The giant drill dominating the western horizon of Lion’s Arch is very, very big – so big, it has led a number to question: Will Mordremoth crawl out of the hole it is drilling? After all, the Six built Arah atop Zaithan. Prior to the revelation that an entity has been influencing Scarlet Briar, forum members probably would not have entertained the notion that an Elder Dragon slept beneath the foundations of Tyria’s greatest city. Mordremoth, coined “the Hidden Dragon” by Wooden Potatoes, was widely believed to be lost to the westernmost regions of the Maguuma jungle. He remained so obscure, that the only real in-game evidence as to his existence was the account of ancient jotun stelae and the abilities of Subject Alpha (of the Crucible of Eternity fame). Prominent posters theorised that although Mordremoth himself had not yet been revealed, his presence dominated the sylvari Dream as the Nightmare. The credible evidence for this theory, ironically, was not the oft-cited nightmare beast of the sylvari personal story starter instance; rather, it was the testimony of Gamarien and the presence of Nightmare hounds and husks in the Crucible of Eternity’s Zone Green. These two pieces of evidence, no matter how strong, have traditionally been the only information provided to us suggesting that an Elder Dragon other than Zaithan is behind the Nightmare. As it stands, even now theory-crafters must concede that the origins of Nightmare, aside from the fall of Faolain, do not immediately point to the work of Elder Dragons. Cadeyrn can hardly be said to have been in the pocket of any Elder Dragon, especially when we consider that he is never openly stated to have found anything like the great darkness that Caithe and Faolain did. Of course, a valid question we must ask to clarify this point is: Did Cadeyrn turn to Nightmare before or after Caithe and Faolain encountered the great darkness? If before, it further weakens the argument associating Nightmare with Elder Dragons; if after, it suggests that Cadeyrn may well have encountered the darkness through the Dream. But that is a matter for developmental input. Returning to the matter at hand: Why do we believe that Mordremoth is slumbering under Lion’s Arch?
I suppose the main thrust of my concerns must be directed at those who wish to maintain that Mordremoth could both be sleeping under Lion’s Arch and also orchestrating the Nightmare within the Dream. To reconcile such a viewpoint, we must first draw some conclusions. To begin, we must concede that the Maguuma jungle previously reached far further eastward than we may have realized. This isn’t hard to imagine. Between the last rise of the Elder Dragons and their current, some ten-thousand years have passed. In that time, civilization developed within continental Tyria and much of the forest was cleared for agriculture. Furthermore, the ancient Great Jungle Wurm of the Bloodtide Coast, recently awakened, suggests that at one stage Maguuman jungle wurms were distributed throughout the general area. The partially-consumed husks regurgitated by the wurm further confirm this, given that they are now (apparently) native only to north-western Caledon Forest. Their migration westward suggests that their local habitat was disrupted; the wurms moved with them.