Is the ending of the personal story fixed?

Is the ending of the personal story fixed?

in Lore

Posted by: Vyetta.3976


Skimmed through the forums and are the chapters still scrambled? I’d stopped pushing the issue because at least one of the Devs were being completely rude in his responses dodging my questions. Has some of them at least opened it up to discussion? Please?

I’d like to finish an un-scrambled story on at least one of my characters or, at the very least, the scrambled version when it’s MADE TO MAKE SENSE. I really want stuff from the gem store too but REFUSE to give money to a company that has so far made it clear they care more about pvp than the story of their game

(Excuse me for sounding very angry and annoyed. The responses I got before were beyond frustrating when I and other players just wanted some insight or help.)

Is the ending of the personal story fixed?

in Lore

Posted by: narwhalsbend.7059


No they’re still all kitten.

Is the ending of the personal story fixed?

in Lore

Posted by: FlamingFoxx.1305


I absolutely refuse to play any of my alts until this is fixed. Not that Anet would blink an eye over that, but still, I’m not going to go through a storyline that no longer makes sense when I know that it was originally far far better the way it was (I mean still not a great storyline but at least it made chronological and sequential sense).

Is the ending of the personal story fixed?

in Lore

Posted by: Zaklex.6308


To the OP and others that are complaining…how many times do you want them to tell you it’s a bug and they are aware of it and trying to work on a solution? You do realize it’s not as simple as plugging them back in to the story where they were since they changed the dynamics of how the story is presented, or that they might have to film new cinematics to cover the missing information, or redo the entire last 2 ‘chapters’ to fit the missing elements back in the correct place. Yes, I know it’s been almost 6 weeks now, but patience is a virtue and almost none of the people posting on the forums seems to exhibit it.

Is the ending of the personal story fixed?

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

It’s not very hard to ask for a bleedin’ update on the matter.

By the way, they never once told us it’s a bug, they merely said they’ll look into the matter. Big difference.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

Is the ending of the personal story fixed?

in Lore

Posted by: FlamingFoxx.1305


They outright confirmed that shifting around the story steps was intentional. The fact that there are now a ton of inconsistencies is not a bug, it’s simply things that they didn’t even bother to fix. Which is just ridiculous, obviously the story doesn’t matter to them…

If they KNEW there were things left to do and they cared about it they would not have updated the way the story is. They never used to be afraid of saying “when it’s ready”, there’s no reason they absolutely had to ship those updates when they did. There’s not really a good excuse for putting out an update that breaks the storyline so obviously

Is the ending of the personal story fixed?

in Lore

Posted by: ElysianEternity.6215


Maybe it’s not a bug.

Maybe they’re changing all Fear-story paths to feature SCARLET because Scarlet is VERY IMPORTANT and as we know nothing gets fixed if it doesn’t link to the Living Story, right??

Besides it means more SCARLET and it would tie wonderfully into the narrative with the Story Journal and create a delicious NPE so the newcomers have some foreshadowing to S1 when it comes back! <3333~ Also who doesn’t love SCARLET???

Apatia? Pshaaaaw. Overrated.

(Warning: This post features an over-abundance of Scurrlet. Also a lot of mixed emotions concerning Anet’s stance on their former USP.)

If this is a bug, considering how a whole chapter is missing and there’s been no word of making PS-missions replayable any time soon, their communication – and that is putting it mildly – sucks.

Also considering how many new players are going to be confused about the mixed up chapters and how many old ones might have wanted to pick one of the other paths to see what the other fears are about, an announcement on the front page or ingame-mail should be the LEAST to inform players.

Not 3 lost dev-posts in the depths of a forum with a broken search function that only a minority visits anyway. Eh.

(edited by ElysianEternity.6215)

Is the ending of the personal story fixed?

in Lore

Posted by: Vyetta.3976


To the OP and others that are complaining…how many times do you want them to tell you it’s a bug and they are aware of it and trying to work on a solution? You do realize it’s not as simple as plugging them back in to the story where they were since they changed the dynamics of how the story is presented, or that they might have to film new cinematics to cover the missing information, or redo the entire last 2 ‘chapters’ to fit the missing elements back in the correct place. Yes, I know it’s been almost 6 weeks now, but patience is a virtue and almost none of the people posting on the forums seems to exhibit it.

Please show me where they EVER told us it was a bug

Most I got was dev’s being short with me BEFORE I was angry. I asked why it happened, and basically got “It was intentional, therefor not confusing” and that they were “looking into it and would give us an update it a few days”

It has been 6 weeks. Where the heck is our update?