the same time, they seem to be wasting their time thriving in beauty and fine clothing. It just… Messes with my brain.

I guess this isn’t wrong at all. I mean, it’s kinda like our Human nature in reality. Even during awfull times, we still search for this little things.
I guess I ended answering my own question lol.
I’ll take a look at the Human story quest and see if through voice acting and current events, it really brings this “struggling” feeling.


Humans in every mmo

in Lore

Posted by: yandere.9176


Actually Tyria is one of the few fantasy world were the humans are NOT the newcomer underdog race, which has to compete with ancient high cultures like elves and stuff.

In Tyria humans are the ancient high culture and the other strange races are the newcomer, which I tnk is a nice twist on the old fantasy genre.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Humans in every mmo

in Lore

Posted by: Lord English.7598

Lord English.7598

Humans = Elves
Charr = Humans
Asura = Gnomes
Norn = Giants


What is steampunk without a lot of steam, and a little punk?

Humans in every mmo

in Lore

Posted by: nilzardo.4321


I agree. Where is the grit? Where is the character? I need more LOTR influence and less sparkly high school movie stuff in my games.

Humans in every mmo

in Lore

Posted by: Moragauth.8426


Then go play LOTR. You’ve clearly not played GW1. The game has never been “gritty”. It doesn’t aim to be. It has always been about beautiful, fresh visuals. It’s closer to a FF game than LOTR.

And it’s correct that in this game, humans occupy the place elves and dwarves traditionally do. Now I’d like to see the elder race for once beat the newcomers at their own game, without sacrificing what makes it unique.

Regarding facial hair… play around with the customisation. If for whatever reason you want to inflict a beard on your poor character, you can. Plus there is stubble.

Are some people ever satisfied? This sob fest about supposed grit has been going on since WoW and probably way before.

People who cannot distinguish between mediaeval earth and fantasy worlds should not bother with sci fi or fantasy RPGs. A fantasy world has absolutely no obligation to represent our own history to any degree of accuracy at all.

Humans in every mmo

in Lore

Posted by: Curuniel.4830


The issue here as been all about the feelling the Human zone carries. Okay, they are constantly at war with the centaurs, and that’s noticeable, how they always need your help. But at the same time, they seem to be wasting their time thriving in beauty and fine clothing. It just… Messes with my brain.

I know you said you answered your own question, but I find this really interesting, and kind of appropriate. As you say, we humans can be pretty good at blocking out problems we don’t want to deal with :P But you’ve got nobles in Divinity’s Reach arguing over whether they should help the more outlying human settlements, or give up on them and withdraw resources to Divinity’s Reach, as if preserving this last fortress is all they can or should do. And city-dwellers throwing carnivals and parties while places in Gendarran Fields are constantly at war (the people out there talk differently, that’s for sure).

Plus humanity is at war with itself. They’re not the only ones (all the racial enemies are internal to some degree), but with centaurs and dragons you’d think that humanity might give petty crime a rest, right? But no, bandits are still out to make a quick buck. Still preying on each other while their world falls apart around them. Tut, tut…

Humans in every mmo

in Lore

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


Apparently a human can only be ‘gritty’ when they look like a homeless person, according to some.


I for one find it very refreshing that I can actually make a human that looks both rugged and sexy.